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Example for Integrating the MDL Encapsulated Format
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This example illustrates the export of materials to the MDL encapsulated format as well as loading a material from an MDLE.

New Topics

  • Creating an MDLE from an existing material
  • Changing default values for parameters
  • Adding a thumbnail image and additional user files
  • Checking the file integrity of an existing MDLE
  • Loading an MDLE module and getting the main material/function

Detailed Description

Creating an MDLE

Core of the creation process is the mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api and the Mdle_data structure. A new instance of this structure is created using an mi::neuraylib::ITransaction:

mi::base::Handle<mi::IStructure> data(transaction->create<mi::IStructure>("Mdle_data"));

The fields of the structure describe the content of the MDLE to create. This includes the future main material or function which is specified by passing the database
name of an existing function definition of function call in the prototype_name field.

// get access to the prototype_name field
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> prototype(data->get_value<mi::IString>("prototype_name"));
// set a material definition

Depending on the selected prototype, different default parameters are generated for the future main material/function. In case a definition is provided, the default values of the definitions are copied. In case of an material instance or a function call, the arguments that have been applied during the instantiation are used instead. To override these defaults, a new mi::neuraylib::IExpression_list is created and new expressions are added for the parameters to override. Finally, the created list is set to the defaults field of
the Mdle_data structure.

// create a new set of named parameters
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IExpression_list> defaults(expression_factory->create_expression_list());
// set a new tint value
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IValue_color> tint_value(value_factory->create_color(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f));
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IExpression_constant> tint_expr(expression_factory->create_constant(tint_value.get()));
defaults->add_expression("tint", tint_expr.get());
// pass the defaults the Mdle_data structure
data->set_value("defaults", defaults.get());

Note, that all parameters need to be set to create an MDLE. This allows a drag-and-drop workflow and out-of-the-box usage without further setup.

Optionally, a thumbnail can be added to the MDLE. Since there is a high chance of changed default parameters, existing thumbnail images are not added automatically. Instead, the path to the correct thumbnail needs to be added manually. This path can either be relative to a search path or a file system path.

// get access to the thumbnail_path field
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> thumbnail(data->get_value<mi::IString>("thumbnail_path"));
// set the image path

Besides the thumbnail arbitrary user files can be added using an array of Mdle_user_file structures. Each of those has a source_path field to select the file to add. Again, this can either be relative to a search path or a file system path. The second field, target_path, specifies the path in the created MDLE relative to the root.

To trigger the actual MDLE export, the Mdle_data structure, along with a target file path, is passed to mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api::export_mdle provided by the MDLE API component:

// get the MDLE api component
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api> mdle_api(neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api>());
// export the material
const char* mdle_file_name = "example_material_blue.mdle";
mdle_api->export_mdle(transaction.get(), mdle_file_name, data.get(), context.get());
// ... check context for errors and warnings

Analogously, functions can be exported to MDLE, too. Note, that the database name of functions consists of the function name itself followed by its parameter list.

Checking the integrity of existing MDLE files

Each file in an MDLE is stored along with a MD5 hash and the MDLE itself has a 8 byte header that contains the letters MDLE and a version number. Both, header and hashes can be checked using the mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api::validate_mdle function of the MDLE API component.

// get the MDLE api component
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api> mdle_api(neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IMdle_api>());
// export the material
std::string mdle_path = get_working_directory() + "/example_material_blue.mdle";
mi::Sint32 res = mdle_api->validate_mdle(mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());

The return value as well as the context can be checked in order to see whether the file is valid.

Loading and MDLE material or function

In order to simplify the integration of MDLE into existing systems, an MDLE file is loaded like any other MDL module. Therefore the absolute file path to the MDLE is passed instead of a qualified module name.

std::string mdle_path = get_working_directory() + "/example_material_blue.mdle";
mdl_compiler->load_module(transaction.get(), mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());
// ... check context for errors and warnings

After successfully loading the module, the main function is available in the database. To identify MDLE elements, there is an mdle prefix instead of the usual mdl. The prefix is followed by the normalized MDLE file path (using forward slashes and a leading slash), followed by the material/function name. Note, that function names again have their parameter list appended. The sample contains helper functions to construct these database names:

std::string db_name_mat = mdle_to_db_name(mdle_path);
std::string db_name_func = mdle_to_db_name_with_signature(transaction.get(), mdle_path);

From that point, the functions and materials can be used as any other MDL function or material.

