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Attributes effect the distributed datasets or shapes through the hierarchical scene description. More...


class  nv::index::IAttribute
 Attributes are a part of the scene description that provide a common mechanism for parameterized information used in processing. More...
class  nv::index::IClip_region
 Defines a generic clipping region that is applied to shapes. More...
class  nv::index::IColormap
 An abstract representation of a colormap for storing in the distributed database. More...
class  nv::index::ICorner_point_grid_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for corner-point grid data. More...
class  nv::index::IDepth_offset
 Defines the depth-offset for shapes following this attribute in the scene description. More...
class  nv::index::IDepth_test
 Defines a depth test for the shapes defined in the scene description. More...
class  nv::index::IDiagnostic_rendering_properties
 Interface representing rendering properties for diagnostic rendering. More...
class  nv::index::IFont
 A font attribute describes the appearance of a label in the scene description. More...
class  nv::index::IIntersection_highlighting
 Enables the highlighting of an intersection with another shape on the surface of the current shape. More...
class  nv::index::IIrregular_volume_rendering_properties
 Diagnostic rendering properties for irregular volumes. More...
class  nv::index::ILabel_layout
 A label layout defined a label's appearance including, for instance, the padding around the test and the foreground and background colors. More...
class  nv::index::ILight
 The light base class. More...
class  nv::index::IDirectional_light
 An interface class representing a directional light. More...
class  nv::index::IDirectional_headlight
 A directional headlight is just like a normal directional light, just the light direction is specified in eye space instead of object space. More...
class  nv::index::IMaterial
 The material base class. More...
class  nv::index::IPhong_gl
 Simple OpenGL Phong material property. More...
class  nv::index::IParticle_volume_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for particle volume data. More...
class  nv::index::IPath_style
 Interface class representing the styles that can be applied to a path. More...
class  nv::index::IHeightfield_geometry_settings
 Scene attribute to control the rendering of embedded heightfield geometry. More...
class  nv::index::IRegular_heightfield_rendering_properties
 Rendering properties for regular height-field data. More...
class  nv::index::IRendering_kernel_program
 The interface class representing user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  nv::index::IRendering_kernel_program_headers
 Defines headers that can be included by rendering kernel programs. More...
class  nv::index::IRendering_kernel_program_parameters
 The interface class representing user-defined parameter buffers for user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  nv::index::IRendering_kernel_program_scene_element_mapping
 Scene attribute to map scene elements to slots that are accessible by user-programmable rendering kernel components. More...
class  nv::index::IVolume_sample_program
 An interface class representing rendering kernel programs applied to volume primitives (e.g., ISparse_volume_scene_element). More...
class  nv::index::ISurface_sample_program
 An interface class representing rendering kernel programs applied to surface primitives (e.g., IRegular_heightfield). More...
class  nv::index::IRendering_order
 Defines the rendering order of image space shape. More...
class  nv::index::IShading_model
 The interface class representing a shading model. More...
class  nv::index::IFlat_shading
 An interface class representing flat shading. More...
class  nv::index::IPhong_shading
 An interface class representing Phong shading. More...
class  nv::index::ISparse_volume_rendering_properties
 The interface class representing rendering properties for sparse volume data. More...
class  nv::index::ITexture
 A base class that defines the properties of a texture of resolution [x,y] for a given pixel format. More...
class  nv::index::ITexture_filter_mode
 The interface class representing a texture filter mode. More...
class  nv::index::ITexture_filter_mode_nearest_neighbor
 An interface class representing nearest-neighbor texture filtering. More...
class  nv::index::ITexture_filter_mode_linear
 An interface class representing linear texture filtering. More...
class  nv::index::ITime_step_assignment
 The interface class ITime_step_assignment maps absolute time to time steps (or key frames). More...
class  nv::index::IVDB_rendering_properties
 Rendering properties for VDB data. More...
class  nv::index::IWireframe_rendering_style
 The interface class representing an attribute to render triangle based geometries in wireframe style. More...
class  nv::index::IHeightfield_wireframe_style
 The interface class representing the wireframe style specific to heightfields. More...


enum  nv::index::Particle_volume_rendering_mode {
 Available rendering modes for particle volume elements. More...
enum  nv::index::Particle_volume_RBF_falloff_kernel
 Available radial basis-functions for the direct volume rendering mode of particle volume primitives. More...
enum  nv::index::Sparse_volume_filter_mode {
  nv::index::SPARSE_VOLUME_FILTER_NEAREST = 0x00 ,
 Filtering modes (interpolation) for sparse volume access. More...
enum  nv::index::VDB_filter_mode {
  nv::index::VDB_FILTER_NEAREST = 0x00 ,
  nv::index::VDB_FILTER_TRILINEAR = 0x01
 Filtering modes (interpolation) for VDB volume access. More...

Detailed Description

Attributes effect the distributed datasets or shapes through the hierarchical scene description.

Scene attributes provide a common mechanism for controlling other scene elements. These attributes can be created by IScene::create_attribute method.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Available radial basis-functions for the direct volume rendering mode of particle volume primitives.

These define the falloff of the influence of a particle over its volume of influence defined by its radius.


Available rendering modes for particle volume elements.


Direct volume rendering using radial basis functions (RBF) (see Particle_volume_RBF_falloff_kernel)


Render particles as solid geometries (boxes)


Render particles as solid geometries (cones)


Render particles as solid geometries (cylinders)


Render particles as solid geometries (spheres)


Render particles as solid geometries (discs)


Render particles as solid geometries, where the shape is selected by a second uint8-typed attribute (index 1).

The values stored per-particle need to match the values from PARTICLE_VOLUME_RENDERING_MODE_SOLID_BOX to PARTICLE_VOLUME_RENDERING_MODE_SOLID_DISC (1..5)


Filtering modes (interpolation) for sparse volume access.


Access a single voxel with nearest filtering (a.k.a. point filtering).


Trilinear interpolation with post-classification.


Trilinear interpolation with pre-classification.


Tricubic Catmull-Rom interpolation with post-classification.


Tricubic Catmull-Rom interpolation with pre-classification.


Tricubic B-spline interpolation with post-classification.


Tricubic B-spline interpolation with pre-classification.


Filtering modes (interpolation) for VDB volume access.


Access a single voxel with nearest filtering (a.k.a. point filtering).


Trilinear interpolation with post-classification.