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Example for Material Distilling and Baking for Unity
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This example introduces the distillation of MDL materials to transmissive_pbr target model and showcases how to compile all material expressions into one link unit and how to bake material sub-expressions to a texture that fits the texture channel layout for the Unity High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) material model.

New Topics

  • Compiling into one link unit
  • Baking material to Unity texture channel layout

Detailed Description

Compiling all material expressions into one link unit

While the distilling part of the example is identical to Example for Material Distilling and Baking, the baking part invokes custom bakers (i.e. this example is not using mi::neuraylib::IBaker).

The class Baker is responsible for creating and invoking programs for GPU and CPU baking. In Baker::init_function_descriptions(), we first create a list of mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description from material sub-expressions required by the Unity material model.

In Baker::build_baker_programs(), we use mi::neuraylib::IMdl_backend_api to generate the GPU and CPU code for all selected expressions in one go using an mi::neuraylib::ILink_unit.

The resulting mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code can then be used in the routine Baker::bake() to invoke the custom baking codes.

Baking material to Unity material texture channel layout

The routine Baker::bake_native() implements baking on the CPU while Baker::bake_cuda_ptx() implements baking on the GPU.

Baking results are stored in textures following the Unity texture channel layout. The Unity High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) uses channel-packed Textures to store multiple Material maps in a single Texture. Channel packing is efficient because it allows the renderer to sample up to four grayscale maps that use the same UV coordinates with a single Texture fetch. HDRP uses two types of channel-packed Textures: the Mask Map and the Detail Map. The Detail Map is not baked in this example.

Mask Map is a texture that packs different Material maps into each of its RGBA channels.

  • Red: Stores the metallic map.
  • Green: Stores the ambient occlusion map.
  • Blue: Stores the detail mask map.
  • Alpha: Stores the smoothness map.

In this example we store the result of the evaluation of metallic and smoothness expressions in the Mask Map. The mapping of the MDL roughness to Unity smoothness is done with the formula:

smoothness = 1 - sqrt(roughness)
Color sqrt(const Color &c)
Returns the square root of each element of c.
Definition: color.h:804

Green channel of the Mask Map is set to 1, Blue channel is set to 0.

An extra map, the Base map stores base_color and opacity. The opacity value is derived from transparency using the formula:

opacity = 1 - transparency

In order to use the output maps, create an HDRP/Lit material shader in Unity and connect the Base map and the Mask map to the corresponding parameters.

Here are some examples of material expressions computed in this example using the transmissive_pbr target model:

Expression NameExpression
anisotropy surface.scattering.base.layer.components.0.component.layer.roughness_u.s.r.anisotropy
anisotropy_rotation surface.scattering.base.layer.components.0.component.layer.roughness_u.s.r.rotation
attenuation_color volume.absorption_coefficient.s.v.attenuation
attenuation_distance volume.scattering_coefficient.s.v.distance
base_color surface.scattering.base.layer.components.1.component.tint
clearcoat_normal surface.scattering.normal
clearcoat_roughness surface.scattering.layer.roughness_u
clearcoat_weight surface.scattering.weight
metallic surface.scattering.base.layer.components.1.weight
normal surface.scattering.base.normal
opacity geometry.cutout_opacity
roughness surface.scattering.base.layer.components.0.component.layer.roughness_u.s.r.roughness
specular surface.scattering.base.layer.components.0.component.weight
subsurface_color volume.absorption_coefficient.s.v.subsurface
transmission_color surface.scattering.layer.components.0.component.base.components.1.component.tint
transparency surface.scattering.layer.components.0.component.base.components.1.weight
volume_ior ior
... ...

Example Source

Source Code Location: examples/mdl_sdk/distilling_unity/example_distilling_unity.cpp

* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/mdl_sdk/distilling_unity/example_distilling_unity.cpp
// Introduces the distillation of mdl materials to a fixed target model
// and showcases how to bake material paths to a texture
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <set>
#include "example_shared.h"
#include "example_distilling_shared.h"
#include "example_cuda_shared.h"
#include "example_distilling_unity.h"
// Lookup tables for baking oversampling
float RADINV2[] = { 0, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.75f, 0.125f, 0.625f, 0.375f, 0.875f, 0.0625f, 0.5625f, 0.3125f, 0.8125f, 0.1875f, 0.6875f, 0.4375f };
float RADINV3[] = { 0, 0.333333f, 0.666667f, 0.111111f, 0.444444f, 0.777778f, 0.222222f, 0.555556f, 0.888889f, 0.037037f, 0.37037f, 0.703704f, 0.148148f, 0.481481f, 0.814815f };
class Logger;
class Logger : public mi::base::Interface_implement<mi::base::ILogger>
Logger(int level)
void message(
const char* /*module_category*/,
const mi::base::Message_details& /*details*/,
const char* message)
if (level > m_level)
const char* severity = 0;
switch (level) {
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_FATAL: severity = "fatal: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR: severity = "error: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING: severity = "warn: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO: severity = "info: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE: severity = "verbose: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_DEBUG: severity = "debug: "; break;
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_FORCE_32_BIT: return;
fprintf(stderr, "%s", severity);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", message);
putc('\n', stderr);
void set_verbosity_level(int level)
if (level >= 0 && level <= 6)
m_level = level;
void log(mi::base::Message_severity level, const std::string & str)
message(level, "Distilling"/*module_category*/, mi::base::Message_details(), str.c_str());
// Logging level up to which messages are reported
// level = 0 will disable all logging
// level >= 1 logs fatal messages
// level >= 2 logs error in addition
// level >= 3 logs warning in addition
// level >= 4 logs info in addition
// level >= 5 logs verbose in addition
// level = 6 logs debug in addition
int m_level = 0;
// Custom Timing output with a logger
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
struct LoggerTiming
explicit LoggerTiming(std::string operation)
: m_operation(operation)
m_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto stop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = stop - m_start;
std::stringstream strStream;
strStream << "Finished '" << m_operation << "' after " << elapsed_seconds.count()
<< " seconds.";
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO, strStream.str());
std::string m_operation;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_start;
// Small struct used to store the result of a texture baking process
// of a material sub expression
struct Material_parameter
typedef void (Remap_func(mi::base::IInterface*));
std::string value_type;
std::string bake_path;
Remap_func* remap_func;
Material_parameter() : remap_func(nullptr)
const std::string& value_type,
Remap_func* func = nullptr)
: value_type(value_type)
, remap_func(func)
class Material : public std::map<std::string, Material_parameter>
// Base Map
// - RGB: Stores the base color
// - Alpha : Stores the opacity
mi::neuraylib::ICanvas * get_base_color_map(mi::neuraylib::IImage_api* image_api, mi::Uint32 resolution)
if (!m_base_color_map.is_valid_interface())
m_base_color_map = mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ICanvas>(image_api->create_canvas("Color", resolution, resolution));
return m_base_color_map.get();
bool has_base_color_map() const
return m_base_color_map.is_valid_interface();
// Mask map
// A Texture that packs different Material maps into each of its RGBA channels
// - Red : Stores the metallic map
// - Green : Stores the ambient occlusion map
// - Blue : Stores the detail Mask Map
// - Alpha : Stores the smoothness map
mi::neuraylib::ICanvas * get_mask_map(mi::neuraylib::IImage_api* image_api, mi::Uint32 resolution)
if(! m_mask_map.is_valid_interface())
m_mask_map = mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ICanvas>(image_api->create_canvas("Color", resolution, resolution));
return m_mask_map.get();
bool has_mask_map() const
return m_mask_map.is_valid_interface();
Material_parameter * find_parameter(const std::string & name)
std::map<std::string, Material_parameter>::iterator it(find(name));
if (it != end())
return &(it->second);
return NULL;
bool is_base_map_parm(const std::string& param_name)
return (param_name == "base_color" || param_name == "transparency" || param_name == "opacity");
bool is_mask_map_parm(const std::string& param_name)
return (param_name == "metallic" || param_name == "roughness");
mi::neuraylib::ICanvas * get_texture_for_parameter(const std::string & param_name, mi::neuraylib::IImage_api* image_api, mi::Uint32 resolution)
if (is_base_map_parm(param_name))
return get_base_color_map(image_api, resolution);
else if (is_mask_map_parm(param_name))
return get_mask_map(image_api, resolution);
Material_parameter * p(find_parameter(param_name));
if (p)
return image_api->create_canvas(p->value_type.c_str(), resolution, resolution);
return NULL;
// Log the messages of the given context.
// Returns true, if the context does not contain any error messages, false otherwise.
bool print_messages_local(mi::neuraylib::IMdl_execution_context* context)
for (mi::Size i = 0; i < context->get_messages_count(); ++i) {
the_logger->log(message->get_severity(), message->get_string());
return context->get_error_messages_count() == 0;
// Creates an instance of the given material.
mi::neuraylib::IFunction_call* create_material_instance(
const std::string& module_qualified_name,
const std::string& material_simple_name)
// Load the module.
mdl_impexp_api->load_module(transaction, module_qualified_name.c_str(), context);
if (!print_messages(context))
exit_failure("Loading module '%s' failed.", module_qualified_name.c_str());
// Get the database name for the module we loaded
if (!module)
exit_failure("Failed to access the loaded module.");
// Attach the material name
std::string material_db_name
= std::string(module_db_name->get_c_str()) + "::" + material_simple_name;
material_db_name = mi::examples::mdl::add_missing_material_signature(
module.get(), material_db_name);
if (material_db_name.empty())
exit_failure("Failed to find the material %s in the module %s.",
material_simple_name.c_str(), module_qualified_name.c_str());
// Get the material definition from the database
if (!material_definition)
exit_failure("Accessing definition '%s' failed.", material_db_name.c_str());
// Create a material instance from the material definition with the default arguments.
mi::Sint32 result;
mi::neuraylib::IFunction_call* material_instance =
material_definition->create_function_call(0, &result);
if (result != 0)
exit_failure("Instantiating '%s' failed.", material_db_name.c_str());
return material_instance;
// Compiles the given material instance in the given compilation modes and stores
// it in the DB.
mi::neuraylib::ICompiled_material* compile_material_instance(
const mi::neuraylib::IFunction_call* material_instance,
bool class_compilation)
mi::Uint32 flags = class_compilation
// convert to target type SID_MATERIAL
context->set_option("target_type", standard_material_type.get());
material_instance->get_interface<const mi::neuraylib::IMaterial_instance>());
