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Example for the Bridge
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This example demonstrate how to render a scene using the Bridge.

New Topics

  • Implementation of Bridge jobs
  • Running a Bridge server
  • Using a Bridge server

Detailed Description

Implementation of Bridge jobs

This first example below shows how to implement a Bridge job. It starts with a DB element used by the job, followed by the client-side and server-side implementation of the job.

The client-side version of the job implements the interface mi::bridge::IClient_job. In particular the methods serialize(), receive_remote_result(), and get_references() are important here. Here, we simply transfer the input tag to the server and receive the computed result.

The server-side version implements the interface mi::bridge::IServer_job. Note that both classes use the same UUID to establish the relation between client- and server-side version. The method deserialize() is the counterpart to serialize of the client-side job. The serialization at the end of execute() is the counterpart to receive_remote_result() on the client-side job.

Running a Bridge server

This second example below shows how to run a Bridge server. The interface mi::bridge::IBridge_server allows to create a Bridge application. To configure such an application you need at least to set the directory that should be used for the local disk cache. To do anything useful with such an application you need to register all job, i.e., the server-side version of the job.

Finally, you need to call mi::bridge::IApplication::open() to actually start the Bridge server. It then accepts jobs from a Bridge client, executes them and returns the result.

Using a Bridge server

The third example below shows how to use a Bridge server. After creating two elements in the database we use the API component mi::bridge::IBridge_client to open a Bridge session. An instance of mi::bridge::IClient_session_state_callback registered with the session which allows to wait for the actual connection to the server to complete.

Next we create a client scope and client transaction. The client transaction is connected to the regular transaction and establishes the database context for the Bridge. The client transaction is then used to execute our Bridge job. The Bridge then uses mi::bridge::IClient_job::get_references() and mi::neuraylib::IElement::get_references() to figure out which DB elements need to be replicated or updated on the Bridge server before the job can be executed.

