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optix_device.h File Reference

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template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixTrace (OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, OptixVisibilityMask visibilityMask, unsigned int rayFlags, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int missSBTIndex, Payload &... payload)
template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixTraverse (OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, OptixVisibilityMask visibilityMask, unsigned int rayFlags, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int missSBTIndex, Payload &... payload)
template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixTrace (OptixPayloadTypeID type, OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, OptixVisibilityMask visibilityMask, unsigned int rayFlags, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int missSBTIndex, Payload &... payload)
template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixTraverse (OptixPayloadTypeID type, OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, OptixVisibilityMask visibilityMask, unsigned int rayFlags, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int missSBTIndex, Payload &... payload)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixReorder (unsigned int coherenceHint, unsigned int numCoherenceHintBitsFromLSB)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixReorder ()
template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixInvoke (Payload &... payload)
template<typename... Payload>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixInvoke (OptixPayloadTypeID type, Payload &... payload)
template<typename... RegAttributes>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixMakeHitObject (OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int instIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIdx, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int hitKind, RegAttributes... regAttributes)
template<typename... RegAttributes>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixMakeHitObject (OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, unsigned int SBToffset, unsigned int SBTstride, unsigned int instIdx, const OptixTraversableHandle *transforms, unsigned int numTransforms, unsigned int sbtGASIdx, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int hitKind, RegAttributes... regAttributes)
template<typename... RegAttributes>
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixMakeHitObjectWithRecord (OptixTraversableHandle handle, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime, unsigned int sbtRecordIndex, unsigned int instIdx, const OptixTraversableHandle *transforms, unsigned int numTransforms, unsigned int sbtGASIdx, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int hitKind, RegAttributes... regAttributes)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixMakeMissHitObject (unsigned int missSBTIndex, float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection, float tmin, float tmax, float rayTime)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixMakeNopHitObject ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixHitObjectIsHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixHitObjectIsMiss ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixHitObjectIsNop ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetSbtRecordIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_0 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_1 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_2 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_3 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_4 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_5 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_6 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_7 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_8 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_9 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_10 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_11 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_12 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_13 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_14 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_15 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_16 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_17 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_18 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_19 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_20 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_21 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_22 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_23 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_24 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_25 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_26 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_27 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_28 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_29 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_30 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayload_31 (unsigned int p)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_0 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_1 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_2 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_3 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_4 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_5 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_6 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_7 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_8 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_9 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_10 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_11 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_12 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_13 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_14 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_15 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_16 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_17 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_18 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_19 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_20 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_21 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_22 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_23 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_24 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_25 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_26 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_27 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_28 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_29 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_30 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPayload_31 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixSetPayloadTypes (unsigned int typeMask)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixUndefinedValue ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixGetWorldRayOrigin ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixHitObjectGetWorldRayOrigin ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixGetWorldRayDirection ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixHitObjectGetWorldRayDirection ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixGetObjectRayOrigin ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixGetObjectRayDirection ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetRayTmin ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixHitObjectGetRayTmin ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetRayTmax ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixHitObjectGetRayTmax ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetRayTime ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixHitObjectGetRayTime ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetRayFlags ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetRayVisibilityMask ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTraversableHandle optixGetInstanceTraversableFromIAS (OptixTraversableHandle ias, unsigned int instIdx)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetTriangleVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float3 data[3])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetMicroTriangleVertexData (float3 data[3])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetMicroTriangleBarycentricsData (float2 data[3])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetLinearCurveVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[2])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetQuadraticBSplineVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[3])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetCubicBSplineVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[4])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetCatmullRomVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[4])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetCubicBezierVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[4])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetRibbonVertexData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[3])
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixGetRibbonNormal (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float2 ribbonParameters)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetSphereData (OptixTraversableHandle gas, unsigned int primIdx, unsigned int sbtGASIndex, float time, float4 data[1])
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTraversableHandle optixGetGASTraversableHandle ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetGASMotionTimeBegin (OptixTraversableHandle gas)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetGASMotionTimeEnd (OptixTraversableHandle gas)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetGASMotionStepCount (OptixTraversableHandle gas)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetWorldToObjectTransformMatrix (float m[12])
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixGetObjectToWorldTransformMatrix (float m[12])
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformPointFromWorldToObjectSpace (float3 point)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformVectorFromWorldToObjectSpace (float3 vec)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformNormalFromWorldToObjectSpace (float3 normal)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformPointFromObjectToWorldSpace (float3 point)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformVectorFromObjectToWorldSpace (float3 vec)
static __forceinline__ __device__ float3 optixTransformNormalFromObjectToWorldSpace (float3 normal)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetTransformListSize ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetTransformListSize ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTraversableHandle optixGetTransformListHandle (unsigned int index)
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTraversableHandle optixHitObjectGetTransformListHandle (unsigned int index)
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTransformType optixGetTransformTypeFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ const OptixStaticTransformoptixGetStaticTransformFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ const OptixSRTMotionTransformoptixGetSRTMotionTransformFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ const OptixMatrixMotionTransformoptixGetMatrixMotionTransformFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetInstanceIdFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixTraversableHandle optixGetInstanceChildFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ const float4 * optixGetInstanceTransformFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ const float4 * optixGetInstanceInverseTransformFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __device__ __forceinline__ CUdeviceptr optixGetGASPointerFromHandle (OptixTraversableHandle handle)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5, unsigned int a6)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixReportIntersection (float hitT, unsigned int hitKind, unsigned int a0, unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5, unsigned int a6, unsigned int a7)
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_0 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_1 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_2 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_3 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_4 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_5 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_6 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetAttribute_7 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_0 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_1 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_2 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_3 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_4 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_5 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_6 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetAttribute_7 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixTerminateRay ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixIgnoreIntersection ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetPrimitiveIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetPrimitiveIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetSbtGASIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetSbtGASIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetInstanceId ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetInstanceId ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetInstanceIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetInstanceIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetHitKind ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixHitObjectGetHitKind ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixPrimitiveType optixGetPrimitiveType (unsigned int hitKind)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsFrontFaceHit (unsigned int hitKind)
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsBackFaceHit (unsigned int hitKind)
static __forceinline__ __device__ OptixPrimitiveType optixGetPrimitiveType ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsFrontFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsBackFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsTriangleHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsTriangleFrontFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsTriangleBackFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsDisplacedMicromeshTriangleHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsDisplacedMicromeshTriangleFrontFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ bool optixIsDisplacedMicromeshTriangleBackFaceHit ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float2 optixGetTriangleBarycentrics ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float optixGetCurveParameter ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ float2 optixGetRibbonParameters ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ uint3 optixGetLaunchIndex ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ uint3 optixGetLaunchDimensions ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ CUdeviceptr optixGetSbtDataPointer ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ CUdeviceptr optixHitObjectGetSbtDataPointer ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2, unsigned int exceptionDetail3)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2, unsigned int exceptionDetail3, unsigned int exceptionDetail4)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2, unsigned int exceptionDetail3, unsigned int exceptionDetail4, unsigned int exceptionDetail5)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2, unsigned int exceptionDetail3, unsigned int exceptionDetail4, unsigned int exceptionDetail5, unsigned int exceptionDetail6)
static __forceinline__ __device__ void optixThrowException (int exceptionCode, unsigned int exceptionDetail0, unsigned int exceptionDetail1, unsigned int exceptionDetail2, unsigned int exceptionDetail3, unsigned int exceptionDetail4, unsigned int exceptionDetail5, unsigned int exceptionDetail6, unsigned int exceptionDetail7)
static __forceinline__ __device__ int optixGetExceptionCode ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_0 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_1 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_2 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_3 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_4 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_5 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_6 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ unsigned int optixGetExceptionDetail_7 ()
static __forceinline__ __device__ char * optixGetExceptionLineInfo ()
template<typename ReturnT , typename... ArgTypes>
static __forceinline__ __device__ ReturnT optixDirectCall (unsigned int sbtIndex, ArgTypes... args)
template<typename ReturnT , typename... ArgTypes>
static __forceinline__ __device__ ReturnT optixContinuationCall (unsigned int sbtIndex, ArgTypes... args)
static __forceinline__ __device__ uint4 optixTexFootprint2D (unsigned long long tex, unsigned int texInfo, float x, float y, unsigned int *singleMipLevel)
static __forceinline__ __device__ uint4 optixTexFootprint2DLod (unsigned long long tex, unsigned int texInfo, float x, float y, float level, bool coarse, unsigned int *singleMipLevel)
static __forceinline__ __device__ uint4 optixTexFootprint2DGrad (unsigned long long tex, unsigned int texInfo, float x, float y, float dPdx_x, float dPdx_y, float dPdy_x, float dPdy_y, bool coarse, unsigned int *singleMipLevel)

Detailed Description

OptiX public API header.

NVIDIA Corporation

OptiX public API Reference - Device API declarations

Macro Definition Documentation