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nv::index Namespace Reference

Namespace for NVIDIA IndeX library APIs. More...


namespace  xac
 Namespace for XAC.
namespace  xaclib
 Namespace for XAC library functions.


struct  Data_point_info_sparse_volume
 Struct to represent the information on a current voxel and its properties. More...
struct  Data_point_output_sparse_volume
 Output information for XAC compute programs. More...
class  Distributed_compute_technique
 Mixin class for implementing the IDistributed_compute_technique interface. More...
class  Distributed_compute_technique_LOD
 Mixin class for implementing the IDistributed_compute_technique_LOD interface. More...
class  Distributed_continuous_data_import_callback
 This mixin class can be used to implement the IDistributed_data_import_callback interface. More...
class  Distributed_data_job
 Mixin class that implements the mi::neuraylib::Distributed_data_job interface. More...
class  Distributed_data_locality_query_mode
 Implements a query method that selection all data subsets of a distributed dataset for distributed job execution. More...
class  Distributed_data_subset_locality_query_mode
 Implements a query method that selection all data subsets of a distributed dataset covered by a region of interest. More...
class  Distributed_discrete_data_import_callback
 This mixin class can be used to implement the IDistributed_data_import_callback interface. More...
class  Distributed_height_field_locality_query_mode
 Implements the height field specific query mode height field patches. More...
class  Distributed_inference_technique
 Mixin class for implementing the IDistributed_inference_technique interface. More...
class  IAffinity_information
 Application-side control of data distribution to cluster machines and GPUs. More...
class  IApplication_depth_buffer
 Depth buffer provided by an application, enabling NVIDIA IndeX to do depth-correct compositing with a rendering performed by the application. More...
class  IApplication_depth_buffer_float
 Generic floating point depth buffer format provided by an application, enabling NVIDIA IndeX to do depth-correct compositing with a rendering performed by the application. More...
class  IApplication_depth_buffer_gl
 Depth buffer in OpenGL format provided by an application, enabling NVIDIA IndeX to do depth-correct compositing with a rendering performed by the application. More...
class  IAttribute
 Attributes are a part of the scene description that provide a common mechanism for parameterized information used in processing. More...
class  IBalancing_operation
 The interface class for all balancing operations generated by NVIDIA IndeX when redistributing workload in the cluster. More...
class  IBalancing_operations
 This class serves as a collection of all workload balancing operations that occurred and the NVIDIA IndeX produced when redistributing workload for scalable rendering and data processing. More...
class  ICamera
 Abstract interface class representing a generic camera. More...
class  ICanvas_viewport_list
 Defines a list of canvases with associated viewports. More...
class  ICircle
 NVIDIA IndeX provides scene elements that enable annotating 3D scenes or implementing 3D user-interface widgets. More...
class  IClip_region
 Defines a generic clipping region that is applied to shapes. More...
class  IClock_pulse_generator
 The interface class IClock_pulse_generator generates the time for playing animations. More...
class  ICluster_change_callback
 The interface class allows implementing user-defined callbacks issued whenever the cluster topology has changed. More...
class  ICluster_configuration
 Configuration of the NVIDIA IndeX cluster environment. More...
class  IColormap
 An abstract representation of a colormap for storing in the distributed database. More...
class  ICompute_launch_request
 Interface to define a compute launch request. More...
class  ICompute_plane_parameters
 Interface to parameters of a compute plane. More...
class  ICompute_result_buffer_2D
 Interface to compute results from a compute plane target. More...
class  ICompute_results
 Interface to access results of compute launch. More...
class  ICone
 A 3D cone is defined by its base's center and a tip. More...
class  IConfig_settings
 An abstract interface for sharing global settings that configure NVIDIA IndeX rendering and computing functionality. More...
class  ICorner_point_grid
 Scene element representing corner-point grids. More...
class  ICorner_point_grid_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for corner-point grid data. More...
class  ICorner_point_grid_subset
 Defines the vertices and attributes of a subset (sub-grid) of a corner-point grid. More...
class  ICuda_memory_allocator
 Interface class allowing applications to implement a custom CUDA-memory allocation mechanism. More...
class  ICuda_memory_buffer
 Interface class encapsulating and exposing CUDA device memory. More...
class  ICuda_memory_manager
 Interface class for allocating NVIDIA IndeX library-side buffers for use also on the application-side. More...
class  ICylinder
 The set of higher-level 3D shapes part of the NVIDIA IndeX library includes a 3D cylinder. More...
class  IData_distribution
 Retrieving information about the data distribution and scheduling tasks against distributed data. More...
class  IData_sample
 Base-interface class for all data-sample interface classes. More...
class  IData_sample_float32
 Single-channel 32bit floating point data sample. More...
class  IData_sample_rgba8
