▼ mi | |
► base | |
assert.h | Assertions and compile-time assertions |
atom.h | 32-bit unsigned counter with atomic arithmetic, increments, and decrements |
condition.h | Multithreading condition |
config.h | Configuration of the Base API |
default_allocator.h | Default allocator implementation based on global new and delete |
enum_util.h | |
enums.h | Basic enums |
handle.h | Smart-pointer handle class for interfaces, const and non-const version |
iallocator.h | Allocator interface class to dynamically allocate and deallocate memory |
iinterface.h | The basic extensible interface |
ilogger.h | Logger interface class that supports message logging |
interface_declare.h | Mixin class template for deriving new interface declarations |
interface_implement.h | Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations |
interface_merger.h | Mixin class template to merge an interface with an implementation |
lock.h | Multithreading locks |
plugin.h | Base class for all plugins |
std_allocator.h | Standard STL allocator implementation |
types.h | Basic types |
uuid.h | A 128 bit representation of a universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID) |
version.h | Major and minor version number and an optional qualifier |
► math | |
assert.h | Assertions and compile-time assertions |
bbox.h | An axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension with supporting functions |
color.h | Standard RGBA color class with floating point elements and operations |
function.h | Math functions and function templates on simple types or generic container and vector concepts |
matrix.h | A NxM-dimensional matrix class template of fixed dimensions with supporting functions |
spectrum.h | Spectrum class with floating point elements and operations |
vector.h | Math vector class template of fixed dimension with arithmetic operators and generic functions |
version.h | Major and minor version number and an optional qualifier |
► mdl | |
mdl_distiller_options.h | Options for distiller rule applications |
mdl_distiller_plugin.h | MDL distiller plugin base class |
mdl_distiller_plugin_api.h | MDL distiller plugin API |
mdl_distiller_rules.h | MDL distiller rule definitions and rule base class |
mdl_generated_dag.h | Interfaces for the MDL DAG Intermediate Representation |
► neuraylib | |
annotation_wrapper.h | Utility class for MDL annotations |
argument_editor.h | Utility class for MDL material instances and function calls |
assert.h | Assertions and compile-time assertions |
bsdf_isotropic_data.h | Example implementations for abstract interfaces related to scene element Bsdf_measurement |
definition_wrapper.h | Utility class for MDL material and function definitions |
factory.h | Main factory function |
iallocator.h | Abstract interface for allocators |
iarray.h | Static array type |
iattribute_container.h | Scene element Attribute_container |
iattribute_set.h | Base class for database elements with attributes |
ibbox.h | Bounding box type |
ibsdf_isotropic_data.h | Abstract interfaces related to scene element Bsdf_measurement |
ibsdf_measurement.h | Scene element Bsdf_measurement |
ibuffer.h | Generic buffer interface |
icanvas.h | Abstract interface for canvases |
icolor.h | Color type |
icompiled_material.h | Scene element Compiled_material |
icompound.h | Compounds type, i.e., vectors, matrices, colors, spectrums, and bounding boxes |
idata.h | Types |
idatabase.h | API component that provides access to the database |
idebug_configuration.h | API component for debugging settings |
idynamic_array.h | Dynamic array type |
ienum.h | Numeric types |
ienum_decl.h | Enum declarations |
iexpression.h | Expressions of the MDL type system |
ifactory.h | API component for creation, assignment, and cloning of instances of types |
ifunction_call.h | Scene element Function_call |
ifunction_definition.h | Scene element Function_definition |
iimage.h | Scene element Image |
iimage_api.h | API component for various image-related functions |
iimage_plugin.h | Image plugin API |
iimpexp_base.h | Abstract base interface common for importers and exporters |
ilightprofile.h | Scene element Lightprofile |
ilogging_configuration.h | API component for logging related settings |
imap.h | Map type |
imaterial_instance.h | Scene element Material_instance |
imatrix.h | Matrix types |
imdl_archive_api.h | API component that gives access to MDL archive functionality |
imdl_backend.h | Interfaces related to MDL compiler backends |
imdl_backend_api.h | API component for MDL backend related operations |
imdl_compatibility_api.h | API component that gives access to the MDL compatibility API |
imdl_compiler.h | API component representing the MDL compiler |
imdl_configuration.h | API component for MDL related settings |
imdl_discovery_api.h | API component to discover MDL content in archives and file systems |
imdl_distiller_api.h | API component that gives access to the MDL distiller |
imdl_entity_resolver.h | Interfaces for resolving and accessing MDL entities |
imdl_evaluator_api.h | API component that gives access to the MDL evaluator |
imdl_execution_context.h | The MDL execution context and the IMessage class |
imdl_factory.h | API component that gives access to some MDL functionality |
imdl_i18n_configuration.h | API component for MDL internationalization settings |
imdl_impexp_api.h | API component for MDL related import and export operations |
imdl_loading_wait_handle.h | Interface to handle waiting for threads and notifying waiting threads |
imdl_module_builder.h | MDL module builder |
imdl_module_transformer.h | The MDL module transformer |
imdle_api.h | API component that gives access to the MDL Encapsulator API |
imodule.h | Scene element Module |
ineuray.h | Main MDL SDK API interface |
inumber.h | Numeric types |
iplugin_api.h | API component provided to plugins |
iplugin_configuration.h | API component for plugin related settings |
ipointer.h | Pointer type |
ireader.h | Readers, used by importers |
ireader_writer_base.h | Base interface common for readers and writers |
iref.h | Type that holds a reference to a database element |
iscene_element.h | Base class for all scene elements |
iscope.h | Database scopes |
ispectrum.h | Spectrum type |
istream_position.h | Position in a data stream |
istring.h | String type |
istructure.h | Structure type |
istructure_decl.h | Structure declarations |
itexture.h | Scene element Texture |
itile.h | Abstract interface for tiles |
itransaction.h | Database transactions |
itype.h | Types of the MDL type system |
iuuid.h | UUID type |
ivalue.h | Values of the MDL type system |
ivector.h | Vector types |
iversion.h | Interface for accessing version information |
iwriter.h | Writers, used by exporters |
matrix_typedefs.h | Typedefs for types from the math API |
set_get.h | Helper functions to set/get values of mi::IData |
target_code_types.h | Types required for execution of generated native and CUDA code |
type_traits.h | Type traits |
typedefs.h | Typedefs for types from the math API |
vector_typedefs.h | Typedefs for types from the math API |
version.h | Major and minor version number and an optional qualifier |
base.h | Base API |
math.h | Math API |
mdl_sdk.h | MDL SDK API |