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optix_host.h File Reference

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const char * optixGetErrorName (OptixResult result)
const char * optixGetErrorString (OptixResult result)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextCreate (CUcontext fromContext, const OptixDeviceContextOptions *options, OptixDeviceContext *context)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextDestroy (OptixDeviceContext context)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetProperty (OptixDeviceContext context, OptixDeviceProperty property, void *value, size_t sizeInBytes)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetLogCallback (OptixDeviceContext context, OptixLogCallback callbackFunction, void *callbackData, unsigned int callbackLevel)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheEnabled (OptixDeviceContext context, int enabled)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheLocation (OptixDeviceContext context, const char *location)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheDatabaseSizes (OptixDeviceContext context, size_t lowWaterMark, size_t highWaterMark)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheEnabled (OptixDeviceContext context, int *enabled)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheLocation (OptixDeviceContext context, char *location, size_t locationSize)
OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheDatabaseSizes (OptixDeviceContext context, size_t *lowWaterMark, size_t *highWaterMark)
OptixResult optixPipelineCreate (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixPipelineCompileOptions *pipelineCompileOptions, const OptixPipelineLinkOptions *pipelineLinkOptions, const OptixProgramGroup *programGroups, unsigned int numProgramGroups, char *logString, size_t *logStringSize, OptixPipeline *pipeline)
OptixResult optixPipelineDestroy (OptixPipeline pipeline)
OptixResult optixPipelineSetStackSize (OptixPipeline pipeline, unsigned int directCallableStackSizeFromTraversal, unsigned int directCallableStackSizeFromState, unsigned int continuationStackSize, unsigned int maxTraversableGraphDepth)
OptixResult optixModuleCreate (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixModuleCompileOptions *moduleCompileOptions, const OptixPipelineCompileOptions *pipelineCompileOptions, const char *input, size_t inputSize, char *logString, size_t *logStringSize, OptixModule *module)
OptixResult optixModuleCreateWithTasks (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixModuleCompileOptions *moduleCompileOptions, const OptixPipelineCompileOptions *pipelineCompileOptions, const char *input, size_t inputSize, char *logString, size_t *logStringSize, OptixModule *module, OptixTask *firstTask)
OptixResult optixModuleGetCompilationState (OptixModule module, OptixModuleCompileState *state)
OptixResult optixModuleDestroy (OptixModule module)
OptixResult optixBuiltinISModuleGet (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixModuleCompileOptions *moduleCompileOptions, const OptixPipelineCompileOptions *pipelineCompileOptions, const OptixBuiltinISOptions *builtinISOptions, OptixModule *builtinModule)
OptixResult optixTaskExecute (OptixTask task, OptixTask *additionalTasks, unsigned int maxNumAdditionalTasks, unsigned int *numAdditionalTasksCreated)
OptixResult optixProgramGroupGetStackSize (OptixProgramGroup programGroup, OptixStackSizes *stackSizes, OptixPipeline pipeline)
OptixResult optixProgramGroupCreate (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixProgramGroupDesc *programDescriptions, unsigned int numProgramGroups, const OptixProgramGroupOptions *options, char *logString, size_t *logStringSize, OptixProgramGroup *programGroups)
OptixResult optixProgramGroupDestroy (OptixProgramGroup programGroup)
OptixResult optixLaunch (OptixPipeline pipeline, CUstream stream, CUdeviceptr pipelineParams, size_t pipelineParamsSize, const OptixShaderBindingTable *sbt, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth)
OptixResult optixSbtRecordPackHeader (OptixProgramGroup programGroup, void *sbtRecordHeaderHostPointer)
OptixResult optixAccelComputeMemoryUsage (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixAccelBuildOptions *accelOptions, const OptixBuildInput *buildInputs, unsigned int numBuildInputs, OptixAccelBufferSizes *bufferSizes)
OptixResult optixAccelBuild (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, const OptixAccelBuildOptions *accelOptions, const OptixBuildInput *buildInputs, unsigned int numBuildInputs, CUdeviceptr tempBuffer, size_t tempBufferSizeInBytes, CUdeviceptr outputBuffer, size_t outputBufferSizeInBytes, OptixTraversableHandle *outputHandle, const OptixAccelEmitDesc *emittedProperties, unsigned int numEmittedProperties)
OptixResult optixAccelGetRelocationInfo (OptixDeviceContext context, OptixTraversableHandle handle, OptixRelocationInfo *info)
OptixResult optixCheckRelocationCompatibility (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixRelocationInfo *info, int *compatible)
OptixResult optixAccelRelocate (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, const OptixRelocationInfo *info, const OptixRelocateInput *relocateInputs, size_t numRelocateInputs, CUdeviceptr targetAccel, size_t targetAccelSizeInBytes, OptixTraversableHandle *targetHandle)
OptixResult optixAccelCompact (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, OptixTraversableHandle inputHandle, CUdeviceptr outputBuffer, size_t outputBufferSizeInBytes, OptixTraversableHandle *outputHandle)
OptixResult optixAccelEmitProperty (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, OptixTraversableHandle handle, const OptixAccelEmitDesc *emittedProperty)
OptixResult optixConvertPointerToTraversableHandle (OptixDeviceContext onDevice, CUdeviceptr pointer, OptixTraversableType traversableType, OptixTraversableHandle *traversableHandle)
OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayComputeMemoryUsage (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixOpacityMicromapArrayBuildInput *buildInput, OptixMicromapBufferSizes *bufferSizes)
OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayBuild (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, const OptixOpacityMicromapArrayBuildInput *buildInput, const OptixMicromapBuffers *buffers)
OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayGetRelocationInfo (OptixDeviceContext context, CUdeviceptr opacityMicromapArray, OptixRelocationInfo *info)
OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, const OptixRelocationInfo *info, CUdeviceptr targetOpacityMicromapArray, size_t targetOpacityMicromapArraySizeInBytes)
OptixResult optixDisplacementMicromapArrayComputeMemoryUsage (OptixDeviceContext context, const OptixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuildInput *buildInput, OptixMicromapBufferSizes *bufferSizes)
OptixResult optixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuild (OptixDeviceContext context, CUstream stream, const OptixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuildInput *buildInput, const OptixMicromapBuffers *buffers)
OptixResult optixDenoiserCreate (OptixDeviceContext context, OptixDenoiserModelKind modelKind, const OptixDenoiserOptions *options, OptixDenoiser *denoiser)
OptixResult optixDenoiserCreateWithUserModel (OptixDeviceContext context, const void *userData, size_t userDataSizeInBytes, OptixDenoiser *denoiser)
OptixResult optixDenoiserDestroy (OptixDenoiser denoiser)
OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources (const OptixDenoiser denoiser, unsigned int outputWidth, unsigned int outputHeight, OptixDenoiserSizes *returnSizes)
OptixResult optixDenoiserSetup (OptixDenoiser denoiser, CUstream stream, unsigned int inputWidth, unsigned int inputHeight, CUdeviceptr denoiserState, size_t denoiserStateSizeInBytes, CUdeviceptr scratch, size_t scratchSizeInBytes)
OptixResult optixDenoiserInvoke (OptixDenoiser denoiser, CUstream stream, const OptixDenoiserParams *params, CUdeviceptr denoiserState, size_t denoiserStateSizeInBytes, const OptixDenoiserGuideLayer *guideLayer, const OptixDenoiserLayer *layers, unsigned int numLayers, unsigned int inputOffsetX, unsigned int inputOffsetY, CUdeviceptr scratch, size_t scratchSizeInBytes)
OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeIntensity (OptixDenoiser denoiser, CUstream stream, const OptixImage2D *inputImage, CUdeviceptr outputIntensity, CUdeviceptr scratch, size_t scratchSizeInBytes)
OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeAverageColor (OptixDenoiser denoiser, CUstream stream, const OptixImage2D *inputImage, CUdeviceptr outputAverageColor, CUdeviceptr scratch, size_t scratchSizeInBytes)

