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mi Namespace Reference

Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH. More...


namespace  base
 Namespace for the Base API.
namespace  math
 Namespace for the Math API.


using Sint8 = signed char
 8-bit signed integer. More...
using Sint16 = short
 16-bit signed integer. More...
using Sint32 = int
 32-bit signed integer. More...
using Uint8 = unsigned char
 8-bit unsigned integer. More...
using Uint16 = unsigned short
 16-bit unsigned integer. More...
using Uint32 = unsigned int
 32-bit unsigned integer. More...
using Float32 = float
 32-bit float. More...
using Float64 = double
 64-bit float. More...
using Sint64 = long long
 64-bit signed integer. More...
using Uint64 = unsigned long long
 64-bit unsigned integer. More...
using Size = Uint64
 Unsigned integral type that is large enough to hold the size of all types. More...
using Difference = Sint64
 Signed integral type that is large enough to hold the difference of two pointers. More...


enum  Comparison_result {
  NEGATIVE = -1 ,
  ZERO = 0 ,
  POSITIVE = 1 ,
  LESS = -1 ,
  EQUAL = 0 ,
 An enum for a three-valued comparison result. More...


Comparison_result operator- (Comparison_result sign)
 Reverses the sign of a three valued enum. More...
template<typename T>
Comparison_result three_valued_sign (T t)
 Returns the three valued sign for a numerical type T. More...
template<typename T>
Comparison_result three_valued_compare (T lhs, T rhs)
 Returns the three valued comparison result between two values of a numerical type T. More...


static const Size SIZE_MAX_VALUE = 18446744073709551615ULL
 The maximum value for Size. More...
static const Difference DIFFERENCE_MIN_VALUE = -9223372036854775807LL - 1LL
 The minimum value for Difference. More...
static const Difference DIFFERENCE_MAX_VALUE = 9223372036854775807LL
 The maximum value for Difference. More...

Detailed Description

Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH.