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Data locality information represents valuable knowledge, e.g., for running compute operations to the distributed data. More...


class  nv::index::IAffinity_information
 Application-side control of data distribution to cluster machines and GPUs. More...
class  nv::index::IDomain_specific_subdivision
 Domain specific subdivision and data distribution. More...
class  nv::index::IDomain_specific_subdivision_topology
 Domain specific subdivision with topology information. More...
struct  nv::index::Subregion_identifier
 Unique identifier refering to a subregion. More...
class  nv::index::IDistributed_data_locality_query_mode
 Query modes enable the purposeful selection of data subsets for data localities. More...
class  nv::index::Distributed_data_locality_query_mode
 Implements a query method that selection all data subsets of a distributed dataset for distributed job execution. More...
class  nv::index::IDistributed_data_subset_locality_query_mode
 Query modes to determine the data localities of data subsets inside a region of interest. More...
class  nv::index::Distributed_data_subset_locality_query_mode
 Implements a query method that selection all data subsets of a distributed dataset covered by a region of interest. More...
class  nv::index::IDistributed_height_field_locality_query_mode
 Height field specific query modes to determine the data localities of height field patches. More...
class  nv::index::Distributed_height_field_locality_query_mode
 Implements the height field specific query mode height field patches. More...
class  nv::index::IRegular_heightfield_locality_query_mode
 Data locality query mode for deprecated heightfield datasets. More...
class  nv::index::Regular_heightfield_locality_query_mode
 Implements a data locality query mode for deprecated heightfield datasets. More...
class  nv::index::IDistributed_data_locality
 Data locality information for distributed datasets. More...

Detailed Description

Data locality information represents valuable knowledge, e.g., for running compute operations to the distributed data.