Spectrum class with floating point elements and operations. More...
Classes | |
struct | mi::math::Spectrum_struct |
Generic storage class template for a Spectrum representation storing three floating point elements. More... | |
class | mi::math::Spectrum |
Spectrum with floating point elements and operations. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::Pod_type = Spectrum_struct |
POD class corresponding to this spectrum. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::storage_type = Spectrum_struct |
Storage class used by this spectrum. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::value_type = Float32 |
Element type. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::size_type = Size |
Size type, unsigned. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::difference_type = Difference |
Difference type, signed. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::pointer = Float32 * |
Mutable pointer to element. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::const_pointer = const Float32 * |
Const pointer to element. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::reference = Float32 & |
Mutable reference to element. More... | |
using | mi::math::Spectrum::const_reference = const Float32 & |
Const reference to element. More... | |
Functions | |
static constexpr Size | mi::math::Spectrum::size () |
Constant size of the spectrum. More... | |
static constexpr Size | mi::math::Spectrum::max_size () |
Constant maximum size of the spectrum. More... | |
Float32 * | mi::math::Spectrum::begin () |
Returns the pointer to the first spectrum element. More... | |
const Float32 * | mi::math::Spectrum::begin () const |
Returns the pointer to the first spectrum element. More... | |
Float32 * | mi::math::Spectrum::end () |
Returns the past-the-end pointer. More... | |
const Float32 * | mi::math::Spectrum::end () const |
Returns the past-the-end pointer. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum () | |
The default constructor leaves the spectrum elements uninitialized. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Spectrum &s)=default | |
Default copy constructor. More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::Spectrum::operator= (const Spectrum &s)=default |
Default assignment operator. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Spectrum_struct &s) | |
Constructor from underlying storage type. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Float32 s) | |
Constructor initializes all vector elements to the value s . More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (Float32 nr, Float32 ng, Float32 nb) | |
Constructor initializes (r,g,b) from (nr ,ng ,nb ). More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Vector< Float32, 3 > &v3) | |
Conversion from Vector<Float32,3>. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Vector< Float32, 4 > &v4) | |
Conversion from Vector<Float32,4>. More... | |
mi::math::Spectrum::Spectrum (const Color &col) | |
Conversion from Color. More... | |
Vector< Float32, 3 > | mi::math::Spectrum::to_vector3 () const |
Conversion to Vector<Float32,3>. More... | |
Vector< Float32, 4 > | mi::math::Spectrum::to_vector4 () const |
Conversion to Vector<Float32,4>. More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE const Float32 & | mi::math::Spectrum::operator[] (Size i) const |
Accesses the i-th spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3 . More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Float32 & | mi::math::Spectrum::operator[] (Size i) |
Accesses the i-th spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3 . More... | |
Float32 | mi::math::Spectrum::get (Size i) const |
Returns the i-th spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3 . More... | |
void | mi::math::Spectrum::set (Size i, Float32 value) |
Sets the i-th spectrum element to value , 0 <= i < 3 . More... | |
bool | mi::math::Spectrum::is_black () const |
Returns true if the spectrum is black ignoring the alpha value. More... | |
Float32 | mi::math::Spectrum::linear_intensity () const |
Returns the intensity of the RGB components, equally weighted. More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator== (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is elementwise equal to rhs . More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator!= (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is elementwise not equal to rhs . More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator< (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than rhs . More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator<= (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs . More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator> (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than rhs . More... | |
bool | mi::math::operator>= (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs . More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator+= (Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Adds rhs elementwise to lhs and returns the modified lhs . More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator-= (Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the modified lhs . More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator*= (Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the modified lhs . More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator/= (Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Divides lhs elementwise by rhs and returns the modified lhs . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator+ (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Adds lhs and rhs elementwise and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator- (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator* (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator/ (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Divides rhs elementwise by lhs and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator- (const Spectrum &c) |
Negates the spectrum c elementwise and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator*= (Spectrum &c, Float32 s) |
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum & | mi::math::operator/= (Spectrum &c, Float32 s) |
Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator* (const Spectrum &c, Float32 s) |
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator* (Float32 s, const Spectrum &c) |
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::operator/ (const Spectrum &c, Float32 s) |
Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the new result. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::abs (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise absolute values of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::acos (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc cosine of the spectrum c . More... | |
bool | mi::math::all (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns true if all elements of c are not equal to zero. More... | |
bool | mi::math::any (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns true if any element of c is not equal to zero. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::asin (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc sine of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::atan (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::atan2 (const Spectrum &c, const Spectrum &d) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c / d . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::ceil (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise smallest integral value that is not less than the element in spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::clamp (const Spectrum &c, const Spectrum &low, const Spectrum &high) |
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low , high ]. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::clamp (const Spectrum &c, const Spectrum &low, Float32 high) |
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low , high ]. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::clamp (const Spectrum &c, Float32 low, const Spectrum &high) |