mi::neuraylib::ICompiled_material* compiled_material =
material_instance2->create_compiled_material(flags, context);
return compiled_material;
// Distills the given compiled material to the requested target model
// and returns it
const mi::neuraylib::ICompiled_material* create_distilled_material(
const mi::neuraylib::ICompiled_material* compiled_material,
const char* target_model)
mi::Sint32 result = 0;
distiller_api->distill_material(compiled_material, target_model, nullptr, &result));
check_success(result == 0);
return distilled_material.get();
// remap normal
void remap_normal(mi::base::IInterface* icanvas)
// Convert normal values from the interval [-1.0,1.0] to [0.0, 1.0]
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ITile> tile (canvas->get_tile());
mi::Float32* data = static_cast<mi::Float32*>(tile->get_data());
const mi::Uint32 n = canvas->get_resolution_x() * canvas->get_resolution_y() * 3;
for(mi::Uint32 i=0; i<n; ++i)
data[i] = (data[i] + 1.f) * 0.5f;
// Setup material parameters and collect relevant bake paths
void setup_target_material(
Material& out_material)
// Access surface.scattering function
lookup_call("surface.scattering", cm));
// ... and get its semantic
get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get()));
// Setup some material parameters
out_material["base_color"] = Material_parameter("Color");
out_material["metallic"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["specular"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["roughness"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["normal"] = Material_parameter("Float32<3>", remap_normal);
out_material["clearcoat_weight"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["clearcoat_roughness"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["clearcoat_normal"] = Material_parameter("Float32<3>", remap_normal);
out_material["opacity"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
std::string path_prefix = "surface.scattering.";
out_material["anisotropy"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["anisotropy_rotation"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["transparency"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["transmission_color"] = Material_parameter("Rgb_fp");
// uniform
out_material["attenuation_color"] = Material_parameter("Rgb_fp");
out_material["attenuation_distance"] = Material_parameter("Float32");
out_material["subsurface_color"] = Material_parameter("Rgb_fp");
out_material["volume_ior"] = Material_parameter("Rgb_fp");
// collect volume properties, they are guaranteed to exist
out_material["attenuation_color"].bake_path = "volume.absorption_coefficient.s.v.attenuation";
out_material["subsurface_color"].bake_path = "volume.absorption_coefficient.s.v.subsurface";
out_material["attenuation_distance"].bake_path = "volume.scattering_coefficient.s.v.distance";
out_material["volume_ior"].bake_path = "ior";
// Check for a clearcoat layer, first. If present, it is the outermost layer
// Setup clearcoat bake paths
out_material["clearcoat_weight"].bake_path = path_prefix + "weight";
out_material["clearcoat_roughness"].bake_path = path_prefix + "layer.roughness_u";
out_material["clearcoat_normal"].bake_path = path_prefix + "normal";
// Get clear-coat base layer
parent_call = lookup_call("base", cm, parent_call.get());
// Get clear-coat base layer semantic
semantic = get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get());
// Extend path prefix
path_prefix += "base.";
// Check for a weighted layer. Sole purpose of this layer is the transportation of
// the under-clearcoat-normal. It contains an empty base and a layer with the
// actual material body
// Collect under-clearcoat normal
out_material["normal"].bake_path = path_prefix + "normal";
// Chain further
parent_call = lookup_call("layer", cm, parent_call.get());
semantic = get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get());
path_prefix += "layer.";
// Check for a normalized mix. This mix combines the metallic and dielectric parts
// of the material
// The top-mix component is supposed to be a glossy bsdf
// Collect metallic weight
out_material["metallic"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.weight";
// And other metallic parameters
out_material["roughness"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.component.roughness_u.s.r.roughness";
out_material["anisotropy"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.component.roughness_u.s.r.anisotropy";
out_material["anisotropy_rotation"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.component.roughness_u.s.r.rotation";
// Base_color can be taken from any of the leaf-bsdfs. It is supposed to
// be the same.
out_material["base_color"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.component.tint";
// Chain further
parent_call = lookup_call(
"components.value0.component", cm, parent_call.get());
semantic = get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get());
path_prefix += "components.value0.component.";
// Collect specular parameters
out_material["specular"].bake_path = path_prefix + "weight";
out_material["roughness"].bake_path = path_prefix + "layer.roughness_u.s.r.roughness";
out_material["anisotropy"].bake_path = path_prefix + "layer.roughness_u.s.r.anisotropy";
out_material["anisotropy_rotation"].bake_path = path_prefix + "layer.roughness_u.s.r.rotation";
// Chain further
parent_call = lookup_call("base", cm, parent_call.get());
semantic = get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get());
path_prefix += "base.";
out_material["transparency"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.weight";
out_material["transmission_color"].bake_path = path_prefix + "components.value1.component.tint";
// Chain further
parent_call = lookup_call("components.value0.component", cm, parent_call.get());
semantic = get_call_semantic(transaction, parent_call.get());
path_prefix += "components.value0.component.";
if (semantic ==
if (out_material["metallic"].bake_path.empty())
out_material["metallic"].value = create_value(transaction, "Float32", 1.0f);
if (out_material["roughness"].bake_path.empty())
out_material["roughness"].bake_path = path_prefix + "roughness_u";
if (out_material["base_color"].bake_path.empty())
out_material["base_color"].bake_path = path_prefix + "tint";
else if (semantic ==
if (out_material["base_color"].bake_path.empty())
out_material["base_color"].bake_path = path_prefix + "tint";
// Check for cutout-opacity
if (cutout.is_valid_interface())
out_material["opacity"].bake_path = "geometry.cutout_opacity";
// Function_descriptions
// Helper class which holds a vector of Target_function_description
// and allows to query a specific function description for a given expression (aka description) or for a given parameter name
class Function_descriptions : public std::vector<mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description>
void add_function(const std::string & parameter_name, const std::string & description)
if (!description.empty())
m_parms[parameter_name] = description;
// TODO Set a name for each fct?
bool get_function_description(const std::string & description, mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description & function_description) const
for (auto & fd : *this)
if (fd.path == description)
function_description = fd;
return true;
return false;
bool get_function_description_from_parameter(const std::string & parameter_name, mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description & function_description) const
Parameter_map::const_iterator it(m_parms.find(parameter_name));