Example Source

Source Code Location: examples/example_bridge.h

* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/example_bridge.h
// Definitions of My_serializable, My_referencing_element, My_bridge_job_clientside, and
// My_bridge_job_serverside.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <mi/dice.h>
#include "example_element_and_job.h"
// Converts a number of bytes into a human-readable string.
std::string bytes_to_string( mi::Size size)
char buffer[256];
if( size > 1048576)
snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer)-1, "%.1f MB", static_cast<mi::Float64>( size)/1048576.0);
else if( size > 1024)
snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer)-1, "%.1f kB", static_cast<mi::Float64>( size)/1024.0);
snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer)-1, "%llu bytes", size);
return buffer;
// A serializable which stores one mi::Uint64 values.
class My_serializable : public mi::base::Interface_implement<mi::neuraylib::ISerializable>
My_serializable( mi::Uint64 data = 0) : m_data( data) { }
mi::Uint64 get_data() const { return m_data; }
mi::base::Uuid get_class_id() const { return IID(); }
void serialize( mi::neuraylib::ISerializer* serializer) const { serializer->write( &m_data); }
void deserialize( mi::neuraylib::IDeserializer* deserializer) { deserializer->read( &m_data); }
mi::Uint64 m_data;
// A database element that references another database element and a serializable.
class My_referencing_element
: public mi::neuraylib::Element<0xfbbab662,0x91e6,0x4712,0x92,0xa0,0x0c,0xa6,0x74,0xb9,0xb0,0x0b>
My_referencing_element( mi::neuraylib::Tag tag = mi::neuraylib::NULL_TAG, mi::Uint64 data = 0)
: m_tag( tag), m_serializable( new My_serializable( data)) { }
void serialize( mi::neuraylib::ISerializer* serializer) const
serializer->write( &m_tag);
serializer->serialize( m_serializable.get());
void deserialize( mi::neuraylib::IDeserializer* deserializer)
deserializer->read( &m_tag);
m_serializable = static_cast<My_serializable*>(
if( m_tag)
result->add_tag( m_tag);
mi::neuraylib::IElement* copy() const { return new My_referencing_element( *this); }
const char* get_class_name() const { return "My_referencing_element"; }
mi::neuraylib::Tag get_tag() const { return m_tag; }
void set_tag( mi::neuraylib::Tag tag) { m_tag = tag; }
const My_serializable* get_serializable() const
return m_serializable.get();
// The client-side version of a Bridge job that asks the Bridge server to access a database element
// identified by the tag, to follow the reference, and to call get_data() on that element. It
// returns the sum of the return values of that call and the get_data() calls of the serializables
// in the accessed database element and this job.
class My_bridge_job_clientside : public
: m_input_tag( input_tag), m_serializable( new My_serializable( data)), m_result( 0) { }
virtual void serialize( mi::neuraylib::ISerializer* serializer) const
serializer->write( &m_input_tag);
serializer->serialize( m_serializable.get());
void receive_remote_result( mi::neuraylib::IDeserializer* deserializer, bool /*last_result*/)
deserializer->read( &m_result);
if( m_input_tag)
result->add_tag( m_input_tag);
void get_references( mi::bridge::IElement_set* /*result*/) const { }
void progress_callback( mi::bridge::IClient_job_progress* job_progress);
void error_callback( mi::Sint32 error_code, const char* error_message)
fprintf( stderr, "Error while executing job, error code: %d, error message: %s",
error_code, error_message);
void wait() { m_condition.wait(); }
mi::Uint64 get_result() const { return m_result; }
mi::neuraylib::Tag m_input_tag;
mi::Uint64 m_result;
mi::base::Condition m_condition;
void My_bridge_job_clientside::progress_callback( mi::bridge::IClient_job_progress* job_progress)
mi::bridge::Client_job_state client_job_state = job_progress->get_state();
if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_DETECTING_CHANGES) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge detecting changes: %llu modified element(s) detected.\n",
} else if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_PREPARING) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge calculating hashes: %llu pending calculation(s), %s uploaded.\n",
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str());
} else if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_QUERYING_CACHE_STATUS) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge querying cache status: %llu pending request(s), %s uploaded.\n",
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str());
} else if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_UPLOADING) {
if( job_progress->get_pending_data_serialization_count() > 0) {
mi::Float64 total_progress = 100.0
* static_cast<mi::Float64>( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes())
/ static_cast<mi::Float64>( job_progress->get_cache_miss_bytes());
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge upload: %s/%s (%.0lf%%) total - data serialization for "
"%llu element(s) pending.\n",
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str(),
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str(),
} else {
mi::Float64 total_progress = 100.0
* static_cast<mi::Float64>( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes())
/ static_cast<mi::Float64>( job_progress->get_cache_miss_bytes());
mi::Float64 element_progress = 100.0
* static_cast<mi::Float64>(
/ static_cast<mi::Float64>( job_progress->get_currently_uploaded_element_size());
const char* name = job_progress->get_currently_uploaded_element_name();
std::stringstream s;
if( name)
s << "\"" << name << "\"";
s << "unnamed element";
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge upload: %s/%s (%.0lf%%) total - %s/%s (%.0lf%%) for %s.\n",
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str(),
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_cache_miss_bytes()).c_str(),
bytes_to_string( job_progress->get_currently_uploaded_element_size()).c_str(),
} else if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_PENDING) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge waiting for server to finish processing the upload.\n");
} else if( client_job_state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_JOB_DONE) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bridge upload completed.\n");
// The server-side version of a Bridge job that accesses a database element identified by the tag,