Detailed Description

OptiX public API header.

NVIDIA Corporation

OptiX host include file -- includes the host api if compiling host code. For the math library routines include optix_math.h

Function Documentation


OptixResult optixAccelBuild ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixAccelBuildOptions accelOptions,
const OptixBuildInput buildInputs,
unsigned int  numBuildInputs,
CUdeviceptr  tempBuffer,
size_t  tempBufferSizeInBytes,
CUdeviceptr  outputBuffer,
size_t  outputBufferSizeInBytes,
OptixTraversableHandle outputHandle,
const OptixAccelEmitDesc emittedProperties,
unsigned int  numEmittedProperties 
[in]accelOptionsaccel options
[in]buildInputsan array of OptixBuildInput objects
[in]numBuildInputsmust be >= 1 for GAS, and == 1 for IAS
[in]tempBuffermust be a multiple of OPTIX_ACCEL_BUFFER_BYTE_ALIGNMENT
[in]outputBuffermust be a multiple of OPTIX_ACCEL_BUFFER_BYTE_ALIGNMENT
[in]emittedPropertiestypes of requested properties and output buffers
[in]numEmittedPropertiesnumber of post-build properties to populate (may be zero)


OptixResult optixAccelCompact ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
OptixTraversableHandle  inputHandle,
CUdeviceptr  outputBuffer,
size_t  outputBufferSizeInBytes,
OptixTraversableHandle outputHandle 

After building an acceleration structure, it can be copied in a compacted form to reduce memory. In order to be compacted, OPTIX_BUILD_FLAG_ALLOW_COMPACTION must be supplied in OptixAccelBuildOptions::buildFlags passed to optixAccelBuild.

'outputBuffer' is the pointer to where the compacted acceleration structure will be written. This pointer must be a multiple of OPTIX_ACCEL_BUFFER_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.

The size of the memory specified in 'outputBufferSizeInBytes' should be at least the value computed using the OPTIX_PROPERTY_TYPE_COMPACTED_SIZE that was reported during optixAccelBuild.



OptixResult optixAccelComputeMemoryUsage ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixAccelBuildOptions accelOptions,
const OptixBuildInput buildInputs,
unsigned int  numBuildInputs,
OptixAccelBufferSizes bufferSizes 
[in]accelOptionsoptions for the accel build
[in]buildInputsan array of OptixBuildInput objects
[in]numBuildInputsnumber of elements in buildInputs (must be at least 1)
[out]bufferSizesfills in buffer sizes


OptixResult optixAccelEmitProperty ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
OptixTraversableHandle  handle,
const OptixAccelEmitDesc emittedProperty 

Emit a single property after an acceleration structure was built. The result buffer of the ' emittedProperty' needs to be large enough to hold the requested property (.

See also
[in]emittedPropertytype of requested property and output buffer


OptixResult optixAccelGetRelocationInfo ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
OptixTraversableHandle  handle,
OptixRelocationInfo info 

Obtain relocation information, stored in OptixRelocationInfo, for a given context and acceleration structure's traversable handle.

The relocation information can be passed to optixCheckRelocationCompatibility to determine if an acceleration structure, referenced by 'handle', can be relocated to a different device's memory space (see optixCheckRelocationCompatibility).

When used with optixAccelRelocate, it provides data necessary for doing the relocation.