if (it != m_parms.end())
return get_function_description(it->second, function_description);
return false;
typedef std::map<std::string/*parameter_name*/, std::string /*description*/> Parameter_map;
Parameter_map m_parms;
class Baker
, Material& out_material
: m_out_material(out_material)
, m_transaction(mi::base::make_handle_dup(transaction))
, m_context(mi::base::make_handle_dup(context))
, m_mdl_backend_api(mi::base::make_handle_dup(mdl_backend_api))
// Determine how to bake: CPU || GPU || GPU with fallback
// Initialize function descriptions
// Build, compile, code to bake params
bool bake(
, mi::Uint32 baking_samples
, mi::Uint32 baking_resolution
, bool parallel
) const
// Prepare for baking
Parm_list plist;
if (m_bake_gpu)
if (bake_cuda_ptx(image_api, baking_samples, baking_resolution, plist))
return true;
// Will bake on CPU below if GPU fails and if BAKE_ON_GPU_WITH_CPU_FALLBACK was chosen
if (m_bake_cpu)
if (bake_native(image_api, baking_samples, baking_resolution, plist))
return true;
return false;
Function_descriptions m_descs;
Material & m_out_material;
bool m_bake_gpu = false;
bool m_bake_cpu = false;
// The CUDA device ID.
int m_cuda_device = 0;
// Helper to sort the parameters to bake.
// This is particularly useful for GPU baking.
struct Parms
Parms(const std::string & name, Expression_type expr_type)
: m_name(name), m_expr_type(expr_type)
std::string m_name;
Expression_type m_expr_type = EXT_UNKNOWN;
class Parm_list : public std::vector<Parms>
std::set<std::string> m_added;
void add_parm(const std::string & name, Expression_type expr_type = EXT_UNKNOWN)
if (m_added.find(name) == m_added.end())
emplace_back(Parms(name, expr_type));
void add_parms(const Material & m)
for (const auto & p : m)
// Build ordered list of material parameters
void pre_bake(Parm_list & plist) const
// WARNING: Order of the following maps is important
plist.add_parm("roughness", EXT_ROUGHNESS);
plist.add_parm("metallic", EXT_METALLIC);
plist.add_parm("base_color", EXT_BASE_COLOR);
plist.add_parm("transparency", EXT_TRANSPARENCY);
plist.add_parm("opacity", EXT_OPACITY);
// Add all other parameters
bool bake_native(
, const mi::Uint32& baking_samples
, const mi::Uint32& baking_resolution
, const Parm_list& plist
) const
auto bake_native_function = [](
size_t index
, mi::Size num_rows_per_frag
, mi::Size num_frags_with_extra_row
, mi::Uint32 tex_width
, mi::Uint32 num_samples
, const mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description& function_description
, const mi::Uint32& components_per_pixel
, Expression_type expr_type
, float metallic
mi::Uint32 start_row = mi::Uint32(
index * num_rows_per_frag +
((index < num_frags_with_extra_row) ? index : num_frags_with_extra_row));
start_row + num_rows_per_frag - 1 +
((index < num_frags_with_extra_row) ? 1 : 0));
mi::Uint32 start_col = 0;
mi::Uint32 end_col = tex_width - 1;
state.normal = mi::Float32_3(0, 0, 1);
state.geom_normal = mi::Float32_3(0, 0, 1);
//state.position = mi::Float32_3(0, 0, 0);
state.animation_time = 0;
state.ro_data_segment = 0;
const int max_tex_spaces = 4;
mi::Float32_3 tex_coords[max_tex_spaces];
mi::Float32_3 tangent_u[max_tex_spaces];
mi::Float32_3 tangent_v[max_tex_spaces];
state.text_coords = tex_coords;
state.tangent_u = tangent_u;
state.tangent_v = tangent_v;
for (int ts = 0; ts < max_tex_spaces; ++ts)
tangent_u[ts] = mi::Float32_3(1, 0, 0);
tangent_v[ts] = mi::Float32_3(0, 1, 0);
// text result are currently unused
state.text_results = 0;
// we have no uniform state here
mi::Float32_4_4 world_to_obj(1.0f);
mi::Float32_4_4 obj_to_world(1.0f);
state.world_to_object = &world_to_obj[0];
state.object_to_world = &obj_to_world[0];
state.object_id = 0;
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ITile> tile(texture->get_tile());
mi::Float32_4 pixel_data;
float* data = static_cast<float*>(tile->get_data());
for (mi::Uint32 i = start_row; i <= end_row; i++)
for (mi::Uint32 j = start_col; j <= end_col; j++)
mi::Float32_4 pixel(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
pixel_data = pixel;
check_success(num_samples <= 16);
for (mi::Uint32 k = 0; k < num_samples; k++)
const mi::Float32 y = (i + mi::math::frac(RADINV3[k] + 0.5f)) * dv;
const mi::Float32 x = (j + mi::math::frac(RADINV2[k] + 0.5f)) * du;
state.position = mi::Float32_3(x, y, 0);
for (int ts = 0; ts < max_tex_spaces; ++ts)
tex_coords[ts] = mi::Float32_3(x, y, 0);
if (code->execute(
function_description.function_index, state, nullptr, nullptr, (mi::Float32*)&pixel.x) != 0)
pixel_data += pixel;
pixel_data /= num_samples;
if (expr_type == EXT_BASE_COLOR)
// Gamma correction
const float gammainv(1 / 2.2f);
pixel_data.x = powf(pixel_data.x, gammainv);
pixel_data.y = powf(pixel_data.y, gammainv);
pixel_data.z = powf(pixel_data.z, gammainv);
pixel_data.w = 1.0f;
tile->set_pixel(j, i, (mi::Float32*)&pixel_data.x);
else if (expr_type == EXT_TRANSPARENCY)
mi::Float32* const pixel = data + (j + i * static_cast<mi::Size>(tex_width)) * components_per_pixel;
pixel[3] *= 1 - pixel_data.x;
else if (expr_type == EXT_OPACITY)
mi::Float32* const pixel = data + (j + i * static_cast<mi::Size>(tex_width)) * components_per_pixel;
pixel[3] *= pixel_data.x;
else if (expr_type == EXT_METALLIC)
mi::Float32* const pixel = data + (j + i * static_cast<mi::Size>(tex_width)) * components_per_pixel;
// Red : Stores the metallic map.
pixel[0] = pixel_data.x;
// Green : Stores the ambient occlusion map.
pixel[1] = 1.0f;
else if (expr_type == EXT_ROUGHNESS)
mi::Float32* const pixel = data + (j + i * static_cast<mi::Size>(tex_width)) * components_per_pixel;
// Alpha: Stores the smoothness map.
// smoothness = 1 - sqrt(roughness)
pixel[3] = 1 - sqrtf(pixel_data.x);
// Green : Stores the ambient occlusion map.
pixel[1] = 1.0f;
// If metallic has no bake_path, need to set its value here
if (metallic > 0)
pixel[0] = metallic;
tile->set_pixel(j, i, (mi::Float32*)&pixel_data.x);
if (!m_native_code)
return false;
float metallic(-1); // no need to set metallic unless bake_path is not set
Material_parameter* param = m_out_material.find_parameter("metallic");
if (param && param->bake_path.empty())
if (param->value_type == "Float32" && param->value)
mi::base::Handle<mi::IFloat32> value(param->value->get_interface<mi::IFloat32>());
// Determine whether base map is uniform
std::set<std::string> base_map_parm = {"base_color", "transparency" , "opacity"};
bool is_base_map_uniform(parms_are_uniform(base_map_parm, m_native_code.get()));
// Determine whether Mask Map is uniform
std::set<std::string> mask_map_parm = {"metallic", "roughness"};
bool is_mask_map_uniform(parms_are_uniform(mask_map_parm, m_native_code.get()));
for (auto& p : plist)
Material_parameter* param = m_out_material.find_parameter(p.m_name);
if (!param)
if (!m_descs.get_function_description(param->bake_path, function_description))
// Did not find function description
mi::Uint32 samples(baking_samples);
mi::Uint32 resolution(baking_resolution);
// Determine if need to bake texture or constant
bool uniform(is_uniform(m_native_code.get(), function_description.function_index));
if (m_out_material.is_base_map_parm(p.m_name))
uniform = is_base_map_uniform;
else if (m_out_material.is_mask_map_parm(p.m_name))
uniform = is_mask_map_uniform;
if (uniform)
// 1 pixel canvas
samples = 1;
resolution = 1;
// Bake texture for expression
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ICanvas> texture(m_out_material.get_texture_for_parameter(p.m_name, image_api, resolution));
if (!texture)
Expression_type expr_type(p.m_expr_type);
const mi::Uint32 tex_width(texture->get_resolution_x());
const mi::Uint32 tex_height(texture->get_resolution_y());