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low , high ]. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::clamp (const Spectrum &c, Float32 low, Float32 high) |
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low , high ]. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::cos (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise cosine of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::degrees (const Spectrum &c) |
Converts elementwise radians in c to degrees. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::elementwise_max (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns elementwise max for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::elementwise_min (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs) |
Returns elementwise min for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::exp (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise e to the power of the element in the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::exp2 (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise 2 to the power of the element in the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::floor (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise largest integral value that is not greater than the element in spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::fmod (const Spectrum &a, const Spectrum &b) |
Returns elementwise a modulo b , in other words, the remainder of a/b. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::fmod (const Spectrum &a, Float32 b) |
Returns elementwise a modulo b , in other words, the remainder of a/b. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::frac (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise positive fractional part of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::gamma_correction (const Spectrum &spectrum, Float32 gamma_factor) |
Returns a gamma corrected spectrum. More... | |
bool | mi::math::is_approx_equal (const Spectrum &lhs, const Spectrum &rhs, Float32 e) |
Compares the two given values elementwise for equality within the given epsilon. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::lerp (const Spectrum &c1, const Spectrum &c2, const Spectrum &t) |
Returns the elementwise linear interpolation between c1 and c2 , i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2 . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::lerp (const Spectrum &c1, const Spectrum &c2, Float32 t) |
Returns the linear interpolation between c1 and c2 , i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2 . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::log (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise natural logarithm of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::log2 (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 2 logarithm of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::log10 (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 10 logarithm of the spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::modf (const Spectrum &c, Spectrum &i) |
Returns the elementwise fractional part of c and stores the elementwise integral part of c in i . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::pow (const Spectrum &a, const Spectrum &b) |
Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::pow (const Spectrum &a, Float32 b) |
Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::radians (const Spectrum &c) |
Converts elementwise degrees in c to radians. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::round (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elements of spectrum c rounded to nearest integers. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::rsqrt (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns the reciprocal of the square root of each element of c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::saturate (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns the spectrum c clamped elementwise to the range [0,1]. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::sign (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns the elementwise sign of spectrum c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::sin (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise sine of the spectrum c . More... | |
void | mi::math::sincos (const Spectrum &a, Spectrum &s, Spectrum &c) |
Computes elementwise the sine s and cosine c of angles a simultaneously. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::smoothstep (const Spectrum &a, const Spectrum &b, const Spectrum &c) |
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::smoothstep (const Spectrum &a, const Spectrum &b, Float32 x) |
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::sqrt (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns the square root of each element of c . More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::step (const Spectrum &a, const Spectrum &c) |
Returns elementwise 0 if c is less than a and 1 otherwise. More... | |
Spectrum | mi::math::tan (const Spectrum &c) |
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise tangent of the spectrum c . More... | |
bool | mi::math::isfinite (const Spectrum &c) |
Indicates whether all components of the spectrum are finite. More... | |
bool | mi::math::isinfinite (const Spectrum &c) |
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is infinite. More... | |
bool | mi::math::isnan (const Spectrum &c) |
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is "not a number". More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void | mi::math::to_rgbe (const Spectrum &c, Uint32 &rgbe) |
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation. More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void | mi::math::to_rgbe (const Spectrum &c, Uint8 rgbe[4]) |
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation. More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void | mi::math::from_rgbe (const Uint8 rgbe[4], Spectrum &c) |
Decodes a color from RGBE representation. More... | |
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void | mi::math::from_rgbe (const Uint32 rgbe, Spectrum &c) |
Decodes a color from RGBE representation. More... | |
Variables | |
static constexpr Size | mi::math::Spectrum::SIZE = 3 |
Constant size of the spectrum. More... | |
Spectrum class with floating point elements and operations.
#include <mi/math/spectrum.h>
using mi::math::Spectrum::const_pointer = const Float32* |
Const pointer to element.
using mi::math::Spectrum::const_reference = const Float32& |
Const reference to element.
Difference type, signed.
POD class corresponding to this spectrum.
using mi::math::Spectrum::pointer = Float32* |
Mutable pointer to element.
using mi::math::Spectrum::reference = Float32& |
Mutable reference to element.
using mi::math::Spectrum::size_type = Size |
Size type, unsigned.
Storage class used by this spectrum.
Element type.
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise absolute values of the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc cosine of the spectrum c
inline |
Returns true
if all elements of c
are not equal to zero.
inline |
Returns true
if any element of c
is not equal to zero.
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc sine of the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c
/ d
The signs of the elements of c
and d
are used to determine the quadrant of the results.
inline |
Returns the pointer to the first spectrum element.
inline |
Returns the pointer to the first spectrum element.
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise smallest integral value that is not less than the element in spectrum c
Returns the spectrum c
elementwise clamped to the range [low
, high
Returns the spectrum c
elementwise clamped to the range [low
, high
Returns the spectrum c
elementwise clamped to the range [low
, high
Returns the spectrum c
elementwise clamped to the range [low
, high
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise cosine of the spectrum c
Converts elementwise radians in c
to degrees.