If the acceleration structure data associated with 'handle' is copied multiple times, the same OptixRelocationInfo can also be used on all copies.

OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE will be returned for traversable handles that are not from acceleration structure builds.


OptixResult optixAccelRelocate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixRelocationInfo info,
const OptixRelocateInput relocateInputs,
size_t  numRelocateInputs,
CUdeviceptr  targetAccel,
size_t  targetAccelSizeInBytes,
OptixTraversableHandle targetHandle 

optixAccelRelocate is called to update the acceleration structure after it has been relocated. Relocation is necessary when the acceleration structure's location in device memory has changed. optixAccelRelocate does not copy the memory. This function only operates on the relocated memory whose new location is specified by 'targetAccel'. optixAccelRelocate also returns the new OptixTraversableHandle associated with 'targetAccel'. The original memory (source) is not required to be valid, only the OptixRelocationInfo.

Before calling optixAccelRelocate, optixCheckRelocationCompatibility should be called to ensure the copy will be compatible with the destination device context.

The memory pointed to by 'targetAccel' should be allocated with the same size as the source acceleration. Similar to the 'outputBuffer' used in optixAccelBuild, this pointer must be a multiple of OPTIX_ACCEL_BUFFER_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.

The memory in 'targetAccel' must be allocated as long as the accel is in use.

The instance traversables referenced by an IAS and the micromaps referenced by a triangle GAS may themselves require relocation. 'relocateInputs' and 'numRelocateInputs' should be used to specify the relocated traversables and micromaps. After relocation, the relocated accel will reference these relocated traversables and micromaps instead of their sources. The number of relocate inputs 'numRelocateInputs' must match the number of build inputs 'numBuildInputs' used to build the source accel. Relocation inputs correspond with build inputs used to build the source accel and should appear in the same order (see optixAccelBuild). 'relocateInputs' and 'numRelocateInputs' may be zero, preserving any references to traversables and micromaps from the source accel.



OptixResult optixBuiltinISModuleGet ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixModuleCompileOptions moduleCompileOptions,
const OptixPipelineCompileOptions pipelineCompileOptions,
const OptixBuiltinISOptions builtinISOptions,
OptixModule builtinModule 

Returns a module containing the intersection program for the built-in primitive type specified by the builtinISOptions. This module must be used as the moduleIS for the OptixProgramGroupHitgroup in any SBT record for that primitive type. (The entryFunctionNameIS should be null.)


OptixResult optixCheckRelocationCompatibility ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixRelocationInfo info,
int *  compatible 

Checks if an optix data structure built using another OptixDeviceContext (that was used to fill in 'info') is compatible with the OptixDeviceContext specified in the 'context' parameter.

Any device is always compatible with itself.

[out]compatibleIf OPTIX_SUCCESS is returned 'compatible' will have the value of either:
  • 0: This context is not compatible with the optix data structure associated with 'info'.
  • 1: This context is compatible.


OptixResult optixConvertPointerToTraversableHandle ( OptixDeviceContext  onDevice,
CUdeviceptr  pointer,
OptixTraversableType  traversableType,
OptixTraversableHandle traversableHandle 
[in]pointerpointer to traversable allocated in OptixDeviceContext. This pointer must be a multiple of OPTIX_TRANSFORM_BYTE_ALIGNMENT
[in]traversableTypeType of OptixTraversableHandle to create
[out]traversableHandletraversable handle. traversableHandle must be in host memory


OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeAverageColor ( OptixDenoiser  denoiser,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixImage2D inputImage,
CUdeviceptr  outputAverageColor,
CUdeviceptr  scratch,
size_t  scratchSizeInBytes 

Compute average logarithmic for each of the first three channels for the given image. When denoising tiles the intensity of the entire image should be computed, i.e. not per tile to get consistent results.

The size of scratch memory required can be queried with optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources.

data type unsigned char is not supported for 'inputImage', it must be 3 or 4 component half/float.

[out]outputAverageColorthree floats


OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeIntensity ( OptixDenoiser  denoiser,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixImage2D inputImage,
CUdeviceptr  outputIntensity,
CUdeviceptr  scratch,
size_t  scratchSizeInBytes 

Computes the logarithmic average intensity of the given image. The returned value 'outputIntensity' is multiplied with the RGB values of the input image/tile in optixDenoiserInvoke if given in the parameter OptixDenoiserParams::hdrIntensity (otherwise 'hdrIntensity' must be a null pointer). This is useful for denoising HDR images which are very dark or bright. When denoising tiles the intensity of the entire image should be computed, i.e. not per tile to get consistent results.

For each RGB pixel in the inputImage the intensity is calculated and summed if it is greater than 1e-8f: intensity = log(r * 0.212586f + g * 0.715170f + b * 0.072200f). The function returns 0.18 / exp(sum of intensities / number of summed pixels). More details could be found in the Reinhard tonemapping paper: http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~peyre/cours/x2005signal/hdr_photographic.pdf

The size of scratch memory required can be queried with optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources.

data type unsigned char is not supported for 'inputImage', it must be 3 or 4 component half/float.

[out]outputIntensitysingle float


OptixResult optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources ( const OptixDenoiser  denoiser,
unsigned int  outputWidth,
unsigned int  outputHeight,
OptixDenoiserSizes returnSizes 

Computes the GPU memory resources required to execute the denoiser.