const mi::Float32 du((mi::Float32)(1.0 / tex_width));
const mi::Float32 dv((mi::Float32)(1.0 / tex_height));
const mi::Size num_fragments(tex_height);
const mi::Size num_rows_per_frag(tex_height / (int)num_fragments);
const mi::Size num_frags_with_extra_row(tex_height - num_rows_per_frag * (int)num_fragments);
const mi::Uint32 components_per_pixel(get_components_per_pixel(mi::base::make_handle(texture->get_tile())->get_type()));
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (size_t index = 0; index < num_fragments; index++)
, index
, num_rows_per_frag
, num_frags_with_extra_row
, tex_width
, texture.get()
, samples
, du
, dv
, m_native_code.get()
, function_description
, components_per_pixel
, expr_type
, metallic
for (auto& t : threads)
if (param->remap_func)
param->texture = texture;
return true;
mi::Uint32 get_components_per_pixel(const std::string & pixel_type) const
if (pixel_type == "Rgb_fp")
return 3;
else if (pixel_type == "Float32")
return 1;
else if (pixel_type == "Float32<3>")
return 3;
else if (pixel_type == "Color")
return 4;
return 0;
bool bake_cuda_ptx(
, const mi::Uint32 & baking_samples
, const mi::Uint32 & baking_resolution
, const Parm_list & plist
) const
auto bake_cuda_ptx_function = [](
, const mi::Uint32 & baking_samples
, const mi::Uint32 & components_per_pixel
, CUdeviceptr & device_outbuf
, CUdeviceptr & device_tc_data_list
, CUdeviceptr & device_arg_block_list
, CUfunction & cuda_function
, const mi::neuraylib::Target_function_description & function_description
, Expression_type expr_type
, float metallic
int res_x = texture->get_resolution_x();
int res_y = texture->get_resolution_y();
int num_samples = baking_samples;
size_t function_index(function_description.function_index);
unsigned int cpp(components_per_pixel);
// Launch kernel for the whole image
dim3 threads_per_block(16, 16);
dim3 num_blocks((res_x + 15) / 16, (res_y + 15) / 16);
void *kernel_params[] = {
num_blocks.x, num_blocks.y, num_blocks.z,
threads_per_block.x, threads_per_block.y, threads_per_block.z,
0, nullptr, kernel_params, nullptr));
float *data = static_cast<float *>(tile->get_data());
data, device_outbuf, res_x * res_y * sizeof(float) * components_per_pixel));
if (!m_gpu_code)
return false;
CUcontext cuda_context = init_cuda(m_cuda_device);
// Build the full CUDA kernel with all the generated code
CUfunction cuda_function;
char const *ptx_name = "example_distilling_unity.ptx";
std::vector <mi::base::Handle<const mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code>> target_codes;
CUmodule cuda_module = build_linked_kernel(
(mi::examples::io::get_executable_folder() + "/" + ptx_name).c_str(),
// Prepare the needed data of all target codes for the GPU
std::vector<size_t> arg_block_indices;
for (auto & d : m_descs)
Material_gpu_context material_gpu_context(false/*options.enable_derivatives*/);
for (size_t i = 0, num_target_codes = target_codes.size(); i < num_target_codes; ++i)
if (!material_gpu_context.prepare_target_code_data(
m_transaction.get(), image_api, target_codes[i].get(), arg_block_indices))
return false;
CUdeviceptr device_tc_data_list = material_gpu_context.get_device_target_code_data_list();
CUdeviceptr device_arg_block_list =
// Allocate GPU output buffer
int res_x = baking_resolution;
int res_y = baking_resolution;
// Create an output buffer large enough to contain data for all the possible expressions
CUdeviceptr device_outbuf;
check_cuda_success(cuMemAlloc(&device_outbuf, res_x * res_y * sizeof(float4)));
float metallic(-1); // no need to set metallic unless bake_path is not set
Material_parameter * param = m_out_material.find_parameter("metallic");
if (param && param->bake_path.empty())
if (param->value_type == "Float32" && param->value)
mi::base::Handle<mi::IFloat32> value(param->value->get_interface<mi::IFloat32>());
// Determine whether base map is uniform
std::set<std::string> base_map_parm = {"base_color", "transparency" , "opacity"};
bool is_base_map_uniform(parms_are_uniform(base_map_parm, m_gpu_code.get()));
// Determine whether Mask Map is uniform
std::set<std::string> mask_map_parm = {"metallic", "roughness"};
bool is_mask_map_uniform(parms_are_uniform(mask_map_parm, m_gpu_code.get()));
for(auto & p : plist)
Material_parameter * param = m_out_material.find_parameter(p.m_name);
if (!param)
if (!m_descs.get_function_description(param->bake_path, function_description))
// Did not find function description
mi::Uint32 samples(baking_samples);
mi::Uint32 resolution(baking_resolution);
// Determine if need to bake texture or constant
bool uniform(is_uniform(m_gpu_code.get(), function_description.function_index));
if (m_out_material.is_base_map_parm(p.m_name))
uniform = is_base_map_uniform;
else if (m_out_material.is_mask_map_parm(p.m_name))
uniform = is_mask_map_uniform;
if (uniform)
// 1 pixel canvas
samples = 1;
resolution = 1;
// Bake texture for expression
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ICanvas> texture(m_out_material.get_texture_for_parameter(p.m_name, image_api, resolution));
if (!texture)
Expression_type expr_type(p.m_expr_type);
const mi::Uint32 components_per_pixel(get_components_per_pixel(mi::base::make_handle(texture->get_tile())->get_type()));
check_success(components_per_pixel > 0 && components_per_pixel <= 4);
, baking_samples
, components_per_pixel
, device_outbuf
, device_tc_data_list
, device_arg_block_list
, cuda_function
, function_description
, expr_type
, metallic
if (param->remap_func)
param->texture = texture;
// Cleanup resources not handled by Material_gpu_context
return true;
void init_baker_resource(mi::neuraylib::Baker_resource baker_resource)
switch (baker_resource)
m_bake_gpu = true;
m_bake_cpu = true;
m_bake_gpu = true;
m_bake_cpu = true;
void init_function_descriptions()
// Build function description list
for (auto & m : m_out_material)
Material_parameter& param = m.second;
m_descs.add_function(m.first, param.bake_path);
const mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code* build_baker_programs_for_backend_kind(
// Link unit
// Create a link unit
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ILink_unit> link_unit(backend->create_link_unit(m_transaction.get(), m_context.get()));
// Add all expressions to the link unit
mi::Sint32 result = link_unit->add_material(material,, m_descs.size(), m_context.get());
check_success(0 == result);
// Use backend to translate link unit to target code
// Translate link unit
return backend->translate_link_unit(link_unit.get(), m_context.get());
void build_baker_programs(const mi::neuraylib::ICompiled_material* material)
if (m_bake_cpu)
// Get a backend
m_native_code = build_baker_programs_for_backend_kind(material, backend.get());
if (m_bake_gpu)
// Set backend options
check_success(backend->set_option("num_texture_spaces", "1") == 0);
check_success(backend->set_option("tex_lookup_call_mode", "direct_call") == 0);
check_success(backend->set_option("enable_ro_segment", "off") == 0);
check_success(backend->set_option("fast_math", "off") == 0);
m_gpu_code = build_baker_programs_for_backend_kind(material, backend.get());
//std::cout << "Dumping CUDA PTX code:\n\n" << m_gpu_code->get_code() << std::endl;
bool is_uniform(const mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code * code, const mi::Size & function_index) const
mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code::State_usage render_state_usage =
// everything but state::texture_coordinate() and state::position() is constant for baking
return ((render_state_usage &
bool parms_are_uniform(const std::set<std::string> parms, const mi::neuraylib::ITarget_code* code) const
