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MDL type system

The MDL type system mainly consists of four sets of interfaces: More...


class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression
 The interface to MDL expressions. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_constant
 A constant expression. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_call
 An indirect call expression. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_parameter
 A parameter reference expression. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_direct_call
 A direct call expression. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_temporary
 A temporary reference expression. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_list
 An ordered collection of expressions identified by name or index. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IAnnotation_definition
 An annotation definition. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IAnnotation
 An annotation is similar to a direct call expression, but without return type. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IAnnotation_block
 An annotation block is an array of annotations. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IAnnotation_list
 An ordered collection of annotation blocks identified by name or index. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IExpression_factory
 The interface for creating expressions. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IStruct_category
 Represents the optional struct category for struct types. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IStruct_category_list
 An ordered collection of struct categories identified by name or index. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType
 The interface to MDL types. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_alias
 The type of kind alias. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_atomic
 An atomic type. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_bool
 The type of kind bool. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_int
 The type of kind int. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_enum
 A type of kind enum. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_float
 The type of kind float. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_double
 The type of kind double. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_string
 The type of kind string. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_compound
 A compound type. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_vector
 The type of kind vector. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_matrix
 The type of kind matrix. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_color
 The type of kind color. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_array
 The type of kind array. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_struct
 The type of kind struct. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_reference
 The reference types. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_resource
 A string valued resource type. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_texture
 The type of kind texture. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_light_profile
 The type of kind light_profile. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_bsdf_measurement
 The type of kind bsdf_measurement. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_df
 The type of distribution functions. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_bsdf
 The type of kind bsdf. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_hair_bsdf
 The type of kind bsdf. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_edf
 The type of kind edf. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_vdf
 The type of kind vdf. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_list
 An ordered collection of types identified by name or index. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IType_factory
 The interface for creating types. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue
 The interface to MDL values. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_atomic
 An atomic value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_bool
 A value of type boolean. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_int
 A value of type integer. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum
 A value of type enum. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_float
 A value of type float. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_double
 A value of type double. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_string
 A value of type string. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_string_localized
 A value of type string which can be used to obtain the original, non-localized value of a localized string. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_compound
 A compound value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_vector
 A value of type vector. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix
 A value of type matrix. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_color
 A value of type color. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_array
 A value of type array. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_struct
 A value of type struct. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_resource
 Base class for resource values. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_texture
 A texture value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_light_profile
 A light profile value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_bsdf_measurement
 A BSDF measurement value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_invalid_df
 An invalid distribution function value. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_list
 An ordered collection of values identified by name or index. More...
class  mi::neuraylib::IValue_factory
 The interface for creating values. More...


enum  mi::neuraylib::Mdl_version {
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_0 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_1 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_2 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_3 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_4 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_5 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_6 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_7 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_8 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_1_9 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_EXP ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_LATEST = MDL_VERSION_1_9 ,
  mi::neuraylib::MDL_VERSION_INVALID = 0xffffffffU ,
  MDL_VERSION_FORCE_32_BIT = 0xffffffffU
 The MDL version. More...


template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const T &v)
 Simplifies setting the value of mi::neuraylib::IValue from the corresponding classes from the base and math API. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const bool &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_bool. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::Float32 &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::Float64 &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const char *v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum, mi::neuraylib::IValue_string and mi::neuraylib::IValue_resource. More...
template<class T , Size DIM>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::math::Vector<T, DIM> &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_vector. More...
template<class T , Size ROW, Size COL>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::math::Matrix<T, ROW, COL> &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::math::Color &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const mi::math::Spectrum &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::Size index, const T &v)
 This variant handles elements of compounds identified via an additional index. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const char *name, const T &v)
 This variant handles fields of structs identified via an additional field name. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value (mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const T *v, mi::Size n)
 This variant handles entire arrays. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, T &v)
 Simplifies reading the value of mi::neuraylib::IValue into the corresponding classes from the base and math API. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, bool &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_bool. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::Float32 &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::Float64 &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const char *&v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum, mi::neuraylib::IValue_string and mi::neuraylib::IValue_resource. More...
template<class T , Size DIM>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::math::Vector<T, DIM> &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_vector. More...
template<class T , Size ROW, Size COL>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::math::Matrix<T, ROW, COL> &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::math::Color &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color. More...
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::math::Spectrum &v)
 This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, mi::Size index, T &v)
 This variant handles elements of compounds identified via an additional index. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, const char *name, T &v)
 This variant handles fields of structs identified via an additional field name. More...
template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value (const mi::neuraylib::IValue *value, T *v, mi::Size n)
 This variant handles entire arrays. More...

Detailed Description

The MDL type system mainly consists of four sets of interfaces:

The three factories mentioned above can be obtained from mi::neuraylib::IMdl_factory.

In addition, the free functions mi::neuraylib::get_value() and mi::neuraylib::set_value() are useful to read and write instances of mi::neuraylib::IValue.

See MDL-related elements and Miscellaneous MDL-related Interfaces for interfaces that make use of this type system.

Enumeration Type Documentation


The MDL version.


MDL version 1.0.


MDL version 1.1.


MDL version 1.2.


MDL version 1.3.


MDL version 1.4.


MDL version 1.5.


MDL version 1.6.


MDL version 1.7.


MDL version 1.8.


MDL version 1.9.


MDL experimental features.


Latest MDL version.


Invalid MDL version.

Function Documentation

 get_value() [1/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
bool &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_bool.

It expects a bool as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [2/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const char *&  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum, mi::neuraylib::IValue_string and mi::neuraylib::IValue_resource.