 Four-channel 8bit per channel unsigned integer data sample. More...
class  IData_sample_typed
 Intermediate-interface class for all typed data-sample interfaces. More...
class  IData_sample_uint16
 Single-channel 16bit unsigned data sample. More...
class  IData_sample_uint8
 Single-channel 8bit unsigned data sample. More...
class  IData_subset_compute_task_processing
 Receives user-implemented compute tasks and applies them to distributed data subsets. More...
class  IData_subset_factory
 Factory for creating an empty data subset for a specific distributed dataset type. More...
class  IData_subset_processing_task
 Base interface for distributed datatype specific subset data processing. More...
class  IDepth_offset
 Defines the depth-offset for shapes following this attribute in the scene description. More...
class  IDepth_test
 Defines a depth test for the shapes defined in the scene description. More...
class  IDevice_execution_error
 This error interface specialization indicates a failure to execute a GPU-device kernel at runtime. More...
class  IDevice_out_of_memory_error
 This class specializes the generic out-of-memory error interface (IOut_of_memory_error) to indicate the GPU-device memory system as the source of the resource allocation failure. More...
class  IDiagnostic_rendering_properties
 Interface representing rendering properties for diagnostic rendering. More...
class  IDirectional_headlight
 A directional headlight is just like a normal directional light, just the light direction is specified in eye space instead of object space. More...
class  IDirectional_light
 An interface class representing a directional light. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer
 The interface class enables the asynchronous generation of 2D texture buffers and 3D volume data. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_2d_texture
 Compute-destination buffer for 2D texture generation techniques. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_2d_texture_LOD
 Compute-destination buffer for 2D LOD-texture generation techniques. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_2d_texture_LOD_configuration
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_3d_sparse_volume
 Compute-destination buffer for 3D sparse-volume generation techniques. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_irregular_volume
 Compute-destination buffer for irregular volume generation techniques. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_particle_volume
 Compute-destination buffer for particle volumes (point sets). More...
class  IDistributed_compute_destination_buffer_VDB
 Compute-destination buffer for VDB (NanoVDB) volume generation techniques. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_intersection_points
 The interface class exposes intersection points that can be used, for instance, to texture or shade the surface of geometry. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_technique
 Interface class for user-defined techniques for computing data (2D textures on plane and heightfield shapes and 3D volume data) on demand. More...
class  IDistributed_compute_technique_LOD
 Interface class for user-defined techniques for computing 2D LOD-texture data on demand. More...
class  IDistributed_data
 The base class of all distributed datasets. More...
class  IDistributed_data_access
 Interface class enabling custom distributed data accesses. More...
class  IDistributed_data_access_factory
 Interface class that exposes distributed data access interfaces for specific scene element. More...
class  IDistributed_data_attribute_set_descriptor
 A data attribute set descriptor configures and communicates the attributes for a data subset. More...
class  IDistributed_data_import_callback
 Import callback mechanism for implementing distributed and parallel data loading from arbitrary sources. More...
class  IDistributed_data_job
 Distributed job interface enabling analysis and processing running against distributed subset data. More...
class  IDistributed_data_job_scheduler
 Scheduling and launching distributed data analysis and processing jobs. More...
class  IDistributed_data_locality
 Data locality information for distributed datasets. More...
class  IDistributed_data_locality_query_mode
 Query modes enable the purposeful selection of data subsets for data localities. More...
class  IDistributed_data_properties
 This class gives basic properties of distributed datasets imported using the parallel data loading of NVIDIA IndeX through the IDistributed_data_import_callback interface. More...
class  IDistributed_data_subset
 A data subset represent the unique entity representing a distributed dataset inside a single subregion. More...
class  IDistributed_data_subset_data_descriptor
 Subset data descriptors communicate the structural data representations about a subset data to an application. More...
class  IDistributed_data_subset_locality_query_mode
 Query modes to determine the data localities of data subsets inside a region of interest. More...
class  IDistributed_height_field_locality_query_mode
 Height field specific query modes to determine the data localities of height field patches. More...
class  IDistributed_inference_technique
 Interface class for user-defined AI/DL inference techniques. More...
class  IDomain_specific_subdivision
 Domain specific subdivision and data distribution. More...
class  IDomain_specific_subdivision_topology
 Domain specific subdivision with topology information. More...
class  IEllipse