for (auto& pname : parms)
Material_parameter* param = m_out_material.find_parameter(pname);
if (!param)
if (!m_descs.get_function_description(param->bake_path, function_description))
// Did not find function description
if (!is_uniform(code, function_description.function_index))
// Return as soon as one of the parms is not uniform
return false;
return true;
void bake_target_material_inputs(
, mi::Uint32 baking_samples
, mi::Uint32 baking_resolution
, Material& out_material
, bool parallel
Baker baker(baker_resource, transaction, material, out_material, context, mdl_backend_api);
check_success(baker.bake(image_api, baking_samples, baking_resolution, parallel));
// Helper class to export canvases either sequentially or in parallel threads
class Canvas_exporter
bool m_in_parallel = true;
std::map<std::string/*filename*/, mi::base::Handle<const mi::neuraylib::ICanvas>> m_canvases;
Canvas_exporter(bool parallel)
: m_in_parallel(parallel)
void add_canvas(const std::string& filename, const mi::neuraylib::ICanvas* canvas)
m_canvases[filename] = mi::base::make_handle_dup(canvas);
void do_export(mi::neuraylib::IMdl_impexp_api * mdl_impexp_api)
auto export_canvas = [mdl_impexp_api](const char* filename, const mi::neuraylib::ICanvas* canvas)
check_success(mdl_impexp_api->export_canvas(filename, canvas) == 0);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (auto & canvas_file : m_canvases)
const char * filename(canvas_file.first.c_str());
const mi::neuraylib::ICanvas* canvas(canvas_file.second.get());
if (m_in_parallel)
std::thread(export_canvas, filename, canvas)
export_canvas(filename, canvas);
for (auto & t : threads)
// Print some information about baked material parameters to the console and
// save the baked textures to disk
void process_target_material(
const std::string& target_model,
const std::string& material_name,
const Material& material,
bool save_baked_textures,
bool parallel,
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Material model: " + target_model));
Canvas_exporter canvas_exporter(parallel);
for(Material::const_iterator it = material.begin();
it != material.end(); ++it)
const std::string& param_name = it->first;
const Material_parameter& param = it->second;
bool mask_map(false);
bool base_map(false);
// Do not save redundant textures
if (param_name == "transparency" && material.has_base_color_map())
// We skip transparency if a Base Map exists since the Base Map contains transparency value
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, "Skip transparency stored in Base Map");
if (param_name == "opacity" && material.has_base_color_map())
// We skip opacity if a Base Map exists since the Base Map contains opacity value combined with transparency
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, "Skip opacity stored in Base Map");
if (param_name == "roughness" && material.has_mask_map())
// We skip roughness if a Mask Map exists since the Mask Map contains roughness value
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, "Skip roughness stored in Mask Map");
if (param_name == "metallic" && material.has_mask_map())
// Here is the Mask Map
mask_map = true;
else if (param_name == "base_color" && material.has_base_color_map())
// Here is the Base Map
base_map = true;
std::stringstream log_message;
bool skip_uniform(false);
if (param.texture->get_resolution_x() == 1 && param.texture->get_resolution_y() == 1)
skip_uniform = true;
if (mask_map)
log_message << "Mask Map (metallic, ao, detail, smoothness) constant ";
skip_uniform = false; // Do save the Mask Map
else if (base_map)
log_message << "Base Map (base_color, opacity) constant ";
skip_uniform = false; // Do save the Base Map
log_message << param_name << " baked to constant ";
mi::Float32_4 pixel_data;
param.texture->get_tile()->get_pixel(0, 0, (mi::Float32*)&pixel_data.x);
std::string type(param.texture->get_type());
if (type == "Rgb_fp")
log_message << "color: ("
<< pixel_data[0] << ", " << pixel_data[1] << ", " << pixel_data[2] << ")";
else if (type == "Float32")
log_message << "float: " << pixel_data[0];
else if (type == "Float32<3>")
log_message << "vector: ("
<< pixel_data[0] << ", " << pixel_data[1] << ", " << pixel_data[2] << ")";
else if (type == "Color")
log_message << "color: ("
<< pixel_data[0] << ", " << pixel_data[1] << ", " << pixel_data[2] << ", " << pixel_data[3] << ")";
if (base_map)
if (pixel_data[0] >= 0 && pixel_data[0] <= 1 &&
pixel_data[1] >= 0 && pixel_data[1] <= 1 &&
pixel_data[2] >= 0 && pixel_data[2] <= 1)
log_message << " (hexadecimal color: "
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(pixel_data[0] * 255)
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(pixel_data[1] * 255)
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(pixel_data[2] * 255) << ")";
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING, std::string("Unsupported data type"));
if (!log_message.str().empty())
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, log_message.str());
log_message = std::stringstream();
if (save_baked_textures && !skip_uniform)
// write texture to disc
std::stringstream file_name;
if (mask_map)
file_name << material_name << "-" << "mask_map" << ".png";
else if (base_map)
file_name << material_name << "-" << "base_map" << ".png";
file_name << material_name << "-" << param_name << ".png";
log_message << param_name << " baked to texture : " << file_name.str();
canvas_exporter.add_canvas(file_name.str(), param.texture.get());
if (!log_message.str().empty())
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, log_message.str());
// Export canvases
// Prints program usage
static void usage(const char *name)
<< "usage: " << name << " [options] [<material_name1> ...]\n"
<< "-h print this text\n"
<< "--verbosity verbosity level (0: no messages, 1: fatal, 2: error, 3: warning, 4: info, 5: verbose, 6: debug)\n"
<< "--baker_resource baking device: gpu|cpu|gpu_with_cpu_fallback (default: cpu)\n"
<< "--samples baking samples (default: 4, max: 16)\n"
<< "--resolution baking resolution (default: 1024)\n"
<< "--material_file <file> file containing fully qualified names of materials to distill\n"
<< "--do_not_save_textures if set, avoid saving baked textures to file\n"
<< "--module <module_name> distill all materials from the module, can occur multiple times\n"
<< "--no_parallel do not save texture files in parallel threads\n"
<< "--mdl_path <path> mdl search path, can occur multiple times.\n";
void load_materials_from_file(const std::string & material_file, std::vector<std::string> & material_names)
std::fstream file;, std::fstream::in);
if (!file)
std::cout << "Invalid file: " + material_file;
std::string fn;
while (getline(file, fn))
void load_materials_from_modules(
, mi::neuraylib::IMdl_impexp_api * mdl_impexp_api
, const std::vector<std::string> & module_names
, std::vector<std::string> & material_names)
for (auto module_name : module_names)
// Sanity check
if (module_name.find("::") != 0)
module_name = std::string("::") + module_name;
mi::Sint32 rtn(mdl_impexp_api->load_module(transaction, module_name.c_str(), context.get()));
check_success(rtn == 0 || rtn == 1);
mi::Size material_count = module->get_material_count();
for (mi::Size i = 0; i < material_count; i++)
std::string mname(module->get_material(i));
material_names.push_back(std::string(material->get_mdl_module_name()) + "::" + std::string(material->get_mdl_simple_name()));
int MAIN_UTF8(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string target_model = "transmissive_pbr";
mi::Uint32 baking_samples = 4;
mi::Uint32 baking_resolution = 1024;
bool parallel = true;