It expects a const char* as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [3/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const char *  name,
T &  v 

This variant handles fields of structs identified via an additional field name.

See also mi::neuraylib::get_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to read.
nameThe name of the affected struct field.
vThe new value will be stored here.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.
  • -3: The field name is not valid.

 get_value() [4/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::Float32 v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double.

It expects an mi::Float32 as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [5/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::Float64 v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double.

It expects an mi::Float64 as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [6/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::math::Color v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color.

It expects an mi::math::Color as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [7/12]

template<class T , Size ROW, Size COL>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::math::Matrix<T, ROW, COL> &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix.

It expects an mi::math::Matrix of matching dimensions and element type as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

The conversion between mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix and mi::math::Matrix is supposed to preserve the memory layout. Since mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix uses a column-major layout and mi::math::Matrix uses a row-major layout, the conversion process effectively transposes the matrix.

 get_value() [8/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::math::Spectrum v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color.

It expects an mi::math::Spectrum as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [9/12]

template<class T , Size DIM>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::math::Vector<T, DIM> &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_vector.

It expects an mi::math::Vector of matching dimension and element type as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::get_value() for details.

 get_value() [10/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::Size  index,
T &  v 

This variant handles elements of compounds identified via an additional index.

See also mi::neuraylib::get_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to read.
indexThe index of the affected compound element.
vThe new value will be stored here.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.
  • -3: The index is not valid.

 get_value() [11/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
T &  v 

Simplifies reading the value of mi::neuraylib::IValue into the corresponding classes from the base and math API.

The various overloads of this method support all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of v (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if v is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see get_value(const mi::neuraylib::IValue*,T*,Size). For components of compounds, see get_value(const mi::neuraylib::IValue*,Size,T&) and get_value(const mi::neuraylib::IValue*,const char*,T&).

It is not possible to read entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be read one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to read.
[out]vThe new value will be stored here.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.

This general template handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_int and mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum and expects mi::Uint32 as second argument. Since it is a template it will handle other types as second argument if they are accepted in place of parameters of type mi::Uint32, e.g., mi::Sint32.

 get_value() [12/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::get_value ( const mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
T *  v,
mi::Size  n 

This variant handles entire arrays.

See also mi::neuraylib::get_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to read.
vThe new values will be stored here (as pointer to a C-like array).
nThe size of the C-like array (needs to match the size of value).
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value is not an array, or the dynamic type of the array elements does not match the static type of v.
  • -5: The array sizes do not match.

 set_value() [1/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const bool &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_bool.

It expects a bool as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [2/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const char *  name,
const T &  v 

This variant handles fields of structs identified via an additional field name.

See also mi::neuraylib::set_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to modify.
nameThe name of the affected struct field.
vThe new value to be set.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.
  • -2: The value of v is not valid.
  • -3: The field name is not valid.

 set_value() [3/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const char *  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum, mi::neuraylib::IValue_string and mi::neuraylib::IValue_resource.

It expects a const char* as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [4/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::Float32 v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double.

It expects an mi::Float32 as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [5/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::Float64 v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_float and mi::neuraylib::IValue_double.

It expects an mi::Float64 as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [6/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::math::Color v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color.

It expects an mi::math::Color as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [7/12]

template<class T , Size ROW, Size COL>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::math::Matrix<T, ROW, COL> &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix.

It expects an mi::math::Matrix of matching dimensions and element type as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

The conversion between mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix and mi::math::Matrix is supposed to preserve the memory layout. Since mi::neuraylib::IValue_matrix uses a column-major layout and mi::math::Matrix uses a row-major layout, the conversion process effectively transposes the matrix.

 set_value() [8/12]

mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::math::Spectrum v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_color.

It expects an mi::math::Spectrum as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [9/12]

template<class T , Size DIM>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const mi::math::Vector<T, DIM> &  v 

This specialization handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_vector.

It expects an mi::math::Vector of matching dimension and element type as second argument. See mi::neuraylib::set_value() for details.

 set_value() [10/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const T &  v 

Simplifies setting the value of mi::neuraylib::IValue from the corresponding classes from the base and math API.

The various overloads of this method support all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of v (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if v is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see set_value(mi::neuraylib::IValue*,const T*,Size). For components of compounds, see set_value(mi::neuraylib::IValue*,Size,const T&) and set_value(mi::neuraylib::IValue*,const char*,const T&).

It is not possible to set entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be set one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to modify.
vThe new value to be set.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.
  • -2: The value of v is not valid.

This general template handles mi::neuraylib::IValue_int and mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum and expects mi::Uint32 as second argument. Since it is a template it will handle other types as second argument if they are accepted in place of parameters of type mi::Uint32, e.g., mi::Sint32.

 set_value() [11/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
const T *  v,
mi::Size  n 

This variant handles entire arrays.

See also mi::neuraylib::set_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to modify.
vThe new values to be set (as pointer to a C-like array).
nThe size of the C-like array (needs to match the size of value).
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value is not an array, or the dynamic type of the array elements does not match the static type of v.
  • -2: The value of v is not valid.
  • -5: The array sizes do not match.

 set_value() [12/12]

template<class T>
mi::Sint32 mi::neuraylib::set_value ( mi::neuraylib::IValue value,
mi::Size  index,
const T &  v 

This variant handles elements of compounds identified via an additional index.

See also mi::neuraylib::set_value() for more details about overloads.

valueThe instance of mi::neuraylib::IValue to modify.
indexThe index of the affected compound element.
vThe new value to be set.
  • 0: Success.
  • -1: The dynamic type of value does not match the static type of v.
  • -2: The value of v is not valid.
  • -3: The index is not valid.