Example Source

Source Code Location: examples/mdl_sdk/mdle/example_mdle.cpp

* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/mdl_sdk/mdle/example_mdle.cpp
// Access the MDLE API and create MDLE files from existing mdl materials or functions.
#include <iostream>
// Include code shared by all examples.
#include "example_shared.h"
int MAIN_UTF8( int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[])
// Access the MDL SDK
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray(mi::examples::mdl::load_and_get_ineuray());
if (!neuray.is_valid_interface())
exit_failure("Failed to load the SDK.");
// Configure the MDL SDK
if (!mi::examples::mdl::configure(neuray.get()))
exit_failure("Failed to initialize the SDK.");
// Start the MDL SDK
mi::Sint32 ret = neuray->start();
if (ret != 0)
exit_failure("Failed to initialize the SDK. Result code: %d", ret);
// Access the database and create a transaction.
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IScope> scope(database->get_global_scope());
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ITransaction> transaction(scope->create_transaction());
// Load the module "tutorials".
// There is no need to configure any module search paths since
// the mdl example folder is by default in the search path.
transaction.get(), "::nvidia::sdk_examples::tutorials", context.get()) >= 0);
// get the MDLE api component
// setup the export to mdle
mi::base::Handle<mi::IStructure> data(transaction->create<mi::IStructure>("Mdle_data"));
// specify the material/function that will become the "main" of the MDLE
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> prototype(data->get_value<mi::IString>("prototype_name"));
// change a default values
// create a new set of named parameters
// set a new tint value
value_factory->create_color(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f));
defaults->add_expression("tint", tint_expr.get());
// set a new roughness value
defaults->add_expression("roughness", rough_expr.get());
// pass the defaults the Mdle_data struct
data->set_value("defaults", defaults.get());
// set thumbnail (files in the search paths or absolute file paths allowed as fall back)
std::string thumbnail_path = mi::examples::mdl::get_examples_root()
+ "/mdl/nvidia/sdk_examples/resources/example_thumbnail.png";
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> thumbnail(data->get_value<mi::IString>("thumbnail_path"));
// add additional files
// each user file ...
// ... is defined by a source path ...
std::string readme_path = mi::examples::mdl::get_examples_root()
+ "/mdl/nvidia/sdk_examples/resources/example_readme.txt";
// ... and a target path (inside the MDLE)
// all user files are passed as array
user_file_array->set_element(0, user_file.get());
data->set_value("user_files", user_file_array.get());
// start the actual export
const char* mdle_file_name = "example_material_blue.mdle";
mdle_api->export_mdle(transaction.get(), mdle_file_name, data.get(), context.get());
// check and load an MDLE
std::string mdle_path =
mi::examples::io::get_working_directory() + "/" + mdle_file_name;
// optional: check integrity of a (the created) MDLE file.
mdle_api->validate_mdle(mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());
// load the MDLE module
mdl_impexp_api->load_module(transaction.get(), mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());
// get database name of MDLE module
std::cerr << "MDLE DB name: " << mdle_db_name->get_c_str() << std::endl;
// the main material of an MDLE module is always called "main"
std::string main_db_name(mdle_db_name->get_c_str());
main_db_name += "::main(color,float)";
std::cerr << "MDLE main DB name: " << main_db_name << std::endl;
// get the main material
// use the material ...
std::cerr << "Successfully created and loaded " << mdle_file_name << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// access the user file
mdle_api->get_user_file(mdle_path.c_str(), "readme.txt", context.get()));
// print the content to the console
mi::Sint64 file_size = reader->get_file_size();
char* content = new char[file_size + 1];
content[file_size] = '\0';
reader->read(content, file_size);
std::cerr << "content of the readme.txt:" << std::endl << content << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// export a function to a second MDLE