Returns elementwise max for each element in spectrum lhs
that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs
Returns elementwise min for each element in spectrum lhs
that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs
inline |
inline |
Returns a spectrum with elementwise e
to the power of the element in the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with elementwise 2
to the power of the element in the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise largest integral value that is not greater than the element in spectrum c
Returns elementwise a
modulo b
, in other words, the remainder of a/b.
The elementwise result has the same sign as a
Returns elementwise a
modulo b
, in other words, the remainder of a/b.
The elementwise result has the same sign as a
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise positive fractional part of the spectrum c
Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
Returns a gamma corrected spectrum.
Gamma factors are used to correct for non-linear input and output devices; for example, monitors typically have gamma factors between 1.7 and 2.2, meaning that one-half of the peak voltage does not give one half of the brightness. This is corrected for by raising the spectrum components to the gamma exponent. Gamma factors greater than 1 make an image brighter; less than 1 make it darker. The inverse of gamma_correction(factor)
is gamma_correction
spectrum | spectrum to be corrected |
gamma_factor | gamma factor, must be greater than zero. |
Returns the i-th
spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3
Compares the two given values elementwise for equality within the given epsilon.
inline |
Returns true
if the spectrum is black ignoring the alpha value.
inline |
Indicates whether all components of the spectrum are finite.
inline |
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is infinite.
inline |
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is "not a number".
Returns the elementwise linear interpolation between c1
and c2
, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2
c1 | one spectrum |
c2 | second spectrum |
t | interpolation parameter in [0,1] |
Returns the linear interpolation between c1
and c2
, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2
c1 | one spectrum |
c2 | second spectrum |
t | interpolation parameter in [0,1] |
inline |
Returns the intensity of the RGB components, equally weighted.
Returns a spectrum with elementwise natural logarithm of the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 10 logarithm of the spectrum c
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 2 logarithm of the spectrum c
inlinestaticconstexpr |
Constant maximum size of the spectrum.
Returns the elementwise fractional part of c
and stores the elementwise integral part of c
in i
Both parts have elementwise the same sign as c
inline |
Returns true
if lhs
is elementwise not equal to rhs
Multiplies the spectrum c
elementwise with the scalar s
and returns the new result.
Multiplies rhs
elementwise with lhs
and returns the new result.
Multiplies the spectrum c
elementwise with the scalar s
and returns the new result.
Multiplies the spectrum c
elementwise with the scalar s
and returns the modified spectrum c
Multiplies rhs
elementwise with lhs
and returns the modified lhs
Adds lhs
and rhs
elementwise and returns the new result.
Adds rhs
elementwise to lhs
and returns the modified lhs
Negates the spectrum c
elementwise and returns the new result.
Subtracts rhs
elementwise from lhs
and returns the new result.
Subtracts rhs
elementwise from lhs
and returns the modified lhs
Divides the spectrum c
elementwise by the scalar s
and returns the new result.
Divides rhs
elementwise by lhs
and returns the new result.
Divides the spectrum c
elementwise by the scalar s
and returns the modified spectrum c
Divides lhs
elementwise by rhs
and returns the modified lhs
Returns true
if lhs
is lexicographically less than rhs
Returns true
if lhs
is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs
Returns true
if lhs
is elementwise equal to rhs
Returns true
if lhs
is lexicographically greater than rhs
Returns true
if lhs
is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs
Accesses the i-th
spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3
Accesses the i-th
spectrum element, 0 <= i < 3
Returns the spectrum a
elementwise to the power of b
Returns the spectrum a
elementwise to the power of b
Converts elementwise degrees in c
to radians.
Returns a spectrum with the elements of spectrum c
rounded to nearest integers.
Returns the reciprocal of the square root of each element of c
Returns the spectrum c
clamped elementwise to the range [0,1].
Sets the i-th
spectrum element to value
, 0 <= i < 3
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise sine of the spectrum c
Computes elementwise the sine s
and cosine c
of angles a
The angles a
are specified in radians.
inlinestaticconstexpr |
Constant size of the spectrum.
Returns 0 if c
is less than a
and 1 if c
is greater than b
in an elementwise fashion.
A smooth curve is applied in-between so that the return values vary continuously from 0 to 1 as elements in c
vary from a
to b
Returns 0 if c
is less than a
and 1 if c
is greater than b
in an elementwise fashion.
A smooth curve is applied in-between so that the return values vary continuously from 0 to 1 as x
varies from a
to b
inline |
The default constructor leaves the spectrum elements uninitialized.
inlineexplicit |
Conversion from Color.
inlineexplicit |
Constructor initializes all vector elements to the value s
default |
Default copy constructor.
inline |
Constructor from underlying storage type.
Conversion from Vector<Float32,3>.
Conversion from Vector<Float32,4>.
Constructor initializes (r,g,b) from (nr
Returns elementwise 0 if c
is less than a
and 1 otherwise.
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise tangent of the spectrum c
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.
Conversion to Vector<Float32,3>.
Conversion to Vector<Float32,4>.
staticconstexpr |
Constant size of the spectrum.