Memory for state and scratch buffers must be allocated with the sizes in 'returnSizes' and scratch memory passed to optixDenoiserSetup, optixDenoiserInvoke, optixDenoiserComputeIntensity and optixDenoiserComputeAverageColor. For tiled denoising an overlap area ('overlapWindowSizeInPixels') must be added to each tile on all sides which increases the amount of memory needed to denoise a tile. In case of tiling use withOverlapScratchSizeInBytes for scratch memory size. If only full resolution images are denoised, withoutOverlapScratchSizeInBytes can be used which is always smaller than withOverlapScratchSizeInBytes.

'outputWidth' and 'outputHeight' is the dimension of the image to be denoised (without overlap in case tiling is being used). 'outputWidth' and 'outputHeight' must be greater than or equal to the dimensions passed to optixDenoiserSetup.



OptixResult optixDenoiserCreate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
OptixDenoiserModelKind  modelKind,
const OptixDenoiserOptions options,
OptixDenoiser denoiser 

Creates a denoiser object with the given options, using built-in inference models.

'modelKind' selects the model used for inference. Inference for the built-in models can be guided (giving hints to improve image quality) with albedo and normal vector images in the guide layer (see 'optixDenoiserInvoke'). Use of these images must be enabled in 'OptixDenoiserOptions'.



OptixResult optixDenoiserCreateWithUserModel ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const void *  userData,
size_t  userDataSizeInBytes,
OptixDenoiser denoiser 

Creates a denoiser object with the given options, using a provided inference model.

'userData' and 'userDataSizeInBytes' provide a user model for inference. The memory passed in userData will be accessed only during the invocation of this function and can be freed after it returns. The user model must export only one weight set which determines both the model kind and the required set of guide images.



OptixResult optixDenoiserDestroy ( OptixDenoiser  denoiser)

Destroys the denoiser object and any associated host resources.


OptixResult optixDenoiserInvoke ( OptixDenoiser  denoiser,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixDenoiserParams params,
CUdeviceptr  denoiserState,
size_t  denoiserStateSizeInBytes,
const OptixDenoiserGuideLayer guideLayer,
const OptixDenoiserLayer layers,
unsigned int  numLayers,
unsigned int  inputOffsetX,
unsigned int  inputOffsetY,
CUdeviceptr  scratch,
size_t  scratchSizeInBytes 

Invokes denoiser on a set of input data and produces at least one output image. State memory must be available during the execution of the denoiser (or until optixDenoiserSetup is called with a new state memory pointer). Scratch memory passed is used only for the duration of this function. Scratch and state memory sizes must have a size greater than or equal to the sizes as returned by optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources.

'inputOffsetX' and 'inputOffsetY' are pixel offsets in the 'inputLayers' image specifying the beginning of the image without overlap. When denoising an entire image without tiling there is no overlap and 'inputOffsetX' and 'inputOffsetY' must be zero. When denoising a tile which is adjacent to one of the four sides of the entire image the corresponding offsets must also be zero since there is no overlap at the side adjacent to the image border.

'guideLayer' provides additional information to the denoiser. When providing albedo and normal vector guide images, the corresponding fields in the 'OptixDenoiserOptions' must be enabled, see optixDenoiserCreate. 'guideLayer' must not be null. If a guide image in 'OptixDenoiserOptions' is not enabled, the corresponding image in 'OptixDenoiserGuideLayer' is ignored.

If OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL or OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL_AOV is selected, a 2d flow image must be given in 'OptixDenoiserGuideLayer'. It describes for each pixel the flow from the previous to the current frame (a 2d vector in pixel space). The denoised beauty/AOV of the previous frame must be given in 'previousOutput'. If this image is not available in the first frame of a sequence, the noisy beauty/AOV from the first frame and zero flow vectors could be given as a substitute. For non-temporal model kinds the flow image in 'OptixDenoiserGuideLayer' is ignored. 'previousOutput' and 'output' may refer to the same buffer if tiling is not used, i.e. 'previousOutput' is first read by this function and later overwritten with the denoised result. 'output' can be passed as 'previousOutput' to the next frame. In other model kinds (not temporal) 'previousOutput' is ignored.

The beauty layer must be given as the first entry in 'layers'. In AOV type model kinds (OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_AOV or in user defined models implementing kernel-prediction) additional layers for the AOV images can be given. In each layer the noisy input image is given in 'input', the denoised output is written into the 'output' image. input and output images may refer to the same buffer, with the restriction that the pixel formats must be identical for input and output when the blend mode is selected (see OptixDenoiserParams).

If OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL or OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL_AOV is selected, the denoised image from the previous frame must be given in 'previousOutput' in the layer. 'previousOutput' and 'output' may refer to the same buffer if tiling is not used, i.e. 'previousOutput' is first read by this function and later overwritten with the denoised result. 'output' can be passed as 'previousOutput' to the next frame. In addition, 'previousOutputInternalGuideLayer' and 'outputInternalGuideLayer' must both be allocated regardless of tiling mode. The pixel format must be OPTIX_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTERNAL_GUIDE_LAYER and the dimension must be identical to to the other input layers. In the first frame memory in 'previousOutputInternalGuideLayer' must either contain valid data from previous denoiser runs or set to zero. In other model kinds (not temporal) 'previousOutput' and the internal guide layers are ignored.

If OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL or OPTIX_DENOISER_MODEL_KIND_TEMPORAL_AOV is selected, the normal vector guide image must be given as 3d vectors in camera space. In the other models only the x and y channels are used and other channels are ignored.



OptixResult optixDenoiserSetup ( OptixDenoiser  denoiser,
CUstream  stream,
unsigned int  inputWidth,
unsigned int  inputHeight,
CUdeviceptr  denoiserState,
size_t  denoiserStateSizeInBytes,
CUdeviceptr  scratch,
size_t  scratchSizeInBytes 

Initializes the state required by the denoiser.