const char* mdle_file_name2 = "example_function.mdle";
// setup the export to MDLE
mi::base::Handle<mi::IStructure> data(transaction->create<mi::IStructure>("Mdle_data"));
// specify the material/function that will become the "main" of the MDLE
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> prototype(data->get_value<mi::IString>("prototype_name"));
// set parameters, the 'example_function' has no defaults
// create a new set of named parameters
// set a new tint value
value_factory->create_color(1.0f, 0.66f, 0.33f));
defaults->add_expression("tint", tint_expr.get());
// set a new distance value
defaults->add_expression("distance", distance_expr.get());
// pass the defaults the Mdle_data struct
data->set_value("defaults", defaults.get());
// start the actual export
mdle_api->export_mdle(transaction.get(), mdle_file_name2, data.get(), context.get());
// check and load the function again
std::string mdle_path =
mi::examples::io::get_working_directory() + "/" + mdle_file_name2;
// optional: check integrity of a (the created) MDLE file.
mdle_api->validate_mdle(mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());
// load the MDLE module
mdl_impexp_api->load_module(transaction.get(), mdle_path.c_str(), context.get());
// get database name of MDLE module
std::cerr << "MDLE DB name: " << mdle_db_name->get_c_str() << std::endl;
// get database name of main function
std::string main_db_name = mdle_db_name->get_c_str() + std::string("::main");
check_success(functions->get_length() == 1);
functions->get_element<const mi::IString>(0));
main_db_name = main_db_name_str->get_c_str();
std::cerr << "MDLE main DB name: " << main_db_name << std::endl;
// get the main function
// use the function ...
std::cerr << "Successfully created and loaded " << mdle_file_name2 << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// since the same MDLE can be stored at various different places with different name
// it could be valuable to check if the content of two MDLE is equal
std::string mdle_path_a =
mi::examples::io::get_working_directory() + "/" + mdle_file_name;
std::string mdle_path_b =
mi::examples::io::get_working_directory() + "/" + mdle_file_name2;
// comparing an MDLE with itself should work
mi::Sint32 res = mdle_api->compare_mdle(
mdle_path_a.c_str(), mdle_path_a.c_str(), context.get());
std::cerr << "Comparing " << mdle_file_name << " with " << mdle_file_name
<< " resulted in: " << std::to_string(res) << std::endl;
// this will fail
res = mdle_api->compare_mdle(mdle_path_a.c_str(), mdle_path_b.c_str(), context.get());
std::cerr << "Comparing " << mdle_file_name << " with " << mdle_file_name2
<< " resulted in: " << std::to_string(res) << std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All transactions need to get committed.
// Shut down the MDL SDK
if (neuray->shutdown() != 0)
exit_failure("Failed to shutdown the SDK.");
// Unload the MDL SDK
neuray = nullptr;
if (!mi::examples::mdl::unload())
exit_failure("Failed to unload the SDK.");
// Convert command line arguments to UTF8 on Windows
This interface represents static arrays, i.e., arrays with a fixed number of elements.
Definition: iarray.h:37
A simple string class.
Definition: istring.h:22
This interface represents structures, i.e., a key-value based data structure.
Definition: istructure.h:44
Handle class template for interfaces, automatizing the lifetime control via reference counting.
Definition: handle.h:113
This interface is used to interact with the distributed database.
Definition: idatabase.h:289
This interface represents a function definition.
Definition: ifunction_definition.h:44
Factory for various MDL interfaces and functions.
Definition: imdl_factory.h:53
API component for MDL related import and export operations.
Definition: imdl_impexp_api.h:43
Provides access to functions related to the creation of encapsulated MDL modules (MDLE).
Definition: imdle_api.h:30
This interface represents an MDL module.
Definition: imodule.h:634
long long Sint64
64-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:61
signed int Sint32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:46
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