►mi | Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH |
►base | Namespace for the Base API |
Atom32 | A 32-bit unsigned counter with atomic arithmetic, increments, and decrements |
Condition | Conditions allow threads to signal an event and to wait for such a signal, respectively |
Default_allocator | A default allocator implementation based on global new and delete |
Handle | Handle class template for interfaces, automatizing the lifetime control via reference counting |
IAllocator | The IAllocator interface class supports allocating and releasing memory dynamically |
IInterface | The basic extensible interface |
ILogger | The ILogger interface class supports logging of messages |
Interface_declare | Mixin class template for deriving new interface declarations |
Interface_implement | Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations |
Interface_implement_2 | Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations from two interfaces |
Interface_implement_singleton | Mixin class template for deriving singleton interface implementations, where the reference count is fixed to one |
Interface_merger | This mixin merges the implementation of one interface with a second interface |
IPlugin_descriptor | Represents a plugin |
►Lock | Non-recursive lock class |
Block | Utility class to acquire a lock that is released by the destructor |
Log_stream | Adapts mi::base::ILogger to a standard streaming interface |
Message_details | Structured details to log messages |
numeric_traits | Helper class to deduce properties of numeric types defined in this API |
numeric_traits<Float32> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Float32 |
numeric_traits<Float64> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Float64 |
numeric_traits<Sint16> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Sint16 |
numeric_traits<Sint32> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Sint32 |
numeric_traits<Sint64> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Sint64 |
numeric_traits<Sint8> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Sint8 |
numeric_traits<Uint16> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Uint16 |
numeric_traits<Uint32> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Uint32 |
numeric_traits<Uint64> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Uint64 |
numeric_traits<Uint8> | Numeric traits specialization for mi::Uint8 |
numeric_traits_base | Base class for the helper class to deduce properties of numeric types defined in this API |
Plugin | The abstract base class for plugins |
►Recursive_lock | Recursive lock class |
Block | Utility class to acquire a lock that is released by the destructor |
►Std_allocator | An adaptor class template that implements a standard STL allocator |
rebind | Rebind helper struct to define a new class instance of this allocator template instantiated for the new value type T1 |
Uuid | A 128 bit representation of a universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID) |
Uuid_t | Class template for a compile-time representation of universally unique identifiers (UUIDs or GUIDs) |
►bridge | Namespace for the Bridge functionality of the DiCE API |
Client_job | This mixin class provides a default implementation for some of the methods needed by mi::bridge::IClient_job |
IApplication | This class represents a Bridge application |
IApplication_session_handler | Abstract interface that can be used to control which sessions to a Bridge application are established, based on credentials supplied by the client |
IBridge_client | API component that serves as entry point for the client-side Bridge API |
IBridge_server | API component that serves as entry point for the server-side Bridge API |
IBridge_snapshot_context | Context to import, export, or remove snapshots |
IClient_job | Represents the client-side part of a job that can be executed by the Bridge server |
IClient_job_progress | Provides detailed information about the progress of a Bridge job |
IClient_measure_bandwidth_callback | Abstract interface for bandwidth measurement events |
IClient_session | Represents the client side of a Bridge session |
IClient_session_state_callback | Abstract interface for callbacks for session state changes |
IClient_video_context | Client-side video context that receives and decodes video frames from the corresponding server-side video context |
IElement_set | Used to specify a set of elements by name |
IIncremental_snapshot_context | Context for incremental snapshots |
IServer_job | Represents the server-side part of a job that can be executed by the Bridge server |
IServer_job_info | Provides additional information about a bridge job |
IServer_job_list | A list of IServer_job instances |
IServer_session | Represents the server side of a Bridge session |
IServer_session_state_callback | Abstract interface for callbacks for session state changes |
IServer_transaction | Database transactions started on the client will be automatically mirrored to the server and exposed as instances of this class to executing Bridge jobs |
IServer_transaction_callback | Abstract interface for callbacks for transaction commit or abort events |
IServer_transaction_list | A list of IServer_transaction instances |
IServer_video_context | Server-side video context that generates and encodes video frames for the corresponding client-side video context |