'inputWidth' and 'inputHeight' must include overlap on both sides of the image if tiling is being used. The overlap is returned by optixDenoiserComputeMemoryResources. For subsequent calls to optixDenoiserInvoke 'inputWidth' and 'inputHeight' are the maximum dimensions of the input layers. Dimensions of the input layers passed to optixDenoiserInvoke may be different in each invocation however they always must be smaller than 'inputWidth' and 'inputHeight' passed to optixDenoiserSetup.



OptixResult optixDeviceContextCreate ( CUcontext  fromContext,
const OptixDeviceContextOptions options,
OptixDeviceContext context 

Create a device context associated with the CUDA context specified with 'fromContext'.

If zero is specified for 'fromContext', OptiX will use the current CUDA context. The CUDA context should be initialized before calling optixDeviceContextCreate.

    OPTIX_ERROR_CUDA_NOT_INITIALIZED If using zero for 'fromContext' and CUDA has not been initialized yet on the calling thread. OPTIX_ERROR_CUDA_ERROR CUDA operation failed. OPTIX_ERROR_HOST_OUT_OF_MEMORY Heap allocation failed. OPTIX_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error


OptixResult optixDeviceContextDestroy ( OptixDeviceContext  context)

Destroys all CPU and GPU state associated with the device.

It will attempt to block on CUDA streams that have launch work outstanding.

Any API objects, such as OptixModule and OptixPipeline, not already destroyed will be destroyed.

Thread safety: A device context must not be destroyed while it is still in use by concurrent API calls in other threads.


OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheDatabaseSizes ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
size_t *  lowWaterMark,
size_t *  highWaterMark 

Returns the low and high water marks for disk cache garbage collection. If the cache has been disabled by setting the environment variable OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE=0, this function will return 0 for the low and high water marks.

[in]contextthe device context
[out]lowWaterMarkthe low water mark
[out]highWaterMarkthe high water mark


OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheEnabled ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
int *  enabled 

Indicates whether the disk cache is enabled or disabled.

[in]contextthe device context
[out]enabled1 if enabled, 0 if disabled


OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetCacheLocation ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
char *  location,
size_t  locationSize 

Returns the location of the disk cache. If the cache has been disabled by setting the environment variable OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE=0, this function will return an empy string.

[in]contextthe device context
[out]locationdirectory of disk cache, null terminated if locationSize > 0


OptixResult optixDeviceContextGetProperty ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
OptixDeviceProperty  property,
void *  value,
size_t  sizeInBytes 

Query properties of a device context.

[in]contextthe device context to query the property for
[in]propertythe property to query
[out]valuepointer to the returned
[in]sizeInBytessize of output


OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheDatabaseSizes ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
size_t  lowWaterMark,
size_t  highWaterMark 

Sets the low and high water marks for disk cache garbage collection.

Garbage collection is triggered when a new entry is written to the cache and the current cache data size plus the size of the cache entry that is about to be inserted exceeds the high water mark. Garbage collection proceeds until the size reaches the low water mark. Garbage collection will always free enough space to insert the new entry without exceeding the low water mark. Setting either limit to zero will disable garbage collection. An error will be returned if both limits are non-zero and the high water mark is smaller than the low water mark.

Note that garbage collection is performed only on writes to the disk cache. No garbage collection is triggered on disk cache initialization or immediately when calling this function, but on subsequent inserting of data into the database.

If the size of a compiled module exceeds the value configured for the high water mark and garbage collection is enabled, the module will not be added to the cache and a warning will be added to the log.

The high water mark can be overridden with the environment variable OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE. The environment variable takes precedence over the function parameters. The low water mark will be set to half the value of OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE. Setting OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE to 0 will disable the disk cache, but will not alter the contents of the cache. Negative and non-integer values will be ignored.

[in]contextthe device context
[in]lowWaterMarkthe low water mark
[in]highWaterMarkthe high water mark


OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheEnabled ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
int  enabled 

Enables or disables the disk cache.

If caching was previously disabled, enabling it will attempt to initialize the disk cache database using the currently configured cache location. An error will be returned if initialization fails.

Note that no in-memory cache is used, so no caching behavior will be observed if the disk cache is disabled.

The cache can be disabled by setting the environment variable OPTIX_CACHE_MAXSIZE=0. The environment variable takes precedence over this setting. See optixDeviceContextSetCacheDatabaseSizes for additional information.

Note that the disk cache can be disabled by the environment variable, but it cannot be enabled via the environment if it is disabled via the API.

[in]contextthe device context
[in]enabled1 to enabled, 0 to disable


OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetCacheLocation ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const char *  location 

Sets the location of the disk cache.

The location is specified by a directory. This directory should not be used for other purposes and will be created if it does not exist. An error will be returned if is not possible to create the disk cache at the specified location for any reason (e.g., the path is invalid or the directory is not writable). Caching will be disabled if the disk cache cannot be initialized in the new location. If caching is disabled, no error will be returned until caching is enabled. If the disk cache is located on a network file share, behavior is undefined.

The location of the disk cache can be overridden with the environment variable OPTIX_CACHE_PATH. The environment variable takes precedence over this setting.

The default location depends on the operating system:

  • Windows: LOCALAPPDATA%\NVIDIA\OptixCache
  • Linux: /var/tmp/OptixCache_<username> (or /tmp/OptixCache_<username> if the first choice is not usable), the underscore and username suffix are omitted if the username cannot be obtained
  • MacOS X: /Library/Application Support/NVIDIA/OptixCache
[in]contextthe device context
[in]locationdirectory of disk cache


OptixResult optixDeviceContextSetLogCallback ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
OptixLogCallback  callbackFunction,
void *  callbackData,
unsigned int  callbackLevel 

Sets the current log callback method.

