81 mi::base::Interface_declare<0x6ca1f0c2,0xb262,0x4f09,0xa6,0xa5,0x05,0xae,0x14,0x45,0xed,0xfa>
169 const char* type_name,
225 const char* type_name,
232 T* ptr_T =
>( ptr_iinterface->
typename T::IID()));
365 const T* ptr_T =
static_cast<const T*
>( ptr_iinterface->
typename T::IID()));
407 T* ptr_T =
>( ptr_iinterface->
typename T::IID()));
441 virtual Sint32 copy(
const char* source,
const char* target,
Uint8 privacy = 0) = 0;
491 virtual Sint32 remove(
const char* name,
bool only_localized =
false) = 0;
569 const char* element,
const char* time_stamp)
const = 0;
602 const char* root_element,
603 const char* name_pattern =
604 const IArray* type_names =
const = 0;
This interface represents static arrays, i.e., arrays with a fixed number of elements.
Definition: iarray.h:37
The basic extensible interface.
Definition: iinterface.h:103
Mixin class template for deriving new interface declarations.
Definition: interface_declare.h:43
A scope is the context which determines the visibility of database elements.
Definition: iscope.h:44
A transaction provides a consistent view on the database.
Definition: itransaction.h:82
virtual base::IInterface * create(const char *type_name, Uint32 argc=0, const base::IInterface *argv[]=nullptr)=0
Creates an object of the type type_name.
virtual const base::IInterface * access(const char *name)=0
Retrieves an element from the database.
virtual const char * get_time_stamp(const char *element) const =0
Returns the time stamp of the last change of a database element.
virtual const char * get_id() const =0
Returns the ID of this transaction.
virtual bool is_open() const =0
Indicates whether the transaction is open.
T * create(const char *type_name, Uint32 argc=0, const base::IInterface *argv[]=nullptr)
Creates an object of the type type_name.
Definition: itransaction.h:224
virtual const char * get_time_stamp() const =0
Returns the time stamp describing the current "time".
virtual Sint32 copy(const char *source, const char *target, Uint8 privacy=LOCAL_SCOPE)=0
Creates a copy of a database element.
virtual base::IInterface * edit(const char *name)=0
Retrieves an element from the database and returns it ready for editing.
virtual void abort()=0
Aborts the transaction.
virtual const char * name_of(const base::IInterface *db_element) const =0
Returns the name of a database element.
static const mi::Uint8 LOCAL_SCOPE
Symbolic privacy level for the privacy level of the scope of this transaction.
Definition: itransaction.h:89
virtual bool has_changed_since_time_stamp(const char *element, const char *time_stamp) const =0
Checks whether an element has been stored or changed in the database since a given time stamp.
virtual IArray * list_elements(const char *root_element, const char *name_pattern=nullptr, const IArray *type_names=nullptr) const =0
Returns scene elements of a subgraph originating at a given scene element.
T * create()
Creates an object of the type T.
Definition: itransaction.h:272
virtual Sint32 remove(const char *name, bool only_localized=false)=0
Marks the element with the name name for removal from the database.
virtual Sint32 commit()=0
Commits the transaction.
const T * access(const char *name)
Retrieves an element from the database.
Definition: itransaction.h:360
virtual IScope * get_scope() const =0
Returns the scope of this transaction.
T * edit(const char *name)
Retrieves an element from the database and returns it ready for editing.
Definition: itransaction.h:402
virtual Sint32 store(base::IInterface *db_element, const char *name, Uint8 privacy=LOCAL_SCOPE)=0
Stores the element db_element in the database under the name name and with the privacy level privacy.
virtual Sint32 get_privacy_level(const char *name) const =0
Returns the privacy level of the element with the name name.
virtual const IInterface * get_interface(const Uuid &interface_id) const =0
Acquires a const interface from another.
virtual Uint32 release() const =0
Decrements the reference count.
unsigned char Uint8
8-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:47
int Sint32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:46
unsigned int Uint32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:49
Mixin class template for deriving new interface declarations.
Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH.
Definition: example_derivatives.dox:5
Major and minor version number and an optional qualifier.
Type traits relating interfaces, corresponding primitive types, and their type names.
Definition: type_traits.h:162