IVideo_frame | Represents the data for a single video frame |
IVideo_sink | Abstract interface to receive video frames produced by the corresponding server-side video context |
IVideo_source | Abstract interface to generate video frames that are transmitted to the corresponding client-side video context |
Server_job | This mixin class provides a default implementation for some of the methods needed by mi::bridge::IServer_job |
Update_job | Base class for Bridge jobs that only update elements without executing anything |
►http | Namespace for the HTTP server of the DiCE API |
ICGIRequest_handler | CGI request handlers are responsible for handling HTTP requests |
IConnection | The connection class represents a connection from a client to the server |
IData_handler | A data handler may be added to a connection |
IFactory | The factory can be used to instantiate the built-in HTTP classes |
IRequest | This interface holds all the parameters of a request |
IRequest_handler | Request handlers are responsible for handling HTTP requests |
IResponse | This interface holds all the parameters of a response |
IResponse_handler | Response handlers can be used to modify responses generated by request handlers |
IServer | The server builds a framework for the handlers |
IWeb_socket | The WebSocket connection class represents a connection that is built on top of an HTTP connection |
IWeb_socket_data_handler | A WebSocket data handler that can be installed to a WebSocket connection to handle data arriving at the WebSocket |
IWeb_socket_handler | WebSocket handlers are responsible for handling WebSocket requests |
IWeb_socket_state_handler | A WebSocket state handler that can be installed to a WebSocket connection to handle events of the WebSocket |
►math | Namespace for the Math API |
►functor | Namespace for basic math functors in the Math API |
Operator_and_and | Functor for the logical and operator, && |
Operator_divide | Functor for the division operator, / |
Operator_equal_equal | Functor for the equality comparison operator, == |
Operator_greater | Functor for the greater-than comparison operator, > |
Operator_greater_equal | Functor for the greater-than-or-equal comparison operator, >= |
Operator_less | Functor for the less-than comparison operator, < |
Operator_less_equal | Functor for the less-than-or-equal comparison operator, <= |
Operator_minus | Functor for the minus operator, - , unary and binary |
Operator_multiply | Functor for the multiplication operator, * |
Operator_not | Functor for the logical not operator, ! |
Operator_not_equal | Functor for the inequality comparison operator, != |
Operator_or_or | Functor for the logical or operator, || |
Operator_plus | Functor for the plus operator, + |
Operator_post_decr | Functor for the post-decrement operator, -- |
Operator_post_incr | Functor for the post-increment operator, ++ |
Operator_pre_decr | Functor for the pre-decrement operator, -- |
Operator_pre_incr | Functor for the pre-increment operator, ++ |
Operator_xor | Functor for the xor operator, ^ |
Bbox | Axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension |
Bbox_struct | Storage class for an axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension |
Color | Standard RGBA color class with floating point elements and operations |
Color_struct | Generic storage class template for an RGBA color representation storing four floating points elements |
Matrix | NxM-dimensional matrix class template of fixed dimensions |
Matrix_struct | Storage class for a NxM-dimensional matrix class template of fixed dimensions |
Matrix_struct<T, 1, 1> | Specialization for 1x1-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 1, 2> | Specialization for 1x2-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 1, 3> | Specialization for 1x3-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 1, 4> | Specialization for 1x4-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 2, 1> | Specialization for 2x1-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 2, 2> | Specialization for 2x2-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 2, 3> | Specialization for 2x3-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 2, 4> | Specialization for 2x4-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 3, 1> | Specialization for 3x1-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 3, 2> | Specialization for 3x2-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 3, 3> | Specialization for 3x3-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 3, 4> | Specialization for 3x4-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 4, 1> | Specialization for 4x1-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 4, 2> | Specialization for 4x2-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 4, 3> | Specialization for 4x3-matrix |
Matrix_struct<T, 4, 4> | Specialization for 4x4-matrix |
Spectrum | Spectrum with floating point elements and operations |
Spectrum_struct | Generic storage class template for a Spectrum representation storing three floating point elements |
Vector | Fixed-size math vector class template with generic operations |
Vector_struct | Generic storage class template for math vector representations storing DIM elements of type T |
Vector_struct<T, 1> | Specialization for dimension 1 to create x member |