 NVIDIA IndeX provides scene elements that enable annotating 3D scenes or implementing 3D user-interface widgets. More...
class  IEllipsoid
 The set of higher-level 3D shapes part of the NVIDIA IndeX library include a 3D ellipsoid. More...
class  IError
 The base class of all errors generated by NVIDIA IndeX. More...
class  IError_set
 This class serves as a collection of runtime errors potentially generated during the execution of distributed NVIDIA IndeX processes such as multi-GPU or cluster-based rendering. More...
class  IEvent_tracing
 Main class that handles trace event collection and recording. More...
class  IFlat_shading
 An interface class representing flat shading. More...
class  IFont
 A font attribute describes the appearance of a label in the scene description. More...
class  IFrame_info_callbacks
 The frame info callbacks receive details related to the frame to be rendered. More...
class  IFrame_results
 The frame results store information gathered during the rendering process. More...
class  IFrame_results_list
 List of rendering results for multi-view rendering. More...
class  IHeight_field_scene_element
 Interface for height field volume scene elements. More...
class  IHeight_field_subset
 Distributed data storage class for height-field subsets. More...
class  IHeight_field_subset_data_descriptor
 Subset-data descriptor for tiled height-field subsets. More...
class  IHeightfield_geometry_settings
 Scene attribute to control the rendering of embedded heightfield geometry. More...
class  IHeightfield_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the heightfield specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  IHeightfield_wireframe_style
 The interface class representing the wireframe style specific to heightfields. More...
class  IHost_out_of_memory_error
 This class specializes the generic out-of-memory error interface (IOut_of_memory_error) to indicate the host memory system as the source of the resource allocation failure. More...
class  IIcon_2D
 Icons are common means for annotating a 3D scene using images. More...
class  IIcon_3D
 Icons are common means for annotating a 3D scene using images. More...
class  IImage_space_shape
 Image space shapes have an extent defined in two-dimensional image space even though their position may be affected by the applied transformations present in the scene description. More...
class  IIndex
 Interface to represent the entry point to the NVIDIA IndeX library and its functionality. More...
class  IIndex_canvas
 Enables rendering to a user-defined canvas. More...
class  IIndex_canvas_creation_properties
 Interface class for creating NVIDIA IndeX built-in canvases such as a CUDA memory canvas. More...
class  IIndex_compute
 Interface to XAC compute infrastructure. More...
class  IIndex_cuda_canvas
 CUDA-memory based canvas. More...
class  IIndex_cuda_canvas_creation_properties
 Interface class for creating NVIDIA IndeX built-in a CUDA memory canvas. More...
class  IIndex_debug_configuration
 Interface to set debug options for the NVIDIA IndeX library. More...
class  IIndex_direct
 Simplified scene management for volumes with direct access to low-level data. More...
class  IIndex_loader_configuration
 Optional configuration for how the NVIDIA IndeX library loads its dependeny shared libraries, such as DiCE. More...
class  IIndex_rendering
 Enables the rendering of a user-defined session/scene. More...
class  IIndex_scene_query
 Interface class that enables application writers to query the scene's contents. More...
class  IIndex_session
 API component for creating the user session in the NVIDIA IndeX library. More...
class  IInference_result
 Interface class representing AI/DL inference results to be consumed by NVIDIA IndeX. More...
class  IInference_source_data
 Interface class exposes the source data that an inference technique can operate on. More...
class  IIntersection_highlight_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the pick result specific to the intersection highlighting. More...
class  IIntersection_highlighting
 Enables the highlighting of an intersection with another shape on the surface of the current shape. More...
class  IIrregular_volume_compute_task
 Interface class for a volume compute tasks operating on the voxel values of one irregular volume data. More...
class  IIrregular_volume_rendering_properties
 Diagnostic rendering properties for irregular volumes. More...
class  IIrregular_volume_scene_element
 Interface for irregular volume scene elements. More...
class  IIrregular_volume_subset
 Distributed data storage class for irregular volume subsets. More...
class  ILabel_2D
 A label defined in image space. More...
class  ILabel_3D
 A label defined in object space. More...
class  ILabel_layout
 A label layout defined a label's appearance including, for instance, the padding around the test and the foreground and background colors. More...
class  ILight
 The light base class. More...
class  ILine_set
 Interface class for line geometry, which is a scene element and can be added to the scene description. More...
class  ILine_set_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the line set specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  IMaterial
 The material base class. More...
class  IMemory_manager
 Interface class for allocating NVIDIA IndeX library-side buffers for use also on the application-side. More...
class  Index_canvas
 Mixin class for implementing the IIndex_canvas interface. More...
class  Index_cuda_canvas
 Application managed interface class of a CUDA canvas implemented inside the NVIDIA IndeX library. More...
