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File List
All documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 assert.hAssertions and compile-time assertions
 atom.h32-bit unsigned counter with atomic arithmetic, increments, and decrements
 condition.hMultithreading condition
 config.hConfiguration of the Base API
 default_allocator.hDefault allocator implementation based on global new and delete
 enums.hBasic enums
 handle.hSmart-pointer handle class for interfaces, const and non-const version
 iallocator.hAllocator interface class to dynamically allocate and deallocate memory
 iinterface.hThe basic extensible interface
 ilogger.hLogger interface class that supports message logging
 interface_declare.hMixin class template for deriving new interface declarations
 interface_implement.hMixin class template for deriving interface implementations
 interface_merger.hMixin class template to merge an interface with an implementation
 lock.hMultithreading locks
 plugin.hBase class for all plugins
 std_allocator.hStandard STL allocator implementation
 types.hBasic types
 uuid.hA 128 bit representation of a universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID)
 version.hMajor and minor version number and an optional qualifier
 base.hBase API