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DiCE API. More...


 DiCE API Assertions
 DiCE Interfaces
 DiCE API for implementing distributed parallel computing algorithms.
 HTTP server
 The HTTP server module implements a lightweight HTTP server.
 Additional clusters
 This module provides functionality to join additional clusters.
 Cluster manager
 This module allows to connect to the cluster manager and to reserve nodes in a cluster.
 Types are organized in a hierarchy based on the basic interface mi::IData.
 Database Access
 Provides access to the database using concepts like scopes and transactions.
 Main DiCE Interface and C access function
 The main DiCE Interface and the unique public access point.
 Configuration Interfaces
 This module encompasses the API components used to configure the DiCE API as well as closely related interfaces.
 Node manager
 This module represents the node manager, a service to control the formation of clusters of worker nodes based on their properties.
 Extensions and Plugins
 Various ways to extend the DiCE API, for example, video plugins, or user-defined DB elements.
 RTMP server
 Versioning of the DiCE API
 The DiCE API has a major and minor version number and an optional qualifier.


namespace  mi::neuraylib
 Namespace for the DiCE API.
namespace  mi::http
 Namespace for the HTTP server of the DiCE API.
namespace  mi::bridge
 Namespace for the Bridge functionality of the DiCE API.
namespace  mi::rtmp
 Namespace for the RTMP server of the DiCE API.

Detailed Description


Include File:
#include <mi/dice.h>