NVIDIA OptiX 7.7 nvidia_logo_transpbg.gif Up
Class List
Classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 OptixAabbAABB inputs
 OptixAccelBufferSizesStruct for querying builder allocation requirements
 OptixAccelBuildOptionsBuild options for acceleration structures
 OptixAccelEmitDescSpecifies a type and output destination for emitted post-build properties
 OptixBuildInputBuild inputs
 OptixBuildInputCurveArrayCurve inputs
 OptixBuildInputCustomPrimitiveArrayCustom primitive inputs
 OptixBuildInputDisplacementMicromapOptional displacement part of a triangle array input
 OptixBuildInputInstanceArrayInstance and instance pointer inputs
 OptixBuildInputSphereArraySphere inputs
 OptixBuildInputTriangleArrayTriangle inputs
 OptixBuiltinISOptionsSpecifies the options for retrieving an intersection program for a built-in primitive type. The primitive type must not be OPTIX_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_CUSTOM
 OptixDenoiserGuideLayerGuide layer for the denoiser
 OptixDenoiserLayerInput/Output layers for the denoiser
 OptixDenoiserOptionsOptions used by the denoiser
 OptixDenoiserSizesVarious sizes related to the denoiser
 OptixDeviceContextOptionsParameters used for optixDeviceContextCreate()
 OptixDisplacementMicromapArrayBuildInputInputs to displacement micromaps array construction
 OptixDisplacementMicromapHistogramEntryDisplacement micromap histogram entry. Specifies how many displacement micromaps of a specific type are input to the displacement micromap array build. Note that while this is similar to OptixDisplacementMicromapUsageCount, the histogram entry specifies how many displacement micromaps of a specific type are combined into a displacement micromap array
 OptixDisplacementMicromapUsageCountDisplacement micromap usage count for acceleration structure builds. Specifies how many displacement micromaps of a specific type are referenced by triangles when building the AS. Note that while this is similar to OptixDisplacementMicromapHistogramEntry, the usage count specifies how many displacement micromaps of a specific type are referenced by triangles in the AS
 OptixFunctionTableThe function table containing all API functions
 OptixImage2DImage descriptor used by the denoiser
 OptixMatrixMotionTransformRepresents a matrix motion transformation
 OptixMicromapBuffersBuffer inputs for opacity/displacement micromap array builds
 OptixMicromapBufferSizesConservative memory requirements for building a opacity/displacement micromap array
 OptixModuleCompileBoundValueEntryStruct for specifying specializations for pipelineParams as specified in OptixPipelineCompileOptions::pipelineLaunchParamsVariableName
 OptixModuleCompileOptionsCompilation options for module
 OptixMotionOptionsMotion options
 OptixOpacityMicromapArrayBuildInputInputs to opacity micromap array construction
 OptixOpacityMicromapDescOpacity micromap descriptor
 OptixOpacityMicromapHistogramEntryOpacity micromap histogram entry. Specifies how many opacity micromaps of a specific type are input to the opacity micromap array build. Note that while this is similar to OptixOpacityMicromapUsageCount, the histogram entry specifies how many opacity micromaps of a specific type are combined into a opacity micromap array
 OptixOpacityMicromapUsageCountOpacity micromap usage count for acceleration structure builds. Specifies how many opacity micromaps of a specific type are referenced by triangles when building the AS. Note that while this is similar to OptixOpacityMicromapHistogramEntry, the usage count specifies how many opacity micromaps of a specific type are referenced by triangles in the AS
 OptixPayloadTypeSpecifies a single payload type
 OptixPipelineCompileOptionsCompilation options for all modules of a pipeline
 OptixPipelineLinkOptionsLink options for a pipeline
 OptixProgramGroupCallablesProgram group representing callables
 OptixProgramGroupDescDescriptor for program groups
 OptixProgramGroupHitgroupProgram group representing the hitgroup
 OptixProgramGroupOptionsProgram group options
 OptixProgramGroupSingleModuleProgram group representing a single module
 OptixRelocateInputRelocation inputs
 OptixRelocateInputInstanceArrayInstance and instance pointer inputs
 OptixRelocateInputTriangleArrayTriangle inputs
 OptixRelocationInfoUsed to store information related to relocation of optix data structures
 OptixShaderBindingTableDescribes the shader binding table (SBT)
 OptixSRTDataRepresents an SRT transformation
 OptixSRTMotionTransformRepresents an SRT motion transformation
 OptixStackSizesDescribes the stack size requirements of a program group
 OptixStaticTransformStatic transform
 OptixUtilDenoiserImageTileTile definition