class  Index_cuda_canvas_creation_properties
 Implements the properties required by NVIDIA IndeX for creating a CUDA canvas. More...
class  IObject_space_shape
 Object space shapes are defined in the 3D scene, i.e., their position as well as their extent is affected by the applied transformations present in the scene description. More...
class  IOrthographic_camera
 Interface class for a camera implementing the orthographic camera model. More...
class  IOut_of_memory_error
 The base class for out-of-memory errors generated by NVIDIA IndeX. More...
class  IParticle_volume_attribute_set_descriptor
 Attribute-set descriptor for particle volume subsets. More...
class  IParticle_volume_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for particle volume data. More...
class  IParticle_volume_scene_element
 Interface for particle volume scene elements. More...
class  IParticle_volume_subset
 Distributed data storage class for particle volume subsets. More...
class  IParticle_volume_subset_device
 Distributed data storage class for particle volume subsets hosted on a GPU device. More...
class  IPath_2D
 Interface class for 2D paths. More...
class  IPath_3D
 Interface class for 3D paths. More...
class  IPath_lookup_result
 Interface class that represents the path specific entry lookup result. More...
class  IPath_pick_result
 Interface class that represents the path-specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  IPath_style
 Interface class representing the styles that can be applied to a path. More...
class  IPer_span_statistics
 Interface class that exposes the performance values and statistics of a single horizontal span. More...
class  IPerformance_values
 Interface class to query overall system performance values and statistics. More...
class  IPerspective_camera
 Interface class for a camera implementing the perspective camera model. More...
class  IPhong_gl
 Simple OpenGL Phong material property. More...
class  IPhong_shading
 An interface class representing Phong shading. More...
class  IPipe_set
 Pipe set. More...
class  IPipe_set_subset
 Distributed data storage for pipe sets. More...
class  IPipe_subset_parameters
 Helper for setting the parameters of a single pipe inside a subset. More...
class  IPlane
 Interface class representing a rectangular cutout of an infinite plane as part of the scene description. More...
class  IPlane_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the plane specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  IPoint_set
 Interface class for a point set, which is a scene element and can be added the scene description. More...
class  IPoint_set_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the point set specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  IPolygon
 A polygon of n vertices defined in image space. More...
class  IProgress_callback
 User-defined progress callback for querying the progress of the distributed rendering or computing task. More...
class  IRay_sampling
 Interface to perform ray sampling. More...
class  IRay_sampling_object_info
 Interface to access information about the sampled object. More...
class  IRay_sampling_query
 Interface to define a query for ray sampling the scene's contents. More...
class  IRay_sampling_result
 Interface to access result of ray sampling the scene's contents. More...
class  IRay_sampling_value_format
 Interface to define user values for ray sampling the scene's contents. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield
 The abstract interface class representing a heightfield scene element. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_compute_task
 Heightfield data specific compute tasks that operate on the values of a heightfield's patch. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_data_access
 Interface class for accessing the distributed heightfield data. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_data_edit
 This interface class represents an entry point for user-defined editing tasks that operate on the heightfield patches to modify their elevation values. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_locality_query_mode
 Data locality query mode for deprecated heightfield datasets. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_patch
 Distributed data storage class for regular heightfield scene elements. More...
class  IRegular_heightfield_rendering_properties
 Rendering properties for regular height-field data. More...
class  IRendering_kernel_program
 The interface class representing user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  IRendering_kernel_program_headers
 Defines headers that can be included by rendering kernel programs. More...
class  IRendering_kernel_program_parameters
 The interface class representing user-defined parameter buffers for user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  IRendering_kernel_program_scene_element_mapping
 Scene attribute to map scene elements to slots that are accessible by user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  IRendering_order
 Defines the rendering order of image space shape. More...
class  Irregular_volume_compute_task
 Mixin class for implementing the IIrregular_volume_compute_task interface. More...
class  IRuntime_error
 This error interface specialization indicates general runtime failures. More...
class  IScene
 The abstract interface class representing the entire scene. More...
class  IScene_convenience_manipulation