Vector_struct<T, 2> | Specialization for dimension 2 to create x and y member |
Vector_struct<T, 3> | Specialization for dimension 3 to create x, y, and z members |
Vector_struct<T, 4> | Specialization for dimension 4 to create x, y, z, and w members |
►neuraylib | Namespace for the DiCE API |
Base | This mixin class can be used to implement the mi::base::IInterface interface |
Element | This mixin class can be used to implement the mi::neuraylib::IElement interface |
Fragmented_job | This mixin class can be used to implement the mi::neuraylib::IFragmented_job interface |
IAllocator | The Allocator interface class supports allocating and releasing memory dynamically and querying the amount of extra memory used in the integrating application |
ICache_manager | Represents an instance of the cache manager |
ICache_manager_factory | This factory allows to create cache manager instances |
ICanvas | Abstract interface for a canvas represented by a rectangular array of tiles |
ICanvas_base | Abstract interface for a canvas (base class) |
ICanvas_cuda | Abstract interface for a canvas with CUDA device memory storage |
IChild_process_resolver | A filter used to decide if a command string to start a child process is eligible for execution |
IClient_node_callback | Abstract interface for signaling changed cluster members |
ICluster | This class represents an additional cluster to be used for storing data, communicating, and executing jobs |
ICluster_descriptor | This interface describes a cluster and its properties |
ICluster_factory | This API component is used to create additional clusters |
ICluster_filter | A filter used to decide whether a cluster is eligible to be joined |
ICluster_manager_cluster | Represents a cluster which was reserved through the cluster manager |
ICluster_manager_configuration | An API component which can be used to create a connection to a cluster manager |
ICluster_manager_connection | Represents a connection to a cluster manager |
ICluster_manager_node | Provides information about a node which is part of a node pool or reserved cluster |
ICluster_notification_callback | Abstract interface for giving notifications about errors and status changes |
ICluster_pool_information | Represents a pool of nodes managed though the cluster manager |
ICluster_property_callback | Abstract interface for signaling changed cluster properties |
IDatabase | This interface is used to interact with the distributed database |
IDatabase_configuration | This interface is used to query and change the database configuration |
IDebug_configuration | This interface represents an interface to set debug options |
IDeserializer | Source for deserializing objects from byte streams |
IDice_configuration | This interface allows configuration of DiCE |
IDice_transaction | A transaction provides a consistent view on the database |
IDistributed_cache | The distributed cache service can be used to create temporary objects in a cluster |
IElement | This interface represents the abstract base class for all database elements |
IExecution_listener | A callback interface used for asynchronous execution of fragmented jobs |
IExtension_api | This interface is used to extent the DiCE API |
IFactory | This API component allows the creation, assignment, and cloning of instances of types |
IFragmented_job | This interface represents the base class for all fragmented jobs |
IGeneral_configuration | This interface is used to query and change the general configuration |
IGpu_description | This interface describes a GPU |
IHead_node_callback | Abstract interface for signaling a change of the cluster application head node |
IHost_callback | Abstract interface to report cluster status changes |
IHost_properties | This interface contains information about a local or remote host |
IImage_api | This interface provides various utilities related to canvases and buffers |
IJob | This interface represents the base class for all database jobs |
IJob_execution_context | Provides information about the context in which a job is executed |
ILibrary_authenticator | This interface is used for authenticating the application against the library |
ILogging_configuration | This interface is used for configuring the logging for the DiCE library |
INetwork_configuration | This interface is used to query and change the networking configuration |
INetwork_statistics | This interface is used to inquire statistics about the network usage etc |
INeuray | This is an object representing the DiCE library |
INode_manager_client | The node manager client allows to start or join DiCE clusters built from worker nodes |
INode_manager_cluster | The interface to a cluster created and managed by the node manager |
INode_manager_factory | Factory to create node manager client and worker instances |
INode_manager_worker | The node manager worker class allows to set properties and announce them to other nodes |
IObject_receiver | The object receiver is responsible for creation and destruction of objects on the remote host |
IPlugin | The basic interface to be implemented by DiCE API plugins |
IPlugin_api | This abstract interface gives access to the DiCE API to plugins |
IPlugin_configuration | This interface is used to load plugins and to query information about loaded plugins |
IRDMA_buffer | An RDMA buffer represents a piece of pinned memory which can be used to transfer data over RDMA |