// follows the reference, and calls get_data() called on that element. It returns the sum of the
// return values of that call and the get_data() calls of the serializables in the accessed database
// element and this job.
class My_bridge_job_serverside : public
virtual void deserialize( mi::neuraylib::IDeserializer* deserializer)
deserializer->read( &m_input_tag);
m_serializable = static_cast<My_serializable*>(
void execute(
mi::bridge::IServer_transaction* server_transaction,
dice_transaction->access<My_referencing_element>( m_input_tag));
dice_transaction->access<My_element>( referencing_element->get_tag()));
mi::Uint64 element_data = element->get_data();
mi::Uint64 serializable_data = serializable->get_data();
mi::Uint64 job_serializable_data = m_serializable->get_data();
mi::Uint64 result = element_data + serializable_data + job_serializable_data;
serializer->write( &result);
mi::neuraylib::Tag m_input_tag;
Conditions allow threads to signal an event and to wait for such a signal, respectively.
Definition: condition.h:33
Handle class template for interfaces, automatizing the lifetime control via reference counting.
Definition: handle.h:113
Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations.
Definition: interface_implement.h:41
Class template for a compile-time representation of universally unique identifiers (UUIDs or GUIDs).
Definition: uuid.h:122
This mixin class provides a default implementation for some of the methods needed by mi::bridge::ICli...
Definition: ibridge_client.h:336
virtual void get_references(neuraylib::ITag_set *result) const
Empty body. The default job references no elements.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:412
Provides detailed information about the progress of a Bridge job.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:136
virtual Client_job_state get_state() const =0
Returns the state of the job.
virtual const char * get_currently_uploaded_element_name() const =0
Returns the name of the currently uploaded element or NULL if no element is currently being uploaded.
virtual Size get_currently_uploaded_element_uploaded_bytes() const =0
Returns the number of bytes uploaded for the currently uploaded element or 0 if no element is current...
virtual Size get_pending_hash_calculation_count() const =0
Returns the number of elements for which hashes needs to be calculated.
virtual Size get_cache_miss_bytes() const =0
Returns the total amount of bytes to upload for all cache misses.
virtual Size get_pending_cache_status_count() const =0
Returns the number of cache status requests that the server has not yet replied to.
virtual Size get_updated_element_count() const =0
Returns the number of elements that need to be updated before executing this job.
virtual Size get_currently_uploaded_element_size() const =0
Returns the size in bytes of the currently uploaded element or 0 if no element is currently being upl...
virtual Size get_uploaded_cache_miss_bytes() const =0
Returns the number of bytes that has been uploaded for the cache misses so far.
virtual Size get_pending_data_serialization_count() const =0
Returns the number of elements that have been queued up for serialization.
Used to specify a set of elements by name.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:207
Provides additional information about a bridge job.
Definition: ibridge_server.h:219
Database transactions started on the client will be automatically mirrored to the server and exposed ...
Definition: ibridge_server.h:328
virtual neuraylib::ITransaction * get_database_transaction() const =0
Returns the local transaction corresponding to this Bridge transaction, or NULL if this transaction h...
This mixin class provides a default implementation for some of the methods needed by mi::bridge::ISer...
Definition: ibridge_server.h:137
This mixin class can be used to implement the mi::neuraylib::IElement interface.
Definition: dice.h:1542
virtual void get_references(ITag_set *result) const
Empty body, i.e., leaves result unaltered.
Definition: dice.h:1608
Source for deserializing objects from byte streams.
Definition: ideserializer.h:35
virtual bool read(bool *value, Size count=1)=0
Reads values of type bool from the deserializer.
virtual ISerializable * deserialize()=0
Reads a serializable object from the deserializer.
A transaction provides a consistent view on the database.
Definition: dice.h:272
This interface represents the abstract base class for all database elements.
Definition: dice.h:837
All serializable objects have to be derived from this interface.
Definition: iserializer.h:137
Target for serializing objects to byte streams.
Definition: iserializer.h:171
virtual bool write(const bool *value, Size count=1)=0
Writes values of type bool to the serializer.
virtual bool serialize(const ISerializable *serializable)=0
Writes a serializable object to the serializer.
Used to store a set of tags.
Definition: dice.h:210
virtual void add_tag(Tag_struct tag)=0
Adds tag to the tag set.
A tag represents a unique identifier for database elements in the database.
Definition: iserializer.h:54
unsigned long long Uint64
64-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:62
Uint64 Size
Unsigned integral type that is large enough to hold the size of all types.
Definition: types.h:112
double Float64
64-bit float.
Definition: types.h:52
signed int Sint32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:46
Job states of Bridge jobs.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:95
Waiting for execution of the job to finish.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:123
The result has been received and deserialized by the client-side job and the job is done.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:126
Detecting which database elements needs to be updated before executing the job.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:97
Calculates hashes for the elements that will be updated and to some extent serialize data that will b...
Definition: ibridge_client.h:101
Determining how much data needs to be uploaded before executing this job.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:108
Uploading data.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:115
const Tag NULL_TAG
This value of the tag represents an invalid tag which can not be accessed.
Definition: iserializer.h:128
A 128 bit representation of a universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID).
Definition: uuid.h:26