 An interface class that provides a convenient way to change commonly used scene manipulations. More...
class  IScene_element
 The interface class represents scene elements. More...
class  IScene_group
 A scene group allows structuring a scene in a hierarchical form. More...
class  IScene_lookup_result
 Interface class that returns the result of a entry lookup operation. More...
class  IScene_path
 Describes a path through the scene description to identify a specific instance of a scene element. More...
class  IScene_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the result of a pick operation. More...
class  IScene_pick_results
 Interface class that returns all results of a pick operation in front-to-back order. More...
class  IScene_pick_results_list
 Defines a list of pick results. More...
class  IScene_visitor
 Enables user-specific evaluations of the scene representation. More...
class  ISession
 The session represents the entire workspace with the NVIDIA IndeX environment. More...
class  IShading_model
 The interface class representing a shading model. More...
class  IShape
 The base class of all shapes. More...
class  IShape_scene_group
 A shape scene group (or simply "shape group") aggregates multiple scene elements to create new user-defined geometry objects. More...
class  IShape_scene_group_manipulator
 An implementation of IShape_scene_group_manipulator creates user-defined geometry by filling an IShape_scene_group with scene elements. More...
class  ISparse_volume_attribute_set_descriptor
 Attribute-set descriptor for sparse volume subsets. More...
class  ISparse_volume_compute_task
 Compute tasks operating on sparse-volume subsets. More...
class  ISparse_volume_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for sparse volume data. More...
class  ISparse_volume_scene_element
 Interface for sparse volume scene elements. More...
class  ISparse_volume_subset
 Distributed data storage class for sparse volume subsets. More...
class  ISparse_volume_subset_data_descriptor
 Data descriptor for sparse volume data subsets. More...
class  ISphere
 A simple sphere. More...
class  IStatic_scene_group
 A static scene group is used in the typical manner for structuring the scene but does not maintain its own transformation matrix. More...
class  ISubdivision
 Spatial subdivision. More...
class  ISubdivision_topology
 Subdivision with topology information. More...
class  ISurface_sample_program
 An interface class representing rendering kernel programs applied to surface primitives (e.g., IRegular_heightfield). More...
class  ITexture
 A base class that defines the properties of a texture of resolution [x,y] for a given pixel format. More...
class  ITexture_filter_mode
 The interface class representing a texture filter mode. More...
class  ITexture_filter_mode_linear
 An interface class representing linear texture filtering. More...
class  ITexture_filter_mode_nearest_neighbor
 An interface class representing nearest-neighbor texture filtering. More...
class  ITime_step_assignment
 The interface class ITime_step_assignment maps absolute time to time steps (or key frames). More...
class  ITrace_collection
class  ITrace_collection_handler
 Callback interface for handling a trace collection. More...
class  ITrace_event_iterator
 Iterator for accessing individual trace events. More...
class  ITransformed_scene_group
 A transformed scene group is used in the typical manner for structuring the scene but also defines a transformation matrix which will be applied to all of its children. More...
class  ITriangle_mesh_lookup_result
 Interface class that returns the triangle mesh specific result of a query operation. More...
class  ITriangle_mesh_pick_result
 Interface class that returns the triangle mesh specific result of a pick operation/query. More...
class  ITriangle_mesh_scene_element
 Triangle mesh interface class that represents a large-scale triangle mesh in the scene description. More...
class  ITriangle_mesh_subset
 Defines the vertices and per-vertex attributes of a subset of a triangle mesh. More...
class  IVDB_rendering_properties
 Rendering properties for VDB data. More...
class  IVDB_scene_element
 Interface for VDB scene elements. More...
class  IVDB_subset
 Distributed data storage class for VDB subsets. More...
class  IVDB_subset_device
 Distributed data storage class for VDB subsets hosted on a GPU device. More...
class  IViewport
 A viewport defines a two-dimensional area of a canvas where the scene from a given DiCE scope should be rendered. More...
class  IViewport_list
 Defines a list of viewports that will be rendered onto a canvas. More...
class  IVolume_device_data_buffer
 Volume device-data accessor interface. More...
class  IVolume_direct_cuda
 Provides direct access to volume data on a CUDA device. More...
class  IVolume_direct_host
 Provides direct access to volume data. More...
class  IVolume_sample_program
 An interface class representing rendering kernel programs applied to volume primitives (e.g., ISparse_volume_scene_element). More...
class  IWireframe_rendering_style
 The interface class representing an attribute to render triangle based geometries in wireframe style. More...
class  Regular_heightfield_locality_query_mode
 Implements a data locality query mode for deprecated heightfield datasets. More...
class  Sparse_volume
 Sparse volume reference class. More...
class  Sparse_volume_sampler
 Sparse volume sampler for retrieving filtered and optionally classified volume samples. More...
struct  Subregion_identifier
 Unique identifier refering to a subregion. More...