IRDMA_context | The RDMA context works as a cache for RDMA buffers |
IScheduler | The scheduler allows to execute fragmented jobs |
IScheduling_configuration | This interface is used to query and change the scheduling configuration |
IScope | A scope is the context which determines the visibility of database elements |
ISerializable | All serializable objects have to be derived from this interface |
ISerializer | Target for serializing objects to byte streams |
IShutdown_cluster_callback | Abstract interface for signaling a request to shutdown a cluster |
IShutdown_node_managers_callback | Abstract interface for signaling a request to shutdown all clients and workers |
ISoftware_package | Represents a software package installed on the pool of nodes |
ITag_set | Used to store a set of tags |
ITile | Abstract interface for a tile |
ITimer | This is an abstract interface class for a timer |
ITimer_class_factory | The registration of a timer class requires a factory which constructs an instance during deserialization |
ITimer_configuration | This class is used to start and stop timers |
IUser_class | Abstract interface for user-defined classes |
IUser_class_factory | Abstract interface for user class factories |
IVersion | Abstract interface for accessing version information |
IVideo_codec_factory | API component that allow creation of installed video encoders and decoders |
IVideo_data | A buffer for video data representing a frame |
IVideo_decoder | Abstract interface for video decoders |
IVideo_encoder | Abstract interface for video encoders |
IVideo_plugin | Abstract interface for video encoder plugins |
IWorker_node_callback | Abstract interface for signaling changed cluster members |
IWorker_node_descriptor | This interface describes a worker node and its properties |
IWorker_node_filter | A filter used to decide whether a worker node is eligible to be included in a cluster |
IWorker_node_property_callback | Abstract interface for signaling changed worker node properties |
IWorker_process_started_callback | Abstract interface for indicating that a worker process has been fully started |
Job | This mixin class can be used to implement the mi::neuraylib::IJob interface |
Tag | A tag represents a unique identifier for database elements in the database |
Tag_struct | A tag represents a unique identifier for database elements in the database |
Timer_class_factory | This mixin class provides a default implementation of the mi::neuraylib::ITimer_class_factory interface |
User_class | This mixin class should be used to implement the IUser_class interface |
User_class_factory | This mixin class provides a default implementation of the IUser_class_factory interface |
►rtmp | Namespace for the RTMP server of the DiCE API |
ICall_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of call events |
IConnect_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of connect events |
IConnection | The connection class represents a connection from a client to the server |
IFactory | The factory can be used to instantiate the built-in RTMP server |
IFrame_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of frame events |
IPause_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of pause events |
IPlay_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of play events |
IRender_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of render events |
IServer | The server builds a framework for the handlers |
IStream | Representing an RTMP stream |
IStream_event_handler | Superclass of all handlers of create stream events |
IArray | This interface represents static arrays, i.e., arrays with a fixed number of elements |
IBbox3 | This interface represents bounding boxes |
IBoolean | This interface represents bool |
IBoolean_2 | This interface represents a vector of two bool |
IBoolean_2_2 | This interface represents a 2 x 2 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_2_3 | This interface represents a 2 x 3 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_2_4 | This interface represents a 2 x 4 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_3 | This interface represents a vector of three bool |
IBoolean_3_2 | This interface represents a 3 x 2 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_3_3 | This interface represents a 3 x 3 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_3_4 | This interface represents a 3 x 4 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_4 | This interface represents a vector of four bool |
IBoolean_4_2 | This interface represents a 4 x 2 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_4_3 | This interface represents a 4 x 3 matrix of bool |
IBoolean_4_4 | This interface represents a 4 x 4 matrix of bool |
IColor | This interface represents RGBA colors |
IColor3 | This interface represents RGB colors |
ICompound | This interface represents compounds, i.e., vectors, matrices, colors, spectrums, and bounding boxes |
IConst_pointer | This interface represents const pointers |
IData | This interface is the base interface of all types |
IData_collection | This interface represents collections |
IData_simple | This interface represents simple types |
IDifference | This interface represents mi::Difference |
IDynamic_array | This interface represents dynamic arrays, i.e., arrays with a variable number of elements |
IEnum | This interface represents enums |