Source Code Location: examples/example_bridge_server.cpp

* Copyright 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/example_bridge_server.cpp
// Starts a DiCE Bridge server and accepts requests to execute a simple test job.
// The example expects the following command line argument:
// example_bridge_server <disk_cache_path> <bridge_server_address> <application_path>
// <security_token> [<ssl_cert_file> <ssl_private_key_file> <ssl_password>]
// disk_cache_path directory where the server can cache uploaded elements
// bridge_server_address address of the Bridge server, e.g.,
// application_path the application path used by the server, e.g., "/dice"
// security_token security token to be provided by clients
// ssl_cert_file file containing the server's SSL certificate
// ssl_priv_key_file file containing the server's private key
// ssl_password password for decrypting the server's private key
#include <iostream>
#include <mi/dice.h>
// Include code shared by all examples.
#include "example_shared.h"
// Include code for DB element My_element.
#include "example_element_and_job.h"
// Include code for DB element My_referencing_element and the Bridge job.
#include "example_bridge.h"
// An application session handler that accepts all sessions that provide a given security token.
class Application_session_handler
: public mi::base::Interface_implement<mi::bridge::IApplication_session_handler>
Application_session_handler( const std::string& security_token)
: m_security_token( security_token) { }
bool on_session_connect( mi::bridge::IServer_session* session)
const char* security_token = session->get_security_token();
return security_token && m_security_token == security_token;
std::string m_security_token;
// Register the serializable classes.
void configuration( mi::neuraylib::INeuray* neuray)
// Register the classes My_element and My_referencing_element with DiCE.
check_success( dice_configuration.is_valid_interface());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_element>());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_referencing_element>());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_serializable>());
void run(
const char* disk_cache_path,
const char* bridge_server_address,
const char* application_path,
const char* security_token,
const char* ssl_cert_file,
const char* ssl_private_key_file,
const char* ssl_password)
// Start the HTTP server handling the Bridge connection using webSockets.
mi::base::Handle<mi::http::IServer> http_server( http_factory->create_server());
if( ssl_cert_file && ssl_private_key_file && ssl_password)
bridge_server_address, ssl_cert_file, ssl_private_key_file, ssl_password);
http_server->start( bridge_server_address);
// Access the API component for the Bridge server and create and application.
bridge_server->create_application( application_path, http_server.get()));
if( application.is_valid_interface()) {
// Configure the application.
application->set_disk_cache( disk_cache_path);
new Application_session_handler( security_token));
check_success( application->set_session_handler(
application_session_handler.get()) == 0);
// Run the application for some fixed time.
sleep_seconds( 60);
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
// Collect command line parameters
if( argc != 5 && argc != 8) {
std::cerr << "Usage: example_bridge_server <disk_cache_path> <bridge_server_address> \\\n"
<< " <application_path> <security_token> [<ssl_cert_file> \\\n"
<< " <ssl_private_key_file> <ssl_password>]" << std::endl;
const char* disk_cache_path = argv[1];
const char* bridge_server_address = argv[2];
const char* application_path = argv[3];
const char* security_token = argv[4];
const char* ssl_cert_file = argc >= 8 ? argv[5] : 0;
const char* ssl_private_key_file = argc >= 8 ? argv[6] : 0;
const char* ssl_password = argc >= 8 ? argv[7] : 0;
// Access the neuray library
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray( load_and_get_ineuray());
check_success( neuray.is_valid_interface());
// Configure the neuray library
configuration( neuray.get());
// Start the neuray library
mi::Sint32 result = neuray->start();
check_start_success( result);
// Listen to Bridge clients
run( neuray.get(), disk_cache_path, bridge_server_address, application_path, security_token,
ssl_cert_file, ssl_private_key_file, ssl_password);
// Shut down the neuray library
check_success( neuray->shutdown() == 0);
neuray = 0;
// Unload the neuray library
check_success( unload());
API component that serves as entry point for the server-side Bridge API.
Definition: ibridge_server.h:849
Represents the server side of a Bridge session.
Definition: ibridge_server.h:523
virtual const char * get_security_token() const =0
Returns the security token specified by the client.
The factory can be used to instantiate the built-in HTTP classes.
Definition: http.h:922
This interface allows configuration of DiCE.
Definition: dice.h:82
This is an object representing the DiCE library.
Definition: ineuray.h:44
virtual Sint32 shutdown(bool blocking=true)=0
Shuts down the library.
virtual base::IInterface * get_api_component(const base::Uuid &uuid) const =0
Returns an API component from the DiCE API.
virtual Sint32 start(bool blocking=true)=0
Starts the operation of the DiCE library.