See OptixLogCallback for more details.

Thread safety: It is guaranteed that the callback itself (callbackFunction and callbackData) are updated atomically. It is not guaranteed that the callback itself (callbackFunction and callbackData) and the callbackLevel are updated atomically. It is unspecified when concurrent API calls using the same context start to make use of the new callback method.

[in]contextthe device context
[in]callbackFunctionthe callback function to call
[in]callbackDatapointer to data passed to callback function while invoking it
[in]callbackLevelcallback level


OptixResult optixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuild ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuildInput buildInput,
const OptixMicromapBuffers buffers 

FIXME Construct an array of Displacement Micromap (DMMs).

Each triangle within a DMM GAS geometry references one DMM that specifies how to subdivide it into micro-triangles. A DMM gives a subdivision resolution into 4^N micro-triangles, and displacement values for each of the vertices in the subdivided mesh. The values are combined with e.g. normal vectors, scale and bias given as AS build inputs, to get the final geometry. A DMM is encoded in one or more compressed blocks, each block having displacement values for a subtriangle of 64..1024 micro-triangles.

[in]buildInputa single build input object referencing many DMMs
[in]buffersthe buffers used for build


OptixResult optixDisplacementMicromapArrayComputeMemoryUsage ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuildInput buildInput,
OptixMicromapBufferSizes bufferSizes 

Determine the amount of memory necessary for a Displacement Micromap Array build.



const char * optixGetErrorName ( OptixResult  result)

Returns a string containing the name of an error code in the enum.

Output is a string representation of the enum. For example "OPTIX_SUCCESS" for OPTIX_SUCCESS and "OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE" for OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

If the error code is not recognized, "Unrecognized OptixResult code" is returned.

[in]resultOptixResult enum to generate string name for
See also


const char * optixGetErrorString ( OptixResult  result)

Returns the description string for an error code.

Output is a string description of the enum. For example "Success" for OPTIX_SUCCESS and "Invalid value" for OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

If the error code is not recognized, "Unrecognized OptixResult code" is returned.

[in]resultOptixResult enum to generate string description for
See also


OptixResult optixLaunch ( OptixPipeline  pipeline,
CUstream  stream,
CUdeviceptr  pipelineParams,
size_t  pipelineParamsSize,
const OptixShaderBindingTable sbt,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  depth 

Where the magic happens.

The stream and pipeline must belong to the same device context. Multiple launches may be issues in parallel from multiple threads to different streams.

pipelineParamsSize number of bytes are copied from the device memory pointed to by pipelineParams before launch. It is an error if pipelineParamsSize is greater than the size of the variable declared in modules and identified by OptixPipelineCompileOptions::pipelineLaunchParamsVariableName. If the launch params variable was optimized out or not found in the modules linked to the pipeline then the pipelineParams and pipelineParamsSize parameters are ignored.

sbt points to the shader binding table, which defines shader groupings and their resources. See the SBT spec.

[in]widthnumber of elements to compute
[in]heightnumber of elements to compute
[in]depthnumber of elements to compute

Thread safety: In the current implementation concurrent launches to the same pipeline are not supported. Concurrent launches require separate OptixPipeline objects.


OptixResult optixModuleCreate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixModuleCompileOptions moduleCompileOptions,
const OptixPipelineCompileOptions pipelineCompileOptions,
const char *  input,
size_t  inputSize,
char *  logString,
size_t *  logStringSize,
OptixModule module 

Compiling programs into a module. These programs can be passed in as either PTX or OptiX-IR.

See the Programming Guide for details, as well as how to generate these encodings from CUDA sources.

logString is an optional buffer that contains compiler feedback and errors. This information is also passed to the context logger (if enabled), however it may be difficult to correlate output to the logger to specific API invocations when using multiple threads. The output to logString will only contain feedback for this specific invocation of this API call.

logStringSize as input should be a pointer to the number of bytes backing logString. Upon return it contains the length of the log message (including the null terminator) which may be greater than the input value. In this case, the log message will be truncated to fit into logString.

If logString or logStringSize are NULL, no output is written to logString. If logStringSize points to a value that is zero, no output is written. This does not affect output to the context logger if enabled.

[in]pipelineCompileOptionsAll modules in a pipeline need to use the same values for the pipeline compile options.
[in]inputPointer to the input code.
[in]inputSizeParsing proceeds up to inputSize characters. Or, when reading PTX input, the first NUL byte, whichever occurs first.
[out]logStringInformation will be written to this string. If logStringSize > 0 logString will be null terminated.
OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE - context is 0, moduleCompileOptions is 0, pipelineCompileOptions is 0, input is 0, module is 0.


OptixResult optixModuleCreateWithTasks ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixModuleCompileOptions moduleCompileOptions,
const OptixPipelineCompileOptions pipelineCompileOptions,
const char *  input,
size_t  inputSize,
char *  logString,
size_t *  logStringSize,
OptixModule module,
OptixTask firstTask 

This function is designed to do just enough work to create the OptixTask return parameter and is expected to be fast enough run without needing parallel execution. A single thread could generate all the OptixTask objects for further processing in a work pool.

Options are similar to optixModuleCreate(), aside from the return parameter, firstTask.

The memory used to hold the input should be live until all tasks are finished.

It is illegal to call optixModuleDestroy() if any OptixTask objects are currently being executed. In that case OPTIX_ERROR_ILLEGAL_DURING_TASK_EXECUTE will be returned.