std::vector<std::string> material_names;
std::vector<std::string> module_names;
std::string material_file;
bool save_baked_textures(true);
int verbosity_level(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE);
the_logger = new Logger(verbosity_level);
mi::examples::mdl::Configure_options configure_options;
configure_options.add_admin_space_search_paths = false;
configure_options.add_user_space_search_paths = false;
configure_options.add_example_search_path = false;
configure_options.logger = the_logger.get();
// Collect command line arguments, if any
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const char *opt = argv[i];
if (opt[0] == '-') {
if (strcmp(opt, "--mdl_path") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
else if (strcmp(opt, "--baker_resource") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1) {
std::string res = argv[++i];
if (res == "gpu")
baker_resource = mi::neuraylib::BAKE_ON_GPU;
else if (res == "gpu_with_cpu_fallback")
else if (res != "cpu")
else if (strcmp(opt, "--samples") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
int val(atoi(argv[++i]));
if (val > 0 && val <= 16)
baking_samples = val;
std::cout << "Invalid number of samples ignored\n";
else if (strcmp(opt, "--resolution") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
int val(atoi(argv[++i]));
if (val > 0)
baking_resolution = val;
std::cout << "Invalid resolution ignored\n";
else if (strcmp(opt, "--verbosity") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
int val(atoi(argv[++i]));
if (val >= 0 && val <= 6)
verbosity_level = val;
std::cout << "Invalid verbosity ignored\n";
else if (strcmp(opt, "--material_file") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
material_file = argv[++i];
else if (strcmp(opt, "--do_not_save_textures") == 0) {
save_baked_textures = false;
else if (strcmp(opt, "--no_parallel") == 0) {
parallel = false;
else if (strcmp(opt, "--module") == 0) {
if (i < argc - 1)
// Update verbosity level after processing command line arguments
if (configure_options.additional_mdl_paths.empty())
configure_options.add_example_search_path = true;
if (!material_file.empty())
load_materials_from_file(material_file, material_names);
// Access the MDL SDK
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray(mi::examples::mdl::load_and_get_ineuray());
if (!neuray.is_valid_interface())
exit_failure("Failed to load the SDK.");
// Configure the MDL SDK
if (!mi::examples::mdl::configure(neuray.get(), configure_options))
exit_failure("Failed to initialize the SDK.");
// Load the distilling plugin
if (mi::examples::mdl::load_plugin(neuray.get(), "mdl_distiller" MI_BASE_DLL_FILE_EXT) != 0)
exit_failure("Failed to load the mdl_distiller plugin.");
// Start the MDL SDK
mi::Sint32 ret = neuray->start();
if (ret != 0)
exit_failure("Failed to initialize the SDK. Result code: %d", ret);
LoggerTiming timing("Load, distill and bake all materials");
// Get MDL Import/Export API
// Get MDL backend API
// Get MDL factory
// Create a transaction
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IScope> scope(database->get_global_scope());
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ITransaction> transaction(scope->create_transaction());
if (!module_names.empty())
load_materials_from_modules(mdl_factory.get(), transaction.get(), mdl_impexp_api.get(), module_names, material_names);
if (material_names.empty())
size_t n_materials_done(0);
size_t n_materials_todo(material_names.size());
for (const auto& m : material_names)
LoggerTiming timing("Distill and bake");
// split module and material name
std::string module_qualified_name, material_simple_name;
if (!mi::examples::mdl::parse_cmd_argument_material_name(
m, module_qualified_name, material_simple_name, true))
// Create an execution context
// Load mdl module and create a material instance
// Compile the material instance
// Acquire distilling api used for material distilling and baking
// Distill compiled material to diffuse/glossy material model
// Acquire image api needed to create a canvas for baking
Material out_material;
// Setup result material parameters and collect bake paths
// Bake material inputs
// Process resulting material, in this case we simply
// print some information about the baked parameters
// and save the textures to disk, if any
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Distilled material: ") + material_simple_name);
std::stringstream strStream;
strStream << "Progress: " << (float(n_materials_done) / n_materials_todo) * 100 << " % (" << n_materials_done << "/" << n_materials_todo << ")";
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, strStream.str());
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Transaction commit"));
// Shut down the MDL SDK
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Shutting down the SDK"));
if (neuray->shutdown() != 0)
exit_failure("Failed to shutdown the SDK.");
// Unload the MDL SDK
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Unloading the SDK"));
neuray = nullptr;
if (!mi::examples::mdl::unload())
exit_failure("Failed to unload the SDK.");
the_logger->log(mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE, std::string("Exiting"));
// Convert command line arguments to UTF8 on Windows
This interface represents mi::Float32.
Definition: inumber.h:221
A 32-bit unsigned counter with atomic arithmetic, increments, and decrements.
Definition: atom.h:41
Handle class template for interfaces, automatizing the lifetime control via reference counting.
Definition: handle.h:113
The basic extensible interface.
Definition: iinterface.h:103
Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations.
Definition: interface_implement.h:41
NxM-dimensional matrix class template of fixed dimensions.
Definition: matrix.h:367
Fixed-size math vector class template with generic operations.
Definition: vector.h:286
virtual Uint32 get_resolution_y() const =0
Returns the resolution of the canvas in y direction.
virtual Uint32 get_resolution_x() const =0
Returns the resolution of the canvas in x direction.
Abstract interface for a canvas represented by a rectangular array of tiles.
Definition: icanvas.h:89
virtual const ITile * get_tile(Uint32 layer=0) const =0
Returns the tile for the given layer.
This interface represents a compiled material.
Definition: icompiled_material.h:97
virtual const IExpression * lookup_sub_expression(const char *path) const =0
Looks up a sub-expression of the compiled material.
This interface is used to interact with the distributed database.
Definition: idatabase.h:289
This interface represents a function call.
Definition: ifunction_call.h:52
This interface represents a function definition.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:44
All known semantics of functions definitions.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:54
The df::microfacet_ggx_vcavities() function.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:295
The df::diffuse_reflection_bsdf() function.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:259
The df::normalized_mix() function.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:274
The df::custom_curve_layer() function.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:278
The df::weighted_layer() function.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:276
This interface provides various utilities related to canvases and buffers.
Definition: iimage_api.h:72
virtual ICanvas * create_canvas(const char *pixel_type, Uint32 width, Uint32 height, Uint32 layers=1, bool is_cubemap=false, Float32 gamma=0.0f) const =0
Creates a canvas with given pixel type, resolution, and layers.