typedef mi::Uint64 IFrame_identifier
 A frame's unique identifier. More...
typedef const Volume_direct_data * Volume_direct_data_handle
 Direct access to volume data structure. More...
typedef IApplication_depth_buffer_gl IOpengl_application_buffer
 Typedef for backward compatibility with deprecated IOpengl_application_buffer. More...


enum  Distributed_data_attribute_format {
 Attribute formats for distributed dataset types. More...
enum  ITrace_event_type {
 Value types for trace events. More...
enum  Volume_direct_type {
enum  Particle_volume_rendering_mode {
 Available rendering modes for particle volume elements. More...
enum  Particle_volume_RBF_falloff_kernel
 Available radial basis-functions for the direct volume rendering mode of particle volume primitives. More...
enum  Sparse_volume_filter_mode {
 Filtering modes (interpolation) for sparse volume access. More...
enum  Sparse_volume_voxel_format {
 Voxel format of sparse volume voxel data. More...
enum  VDB_filter_mode {
 Filtering modes (interpolation) for VDB volume access. More...
enum class  Volume_filter_mode : unsigned
 Sparse volume filter modes. More...
enum class  Volume_classification_mode : unsigned
 Sparse volume sample classification modes. More...


template<class T>
T * nv_factory (void *symbol, void *arg=0)
 Convenience function to ease the use of nv_factory(). More...
mi::Sint32 get_sizeof (const nv::index::Sparse_volume_voxel_format fmt)
 Get the size in byte for a given sparse volume voxel data format. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for NVIDIA IndeX library APIs.

Typedef Documentation


typedef mi::Uint64 nv::index::IFrame_identifier

A frame's unique identifier.


Typedef for backward compatibility with deprecated IOpengl_application_buffer.

Use Application_depth_buffer_opengl instead.


typedef const Volume_direct_data* nv::index::Volume_direct_data_handle

Direct access to volume data structure.

Enumeration Type Documentation



NVIDIA IndeX sparse volume-octree (SVO) representation.


NanoVDB volume representation.