IEnum_decl | An enum declaration is used to describe enum types |
IFloat32 | This interface represents mi::Float32 |
IFloat32_2 | This interface represents a vector of two Float32 |
IFloat32_2_2 | This interface represents a 2 x 2 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_2_3 | This interface represents a 2 x 3 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_2_4 | This interface represents a 2 x 4 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_3 | This interface represents a vector of three Float32 |
IFloat32_3_2 | This interface represents a 3 x 2 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_3_3 | This interface represents a 3 x 3 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_3_4 | This interface represents a 3 x 4 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_4 | This interface represents a vector of four Float32 |
IFloat32_4_2 | This interface represents a 4 x 2 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_4_3 | This interface represents a 4 x 3 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat32_4_4 | This interface represents a 4 x 4 matrix of Float32 |
IFloat64 | This interface represents mi::Float64 |
IFloat64_2 | This interface represents a vector of two Float64 |
IFloat64_2_2 | This interface represents a 2 x 2 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_2_3 | This interface represents a 2 x 3 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_2_4 | This interface represents a 2 x 4 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_3 | This interface represents a vector of three Float64 |
IFloat64_3_2 | This interface represents a 3 x 2 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_3_3 | This interface represents a 3 x 3 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_3_4 | This interface represents a 3 x 4 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_4 | This interface represents a vector of four Float64 |
IFloat64_4_2 | This interface represents a 4 x 2 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_4_3 | This interface represents a 4 x 3 matrix of Float64 |
IFloat64_4_4 | This interface represents a 4 x 4 matrix of Float64 |
IMap | This interface represents maps, i.e., a key-value based data structure |
INumber | This interface represents simple numeric types |
IPointer | This interface represents mutable pointers |
IRef | A reference is an object that acts as a pointer to other database elements |
ISint16 | This interface represents mi::Sint16 |
ISint32 | This interface represents mi::Sint32 |
ISint32_2 | This interface represents a vector of two Sint32 |
ISint32_2_2 | This interface represents a 2 x 2 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_2_3 | This interface represents a 2 x 3 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_2_4 | This interface represents a 2 x 4 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_3 | This interface represents a vector of three Sint32 |
ISint32_3_2 | This interface represents a 3 x 2 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_3_3 | This interface represents a 3 x 3 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_3_4 | This interface represents a 3 x 4 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_4 | This interface represents a vector of four Sint32 |
ISint32_4_2 | This interface represents a 4 x 2 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_4_3 | This interface represents a 4 x 3 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint32_4_4 | This interface represents a 4 x 4 matrix of Sint32 |
ISint64 | This interface represents mi::Sint64 |
ISint8 | This interface represents mi::Sint8 |
ISize | This interface represents mi::Size |
ISpectrum | This interface represents spectrums |
IString | A simple string class |
IStructure | This interface represents structures, i.e., a key-value based data structure |
IStructure_decl | A structure declaration is used to describe structure types |
IUint16 | This interface represents mi::Uint16 |
IUint32 | This interface represents mi::Uint32 |
IUint32_2 | This interface represents a vector of two Uint32 |
IUint32_2_2 | This interface represents a 2 x 2 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_2_3 | This interface represents a 2 x 3 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_2_4 | This interface represents a 2 x 4 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_3 | This interface represents a vector of three Uint32 |
IUint32_3_2 | This interface represents a 3 x 2 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_3_3 | This interface represents a 3 x 3 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_3_4 | This interface represents a 3 x 4 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_4 | This interface represents a vector of four Uint32 |
IUint32_4_2 | This interface represents a 4 x 2 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_4_3 | This interface represents a 4 x 3 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint32_4_4 | This interface represents a 4 x 4 matrix of Uint32 |
IUint64 | This interface represents mi::Uint64 |
IUint8 | This interface represents mi::Uint8 |
IUuid | This interface represents UUIDs |
IVoid | This interface represents the void type |
Type_traits | Type traits relating interfaces, corresponding primitive types, and their type names |