Source Code Location: examples/example_bridge_client.cpp

* Copyright 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/example_bridge_client.cpp
// Connects to a DiCE Bridge server and executes a simple test job.
// The example expects the following command line argument:
// example_bridge_client <bridge_server_url> <security_token>
// bridge_server_url URL of the Bridge server, e.g., ws:// (no SSL) or
// wss:// (SSL)
// security_token security token to authenticate against the server
#include <iostream>
#include <mi/dice.h>
// Include code shared by all examples.
#include "example_shared.h"
// Include code for DB element My_element.
#include "example_element_and_job.h"
// Include code for DB element My_referencing_element and the Bridge job.
#include "example_bridge.h"
// A simple implementation of a client session state callback that allows to wait for the first
// state change and to check whether the session is connected to the server.
class Client_session_state_callback
: public mi::base::Interface_implement<mi::bridge::IClient_session_state_callback>
Client_session_state_callback() : m_connected( false) { }
void session_state_callback( mi::bridge::Client_session_state state)
m_connected = state == mi::bridge::CLIENT_SESSION_CONNECTED;
void wait() { m_condition.wait(); }
bool get_connected() const { return m_connected; }
bool m_connected;
mi::base::Condition m_condition;
// Register the serializable classes.
void configuration( mi::neuraylib::INeuray* neuray)
// Register the classes My_element and My_referencing_element with DiCE.
check_success( dice_configuration.is_valid_interface());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_element>());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_referencing_element>());
check_success( dice_configuration->register_serializable_class<My_serializable>());
void run( mi::neuraylib::INeuray* neuray, const char* bridge_server_url, const char* security_token)
// Get the database, the global scope of the database and create a transaction in the global
// scope.
check_success( database.is_valid_interface());
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IScope> scope( database->get_global_scope());
check_success( dice_transaction.is_valid_interface());
// Create a database element.
mi::base::Handle<My_element> element( new My_element( 42));
mi::neuraylib::Tag element_tag
= dice_transaction->store( element.get(), mi::neuraylib::Tag());
check_success( element_tag);
element = 0;
// Create database element referencing the first one.
new My_referencing_element( element_tag, 43));
mi::neuraylib::Tag referencing_element_tag
= dice_transaction->store( referencing_element.get(), mi::neuraylib::Tag());
check_success( referencing_element_tag);
referencing_element = 0;
// Connect to the Bridge server.
bridge_client->get_session( bridge_server_url, security_token));
mi::base::Handle<Client_session_state_callback> client_session_state_callback(
new Client_session_state_callback());
client_session->add_session_state_callback( client_session_state_callback.get());
if( client_session_state_callback->get_connected()) {
// Create the DB context for the Bridge.
// Execute a job accessing the referencing database element.
new My_bridge_job_clientside( referencing_element_tag, 44));
mi::Sint32 result = client_session->execute( bridge_job.get(), transaction.get());
check_success( result == 0);
check_success( bridge_job->get_result() == 42 + 43 + 44);
client_session_state_callback = 0;
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
// Collect command line parameters
if( argc != 3) {
std::cerr << "Usage: example_bridge_client <bridge_server_url> <security_token>"
<< std::endl;
const char* bridge_server_url = argv[1];
const char* security_token = argv[2];
// Access the neuray library
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray( load_and_get_ineuray());
check_success( neuray.is_valid_interface());
// Configure the neuray library
configuration( neuray.get());
// Start the neuray library
mi::Sint32 result = neuray->start();
check_start_success( result);
run( neuray.get(), bridge_server_url, security_token);
// Shut down the neuray library
check_success( neuray->shutdown() == 0);
neuray = 0;
// Unload the neuray library
check_success( unload());
API component that serves as entry point for the client-side Bridge API.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:723
This interface is used to interact with the distributed database.
Definition: idatabase.h:293
The different states a client session can be in.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:456
The session has successfully established a connection to the Bridge server and is ready for use.
Definition: ibridge_client.h:463
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