If an invocation of optixTaskExecute fails, the OptixModule will be marked as OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_IMPENDING_FAILURE if there are outstanding tasks or OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_FAILURE if there are no outstanding tasks. Subsequent calls to optixTaskExecute() may execute additional work to collect compilation errors generated from the input. Currently executing tasks will not necessarily be terminated immediately but at the next opportunity. Logging will continue to be directed to the logger installed with the OptixDeviceContext. If logString is provided to optixModuleCreateWithTasks(), it will contain all the compiler feedback from all executed tasks. The lifetime of the memory pointed to by logString should extend from calling optixModuleCreateWithTasks() to when the compilation state is either OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_FAILURE or OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_COMPLETED. OptiX will not write to the logString outside of execution of optixModuleCreateWithTasks() or optixTaskExecute(). If the compilation state is OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_IMPENDING_FAILURE and no further execution of optixTaskExecute() is performed the logString may be reclaimed by the application before calling optixModuleDestroy(). The contents of logString will contain output from currently completed tasks. All OptixTask objects associated with a given OptixModule will be cleaned up when optixModuleDestroy() is called regardless of whether the compilation was successful or not. If the compilation state is OPTIX_MODULE_COMPILE_STATE_IMPENDIND_FAILURE, any unstarted OptixTask objects do not need to be executed though there is no harm doing so.

See also


OptixResult optixModuleDestroy ( OptixModule  module)

Call for OptixModule objects created with optixModuleCreate and optixModuleDeserialize.

Modules must not be destroyed while they are still used by any program group.

Thread safety: A module must not be destroyed while it is still in use by concurrent API calls in other threads.


OptixResult optixModuleGetCompilationState ( OptixModule  module,
OptixModuleCompileState state 

When creating a module with tasks, the current state of the module can be queried using this function.

Thread safety: Safe to call from any thread until optixModuleDestroy is called.

See also


OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayBuild ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixOpacityMicromapArrayBuildInput buildInput,
const OptixMicromapBuffers buffers 

Construct an array of Opacity Micromaps.

Each triangle within an instance/GAS may reference one opacity micromap to give finer control over alpha behavior. A opacity micromap consists of a set of 4^N micro-triangles in a triangular uniform barycentric grid. Multiple opacity micromaps are collected (built) into a opacity micromap array with this function. Each geometry in a GAS may bind a single opacity micromap array and can use opacity micromaps from that array only.

Each micro-triangle within a opacity micromap can be in one of four states: Transparent, Opaque, Unknown-Transparent or Unknown-Opaque. During traversal, if a triangle with a opacity micromap attached is intersected, the opacity micromap is queried to categorize the hit as either opaque, unknown (alpha) or a miss. Geometry, ray or instance flags that modify the alpha/opaque behavior are applied after this opacity micromap query.

The opacity micromap query may operate in 2-state mode (alpha testing) or 4-state mode (AHS culling), depending on the opacity micromap type and ray/instance flags. When operating in 2-state mode, alpha hits will not be reported, and transparent and opaque hits must be accurate.

[in]buildInputa single build input object referencing many opacity micromaps
[in]buffersthe buffers used for build


OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayComputeMemoryUsage ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixOpacityMicromapArrayBuildInput buildInput,
OptixMicromapBufferSizes bufferSizes 

Determine the amount of memory necessary for a Opacity Micromap Array build.



OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayGetRelocationInfo ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUdeviceptr  opacityMicromapArray,
OptixRelocationInfo info 

Obtain relocation information, stored in OptixRelocationInfo, for a given context and opacity micromap array.

The relocation information can be passed to optixCheckRelocationCompatibility to determine if a opacity micromap array, referenced by buffers, can be relocated to a different device's memory space (see optixCheckRelocationCompatibility).

When used with optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate, it provides data necessary for doing the relocation.

If the opacity micromap array data associated with 'opacityMicromapArray' is copied multiple times, the same OptixRelocationInfo can also be used on all copies.



OptixResult optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
CUstream  stream,
const OptixRelocationInfo info,
CUdeviceptr  targetOpacityMicromapArray,
size_t  targetOpacityMicromapArraySizeInBytes 

optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate is called to update the opacity micromap array after it has been relocated. Relocation is necessary when the opacity micromap array's location in device memory has changed. optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate does not copy the memory. This function only operates on the relocated memory whose new location is specified by 'targetOpacityMicromapArray'. The original memory (source) is not required to be valid, only the OptixRelocationInfo.

Before calling optixOpacityMicromapArrayRelocate, optixCheckRelocationCompatibility should be called to ensure the copy will be compatible with the destination device context.

The memory pointed to by 'targetOpacityMicromapArray' should be allocated with the same size as the source opacity micromap array. Similar to the 'OptixMicromapBuffers::output' used in optixOpacityMicromapArrayBuild, this pointer must be a multiple of OPTIX_OPACITY_MICROMAP_ARRAY_BUFFER_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.

The memory in 'targetOpacityMicromapArray' must be allocated as long as the opacity micromap array is in use.

Note that any Acceleration Structures build using the original memory (source) as input will still be associated with this original memory. To associate an existing (possibly relocated) Acceleration Structures with the relocated opacity micromap array, use optixAccelBuild to update the existing Acceleration Structures (See OPTIX_BUILD_OPERATION_UPDATE)



OptixResult optixPipelineCreate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixPipelineCompileOptions pipelineCompileOptions,
const OptixPipelineLinkOptions pipelineLinkOptions,
const OptixProgramGroup programGroups,
unsigned int  numProgramGroups,
char *  logString,
size_t *  logStringSize,
OptixPipeline pipeline 

logString is an optional buffer that contains compiler feedback and errors. This information is also passed to the context logger (if enabled), however it may be difficult to correlate output to the logger to specific API invocations when using multiple threads. The output to logString will only contain feedback for this specific invocation of this API call.

logStringSize as input should be a pointer to the number of bytes backing logString. Upon return it contains the length of the log message (including the null terminator) which may be greater than the input value. In this case, the log message will be truncated to fit into logString.

