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Example for Inlining MDL Code into Shaders (OptiX 7)
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This example shows how to inline the generated MDL code into the closest hit shader of an OptiX 7 example. This makes it possible to get rid of most MDL state related memory reads and writes, leading to much better performance at the cost of possibly higher compilation times.

New Topics

  • Execution of generated code (OptiX 7)
  • Linking and optimizing generated MDL code with renderer code
  • Limiting the number of exported PTX functions

Detailed Description

Execution of generated code (OptiX 7)

For OptiX 7, you use the CUDA PTX backend with the "direct_call" texture lookup call mode (see Texture lookup call modes of the PTX backend).

The example shows two ways to execute the generated code:

  • Using one closest hit shader program which calls different sets of callable programs for each material ("direct-call mode"), and
  • using several closest hit shader programs (one per material) where the generated material-specific MDL code has been inlined ("no-direct-call mode").

You can choose between the two ways by using the command-line option "--use-direct-call".

To illustrate the execution of both DF (distribution function) and non-DF expressions, we will use "surface.scattering" and "thin_walled" for each material.

For the direct-call mode, one hitgroup program group is created for the closest hit shader, which will call the generated MDL functions using "optixDirectCall". The indices of the functions to be called depend on the hitgroup data of the object hit by the current ray. For each material, the above expressions are translated into PTX code using the MDL SDK, turned into an OptiX module and one callable program is created for each generated function (init, sample, evaluate, pdf and thin_walled).

Sadly, this causes a lot of memory reads and writes as the MDL state has to be completely materialized in memory and provided to the generated functions via pointers. This makes this mode pretty slow.

For the no-direct-call mode, the example provides an LLVM bitcode version of the closest hit shader to the MDL SDK and instructs the MDL SDK to inline and optimize all generated code together with the closest hit shader, resulting in one specialized closest hit shader program per material. Thus, only the part of the MDL state, which is actually used, has to be calculated (the rest is optimized away), and can usually be stored in registers, avoiding most memory reads and writes.

Linking and optimizing generated MDL code with renderer code

For the no-direct-call mode, the closest hit shader of the renderer in this example contains calls to extern declared functions which the MDL SDK will generate.

To create the LLVM bitcode of the closest hit shader, we use Clang in a version matching the version used by the MDL SDK. Currently, this has to be Clang 12.0.1, which needs a CUDA 8 installation to be able to compile the closest hit shader. The texture runtime used by CUDA 9 and higher is not supported by Clang 12. CUDA 8 will not be used at runtime. On the command line, you should provide these options to ensure fast code and good compatibility with the generated code:

-O3 -ffast-math -fcuda-flush-denormals-to-zero -fno-vectorize

The resulting .bc file is then loaded as a binary file and provided to the CUDA PTX backend via the binary option "llvm_renderer_module" using the mi::neuraylib::IMdl_backend::set_option_binary() function. With this option set, the given module will be linked and optimized with the generated code.

Additionally, the example sets the "inline_aggressively" backend option using mi::neuraylib::IMdl_backend::set_option() to inline all functions, if possible. This also allows to inline the renderer provided texture runtime into the generated code, usually removing all the complex wrapping and cropping logic.

For each material instance, the closest hit shader is thus "instantiated" and specialized, when generating target code. From this target code, the example then creates the material-specific hitgroup program group for the closest hit shader.

Limiting the number of exported PTX functions

If you looked at the generated PTX code, you would notice, that the code contains the init, sample, evaluate, pdf and thin_walled functions, although nobody calls them anymore, because they were inlined into the closest hit function. So generating and processing all this PTX code is just a waste of time.

With the backend option "visible_functions", you can instruct the backend to try to avoid emitting PTX code for unneeded functions by making all other functions internal. This example only requests PTX code for the "__closesthit__radiance" function.

Additional notes

As OptiX 7 is using CUDA, the example can reuse the texture runtime of the CUDA examples. But vtable support has to be disabled, as you are not allowed to take function pointers in OptiX 7.

Also, the example disables the dummy scene data support and provides a set of simple own functions allowing to access example vertex colors and vertex row/column values of the generated sphere mesh.

To be able to compile the texture runtime with Clang 12.0.1, a set of __itex* functions is required in to map the texture functions to the correct PTX assembler instructions.

Example Source

To compile the source code, you need OptiX 7.0 or higher (, Clang 12.0.1 (, CUDA 8 (, GLFW, and GLEW. For detailed instructions, please refer to the Getting Started section.

Source Code Location: examples/mdl_sdk/optix7

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