This interface represents a material instance.
Definition: imaterial_instance.h:34
Selects class compilation instead of instance compilation.
Definition: imaterial_instance.h:41
Default compilation options (e.g., instance compilation).
Definition: imaterial_instance.h:40
This interface can be used to obtain the MDL backends.
Definition: imdl_backend_api.h:56
Generate native code.
Definition: imdl_backend_api.h:64
Generate CUDA PTX code.
Definition: imdl_backend_api.h:61
MDL backends allow to transform compiled material instances or function calls into target code.
Definition: imdl_backend.h:40
Provides access to various functionality related to MDL distilling.
Definition: imdl_distiller_api.h:47
virtual ICompiled_material * distill_material(const ICompiled_material *material, const char *target, const IMap *distiller_options=0, Sint32 *errors=0) const =0
Distills a material.
The execution context can be used to query status information like error and warning messages concern...
Definition: imdl_execution_context.h:131
virtual Sint32 set_option(const char *name, const char *value)=0
Sets a string option.
virtual Size get_error_messages_count() const =0
Returns the number of error messages.
virtual Size get_messages_count() const =0
Returns the number of messages.
virtual const IMessage * get_message(Size index) const =0
Returns the message at index or NULL, if no such index exists.
Factory for various MDL interfaces and functions.
Definition: imdl_factory.h:53
virtual IMdl_execution_context * create_execution_context()=0
Creates an execution context.
virtual IType_factory * create_type_factory(ITransaction *transaction)=0
Returns an MDL type factory for the given transaction.
virtual const IString * get_db_module_name(const char *mdl_name)=0
Returns the DB name for the MDL name of a module (or file path for MDLE modules).
API component for MDL related import and export operations.
Definition: imdl_impexp_api.h:43
virtual Sint32 export_canvas(const char *filename, const ICanvas *canvas, const IMap *export_options=0) const =0
Exports a canvas to a file on disk.
virtual Sint32 load_module(ITransaction *transaction, const char *argument, IMdl_execution_context *context=0)=0
Loads an MDL module from disk (or a builtin module) into the database.
This interface represents an MDL module.
Definition: imodule.h:634
Represents target code of an MDL backend.
Definition: imdl_backend.h:783
A transaction provides a consistent view on the database.
Definition: itransaction.h:82
virtual const base::IInterface * access(const char *name)=0
Retrieves an element from the database.
virtual Sint32 commit()=0
Commits the transaction.
The "::material" struct type.
Definition: itype.h:484
The operating system specific default filename extension for shared libraries (DLLs)
Definition: config.h:340
virtual const IInterface * get_interface(const Uuid &interface_id) const =0
Acquires a const interface from another.
Handle<Interface> make_handle_dup(Interface *iptr)
Converts passed-in interface pointer to a handle, without taking interface over.
Definition: handle.h:439
Handle<Interface> make_handle(Interface *iptr)
Returns a handle that holds the interface pointer passed in as argument.
Definition: handle.h:428
Interface * get() const
Access to the interface. Returns 0 for an invalid interface.
Definition: handle.h:294
bool is_valid_interface() const
Returns true if the interface is valid.
Definition: handle.h:291
Constants for possible message severities.
Definition: enums.h:31
A fatal error has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:33
This is debug message.
Definition: enums.h:43
A warning has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:37
This is a normal operational message.
Definition: enums.h:39
This is a more verbose message.
Definition: enums.h:41
An error has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:35
Uint32 swap(const Uint32 rhs)
Assigns rhs to the counter and returns the old value of counter.
unsigned int Uint32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:49
Uint64 Size
Unsigned integral type that is large enough to hold the size of all types.
Definition: types.h:112
float Float32
32-bit float.
Definition: types.h:51
signed int Sint32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:46
Color frac(const Color &c)
Returns a color with the elementwise positive fractional part of the color c.
Definition: color.h:625
Color log(const Color &c)
Returns a color with elementwise natural logarithm of the color c.
Definition: color.h:689
math::Vector<Float32, 3> Float32_3
Vector of three Float32.
Definition: vector_typedefs.h:90
virtual const ITarget_code * translate_link_unit(const ILink_unit *lu, IMdl_execution_context *context)=0
Transforms a link unit to target code.
virtual Sint32 set_option(const char *name, const char *value)=0
Sets a backend option.
virtual ILink_unit * create_link_unit(ITransaction *transaction, IMdl_execution_context *context)=0
Creates a new link unit.
Size function_index
The index of the generated function for accessing the callable function information of the link unit ...
Definition: imdl_backend.h:1801
virtual State_usage get_callable_function_render_state_usage(Size index) const =0
Returns the potential render state usage of callable function in the target code.
uses state::texture_coordinate()
Definition: imdl_backend.h:791
uses state::position()
Definition: imdl_backend.h:787
Identifies the resource(s) to be used by a baker.
Definition: imdl_distiller_api.h:30
Use only the CPU for texture baking.
Definition: imdl_distiller_api.h:33
Prefer using the GPU for texture baking, use the CPU as fallback.
Definition: imdl_distiller_api.h:37
Use only the GPU for texture baking.
Definition: imdl_distiller_api.h:35
Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH.
Definition: example_derivatives.dox:5
Structured details to log messages.
Definition: ilogger.h:71
The MDL material state structure inside the MDL SDK is a representation of the renderer state as defi...
Definition: target_code_types.h:210
tct_float3 normal
The result of state::normal().
Definition: target_code_types.h:217
char const * ro_data_segment
A pointer to a read-only data segment.
Definition: target_code_types.h:271
tct_int object_id
The result of state::object_id().
Definition: target_code_types.h:291
traits::tct_derivable_float3 position
The result of state::position().
Definition: target_code_types.h:225
tct_float4 const * world_to_object
A 4x4 transformation matrix in row-major order transforming from world to object coordinates.
Definition: target_code_types.h:278
tct_float3 const * tangent_v
An array containing the results of state::texture_tangent_v(i).
Definition: target_code_types.h:248
tct_float4 const * object_to_world
A 4x4 transformation matrix in row-major order transforming from object to world coordinates.
Definition: target_code_types.h:285
traits::tct_derivable_float3 const * text_coords
An array containing the results of state::texture_coordinate(i).
Definition: target_code_types.h:234
tct_float animation_time
The result of state::animation_time().
Definition: target_code_types.h:229
tct_float3 geom_normal
The result of state::geometry_normal().
Definition: target_code_types.h:221
tct_float3 const * tangent_u
An array containing the results of state::texture_tangent_u(i).
Definition: target_code_types.h:241
tct_float4 * text_results
The texture results lookup table.
Definition: target_code_types.h:256
Description of target function.
Definition: imdl_backend.h:1764
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