If logString or logStringSize are NULL, no output is written to logString. If logStringSize points to a value that is zero, no output is written. This does not affect output to the context logger if enabled.

[in]programGroupsarray of ProgramGroup objects
[in]numProgramGroupsnumber of ProgramGroup objects
[out]logStringInformation will be written to this string. If logStringSize > 0 logString will be null terminated.


OptixResult optixPipelineDestroy ( OptixPipeline  pipeline)

Thread safety: A pipeline must not be destroyed while it is still in use by concurrent API calls in other threads.


OptixResult optixPipelineSetStackSize ( OptixPipeline  pipeline,
unsigned int  directCallableStackSizeFromTraversal,
unsigned int  directCallableStackSizeFromState,
unsigned int  continuationStackSize,
unsigned int  maxTraversableGraphDepth 

Sets the stack sizes for a pipeline.

Users are encouraged to see the programming guide and the implementations of the helper functions to understand how to construct the stack sizes based on their particular needs.

If this method is not used, an internal default implementation is used. The default implementation is correct (but not necessarily optimal) as long as the maximum depth of call trees of CC programs is at most 2, and no DC programs or motion transforms are used.

The maxTraversableGraphDepth responds to the maximal number of traversables visited when calling trace. Every acceleration structure and motion transform count as one level of traversal. E.g., for a simple IAS (instance acceleration structure) -> GAS (geometry acceleration structure) traversal graph, the maxTraversableGraphDepth is two. For IAS -> MT (motion transform) -> GAS, the maxTraversableGraphDepth is three. Note that it does not matter whether a IAS or GAS has motion or not, it always counts as one. Launching optix with exceptions turned on (see OPTIX_EXCEPTION_FLAG_TRACE_DEPTH) will throw an exception if the specified maxTraversableGraphDepth is too small.

[in]pipelineThe pipeline to configure the stack size for.
[in]directCallableStackSizeFromTraversalThe direct stack size requirement for direct callables invoked from IS or AH.
[in]directCallableStackSizeFromStateThe direct stack size requirement for direct callables invoked from RG, MS, or CH.
[in]continuationStackSizeThe continuation stack requirement.
[in]maxTraversableGraphDepthThe maximum depth of a traversable graph passed to trace.


OptixResult optixProgramGroupCreate ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
const OptixProgramGroupDesc programDescriptions,
unsigned int  numProgramGroups,
const OptixProgramGroupOptions options,
char *  logString,
size_t *  logStringSize,
OptixProgramGroup programGroups 

logString is an optional buffer that contains compiler feedback and errors. This information is also passed to the context logger (if enabled), however it may be difficult to correlate output to the logger to specific API invocations when using multiple threads. The output to logString will only contain feedback for this specific invocation of this API call.

logStringSize as input should be a pointer to the number of bytes backing logString. Upon return it contains the length of the log message (including the null terminator) which may be greater than the input value. In this case, the log message will be truncated to fit into logString.

If logString or logStringSize are NULL, no output is written to logString. If logStringSize points to a value that is zero, no output is written. This does not affect output to the context logger if enabled.

Creates numProgramGroups OptiXProgramGroup objects from the specified OptixProgramGroupDesc array. The size of the arrays must match.

[in]programDescriptionsN * OptixProgramGroupDesc
[out]logStringInformation will be written to this string. If logStringSize > 0 logString will be null terminated.


OptixResult optixProgramGroupDestroy ( OptixProgramGroup  programGroup)

Thread safety: A program group must not be destroyed while it is still in use by concurrent API calls in other threads.


OptixResult optixProgramGroupGetStackSize ( OptixProgramGroup  programGroup,
OptixStackSizes stackSizes,
OptixPipeline  pipeline 

Returns the stack sizes for the given program group. When programs in this programGroup are relying on external functions, the corresponding stack sizes can only be correctly retrieved when all functions are known after linking, i.e. when a pipeline has been created. When pipeline is set to NULL, the stack size will be calculated excluding external functions. In this case a warning will be issued if external functions are referenced by the OptixModule.

[in]programGroupthe program group
[out]stackSizesthe corresponding stack sizes
[in]pipelineconsidering the program group within the given pipeline, can be NULL


OptixResult optixSbtRecordPackHeader ( OptixProgramGroup  programGroup,
void *  sbtRecordHeaderHostPointer 
[in]programGroupthe program group containing the program(s)
[out]sbtRecordHeaderHostPointerthe result sbt record header


OptixResult optixTaskExecute ( OptixTask  task,
OptixTask additionalTasks,
unsigned int  maxNumAdditionalTasks,
unsigned int *  numAdditionalTasksCreated 

Each OptixTask should be executed with optixTaskExecute(). If additional parallel work is found, new OptixTask objects will be returned in additionalTasks along with the number of additional tasks in numAdditionalTasksCreated. The parameter additionalTasks should point to a user allocated array of minimum size maxNumAdditionalTasks. OptiX can generate upto maxNumAdditionalTasks additional tasks.

Each task can be executed in parallel and in any order.

Thread safety: Safe to call from any thread until optixModuleDestroy() is called for any associated task.

See also
[in]taskthe OptixTask to execute
[in]additionalTaskspointer to array of OptixTask objects to be filled in
[in]maxNumAdditionalTasksmaximum number of additional OptixTask objects
[out]numAdditionalTasksCreatednumber of OptixTask objects created by OptiX and written into additionalTasks